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Calves site injections


New member
Aug 10, 2002
hello all of professional muscle,

im new on this forum and im thinking to use something to help the growth of my calves. i don't got good genetic for large calves and ever trainned calves more than muscles in other areas. Im in visual proportion (legs - trunk - arms) by now but i fear to start to train heavily trunk and arms muscles and don't get proportional
results on the legs (calves) and appear an " Y ".

Now i resolved to try the use of something. I read some posts in this forum and i wanna known about the use of:
Prostaglandin F2-Alpha (PGF2A), winny, fina, igf-1, synthol, viramone prop, T400, others?

Mostly of that i can't say what is because i don't known.. but i known that PGF2A is used on veterinary for control of females reproduction, IGF-1 (Insulin-like Grow factor-1) i think is ideal but too expensive, and read that synthol may keep oil or fat into the
muscle for a long time.

Im looking for muscle growth and able to train and train and train the calves to obtain it bigger..
i dont give priority for just "fake well calves" but if it's the way.. i will.

so if anyone had experiences (or heared someone that had good results)with any of the above products or other or combinations please tell me so i'll study the possible about it.

Im ready to start a cycle with GH, it's the principally and most efficient IGF-1 precursor and i'll train hypertrophy "over enough" my calves.. but i wanna use other drug sited on the calves to secure the results.

i've done seo in the calves with very nice results. i am presently on a fat loss cycle and i am doing fina/seo daily in the calves as well, one shot per head per day, i just rotate injections. my calves were once my weak bodypart, i now have no weak bodyparts except some blubber around the gut. just kidding about no weak bodyparts. but after fifteen years of training and being obsessed with balance i am quite comfortable with that aspect of my phyisque. of course overall mass is not what i want, but how many of us are really happy anyway with total mass??
be prepared for some pain in the calves and the shots are not much fun, always use a fresh needle, and use an 18guage to draw up the anabolic cocktail.
El_barto said:
Now i resolved to try the use of something. I read some posts in this forum and i wanna known about the use of:
Prostaglandin F2-Alpha (PGF2A), winny, fina, igf-1, synthol, viramone prop, T400, others?

PGF2 - you have to inject it locally (in the calves) several times a day (4). VERY painful shots. Also, a side effect is that as soon as you inject it, you have to go to the toilet and have a shit. And that is EVERY shot. It will make the calves a little bit bigger. It will make them ripped.

Winny - stanazolol - steroid. It will make you grow all over. Sopme theorise that because it is a suspencion (no ester) it might increase muscles size in the muscle that you inject it in. It's all debatable.

Fina - trenbolone - steorid. Excellent for overall size. If you inject it locally, it will inflame the calves for a few days and make them look a little bit bigger, temporarily.

IGF-1 - works overall on thebody. It's an 'advanced' compound. You are supposed to use GH and insulin and gear with it. It will give you a 'quality 3D' look that other drugs will not be able to. Debatable whether it will make the calves grow if you inject it into them.

Synthol - Syntherol - that will make your calves bigger. You do it properly, you will have permanent size of 2" - 3" Read the thread at the top of the board called 'Site Enhancing Oils - a 'how to' guide' It will explain to you the proper use of Syntherol.

Viramone prop and T400 - testosterone - steroid, will make you big all over. If you inject it in your calves, it will make your calves look a bit bigger for a few days because of inflamation.

Regarding of what you do, all calves injections HURT!
Re: Re: Calves site injections

Big A said:

PGF2 - you have to inject it locally (in the calves) several times a day (4). VERY painful shots. Also, a side effect is that as soon as you inject it, you have to go to the toilet and have a shit. And that is EVERY shot. It will make the calves a little bit bigger. It will make them ripped.

Winny - stanazolol - steroid. It will make you grow all over. Sopme theorise that because it is a suspencion (no ester) it might increase muscles size in the muscle that you inject it in. It's all debatable.

IGF-1 - works overall on thebody. It's an 'advanced' compound. You are supposed to use GH and insulin and gear with it. It will give you a 'quality 3D' look that other drugs will not be able to. Debatable whether it will make the calves grow if you inject it into them.

Regarding of what you do, all calves injections HURT!

Will help get localized growth but not alot. You will, will, be on the can for a majority of the time.

Winny/test susp both esterless, will cause the muscle fibers to swell/stretch allowing for new growth. In the calves it depends on white or red muscle fibers.

IGF-1 is a great compound often misunderstood. It needs high doses. Plain and simple. GH turns into IGF1 and 2 in the liver. Dbol and other 17aa cause a release of it. It is a great, but expensive drug.

As for calf injection, no way in hell for me lol.
Calves are my weak muscle group also. So I thought I would just use SEOs to pump them up. But man, let me tell you..........its painfull!! Be prepaired to limp around for a few days after injection!!

Try putting eq and winny in them right before you train them.....it will hurt a little but it should add some size.....use good strict form with as heavy as weight as you can, concentrate mostly on your form though. You can hit them a couple time a week too. Take care.

calve injections are always fun , avoid putting anything with prop in it for first few injections then start adding prop i n the gear mix and last put not least SEO your calves will be growing like nothing else :)

thankyou all for the opnions.. and as i seen the most reply's told me to shot, in general, steroids. But i didn't said that im still growing height size (did age bony test), i never used steroids cause it probably would saw my linear growth hastening the close process of the bonies epiphysis. So i'll not grow anymore. Then im thinking use no steroids by now.. im 20y 5'8" height and will grow until 21/22y cause i had lower retarded puberty.
Back to the thread topic.. i'll use something like PGF2A or SEOs.

First i'll try PGF2A with GH (not sited.. global injection.. but will train heavily calves than others muscles). What do you guys thing about ? Im accepting diffents sugestions whether ya think PGF2A is not a good choose.
If i don't get good results.. probably i'll try SEOs.

regards for all.

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