My method for winning arguments goes something like this:
An argument will start <-----> It goes back and forth for awhile. You know; the downward double helix of rage filled discussion, until retorts are exhausted and the same is repeated again. <-----> I think to myself, "Why am I arguing?" <-----> I say to her, "I'm done talking." <-----> I go mute for the rest of the day. <-----> At the end of the day she is begging me to talk. A simple "goodnight" before I go to bed will assuage her fears that "it's" finally happened. <-----> I see that as a win.
Yes, it's a bit extreme, and probably borderline psychotic, but don't knock it 'til you try it. Also, it's not something I use all the time, only for those arguments where they get so bad you can start to feel the rage ringing in your ears and the dull numbing sensation in your teeth.