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Burst blood vessels and internal bleeds advice please


Oct 18, 2006
Ok, I'm man down, sutained an injury and had a small internal bleed according to my doctor, She said it will be a month before i recover properly and can train again, ayone know anyways to speed up recovery or the dissipation of the blood without drainage (which doctor said is a bad idea because of risk of infection). Homeopathic or otherwise?

best wishes,

a donked donker
I would listen to your doctor. Let your body heal. A month is not that long in the big picture. Keep your mind busy and the time will go fast. I am speaking from experience from being laid up 6 months and forced out of the gym due to an injury a few years back. Its a bummer, I know, but don't let it get you down, every serious athlete has roadblocks from time to time.
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First thing that comes to my mind when I read this is did they discover what probably caused the bleeding? What part of the body etc. Sounds serious to me. Wondering if you have high blood pressure that might contribute to it?
As far as what to do to speed recovery, thats a tough one. Only advice I would give is to follow docotor's orders and be sure to get good nutrition and lots of sleep. If youre worried about taking 1 month off from lifting, dont worry. The muscle and conditioning you loose will come back within 1 month of hard training. I always found it a 1:1 ratio when comparing time off to time to recover previous conditioning. That is as long as you arent bed ridden or severely hampered. It did take me a long time to come back from triple hernia surgery, but I doubt what you have will be that rough.
long story!! I was hit, not in a bad way either it was an accident! on the thigh area between glutus maximums and quad, I always get stupid injuiries, its frankly sad just how often i do, and frustrating. Going to try some chinese herbal remedy from a kung fu mate who says he can help a little, other than that, the reason the timing is so bad is cos my condition is good, I've been training hard for some time and was just enjoying the fruits of my labour so to speak. Basically the blood vessel has burst deep in the thigh and i absolutely can't move it, can't drive or walk either, so gym is totally out, funny thing you mentioned hernia surgery all the bruising has surounded my scar from the 2 I've had. Where internal bleeding and bruising are conserned I do know very little, but a month seems a long time to sit doing not a lot waiting for blood to dissipate, I just wondered if there was a way to help the process along a little, I realise I sound impatient and maybe a little stupid too!! my blood pressure is good, health very good, fitness and nutrition solid, but i really hate being laid up cheers for advice you 2
long story!! I was hit, not in a bad way either it was an accident! on the thigh area between glutus maximums and quad, I always get stupid injuiries, its frankly sad just how often i do, and frustrating. Going to try some chinese herbal remedy from a kung fu mate who says he can help a little, other than that, the reason the timing is so bad is cos my condition is good, I've been training hard for some time and was just enjoying the fruits of my labour so to speak. Basically the blood vessel has burst deep in the thigh and i absolutely can't move it, can't drive or walk either, so gym is totally out, funny thing you mentioned hernia surgery all the bruising has surounded my scar from the 2 I've had. Where internal bleeding and bruising are conserned I do know very little, but a month seems a long time to sit doing not a lot waiting for blood to dissipate, I just wondered if there was a way to help the process along a little, I realise I sound impatient and maybe a little stupid too!! my blood pressure is good, health very good, fitness and nutrition solid, but i really hate being laid up cheers for advice you 2

SOUnds more serious than I first thought. Sounds like you rupture your femoral artery! Play it safe for sure.
long story!! I was hit, not in a bad way either it was an accident! on the thigh area between glutus maximums and quad, I always get stupid injuiries, its frankly sad just how often i do, and frustrating. Going to try some chinese herbal remedy from a kung fu mate who says he can help a little, other than that, the reason the timing is so bad is cos my condition is good, I've been training hard for some time and was just enjoying the fruits of my labour so to speak. Basically the blood vessel has burst deep in the thigh and i absolutely can't move it, can't drive or walk either, so gym is totally out, funny thing you mentioned hernia surgery all the bruising has surounded my scar from the 2 I've had. Where internal bleeding and bruising are conserned I do know very little, but a month seems a long time to sit doing not a lot waiting for blood to dissipate, I just wondered if there was a way to help the process along a little, I realise I sound impatient and maybe a little stupid too!! my blood pressure is good, health very good, fitness and nutrition solid, but i really hate being laid up cheers for advice you 2

Yikes, that sux. Sorry to hear that! Take it easy on that like Maldorf said. You sure don't want to risk a set-back! When I was out due to my quad tendon injury, I would wheel my wheelchair into my home office and work, or surf the net, or read whatever I could to make the time pass. It sure helped me. I know its frustrating when you hit that good point in the gym and then get slammed with a zinger to put you out for a while… but you will get back to that good condition.
Yikes, that sux. Sorry to hear that! Take it easy on that like Maldorf said. You sure don't want to risk a set-back! When I was out due to my quad tendon injury, I would wheel my wheelchair into my home office and work, or surf the net, or read whatever I could to make the time pass. It sure helped me. I know its frustrating when you hit that good point in the gym and then get slammed with a zinger to put you out for a while… but you will get back to that good condition.

cheers bud just reading that has cheered me up. Rest and recovery for a while. Going to try and eat at maintanance, especially as i do get fat pretty easy too, and pick back up when i feel good again.

thanks for the kind words
cheers bud just reading that has cheered me up. Rest and recovery for a while. Going to try and eat at maintanance, especially as i do get fat pretty easy too, and pick back up when i feel good again.

thanks for the kind words

Yeah, just try to eat when hungry like Phil says. that might even mean that you only eat 2 or 3 meals a day. If you force yourself to eat meals when youre not hungry you are just going to build up bodyfat. I think your maintenance level is going to progressively decrease as time passes. Dont be afraid I say. Let your stomach and the mirror be your guide. I know that when after my hernia surgery I made myself eat more than I needed and I just put on bodyfat.
I would be very careful. I'm not trying to scare you, but didn't Bapper have a similiar injury that he didn't get checked out as soon as he should have? We all know the terrible tragedy that followed. Blood clots can be killers! See the doctor again if things aren't progressing...Good Luck. I hope everything turns out okay!!
I think your doctor is wrong. The doc says to leave a puddle of blood somewhere is shouldn't be because of the risk of infection incurred when draining the polled blood?

Did your doctor ever go to medical school?

Has he or she ever heard of antibiotics?

Like Bio mentioned, bloodclots can be serious. Is the risk of infection safer than the risk of a chunk of clotted blood breaking up from the rest of the big pool & floating through your body looking for a heart valve to mess with or a blood vessel in your brain to clog up?

I'd demand a course of antibiotics & drain the pooled blood.

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