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keeping my old man young (gh)


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Feb 6, 2023
so my father is turning 72 this year, and he's in great shape

i'd like to keep him that way for as long as possible. i see a lot of older folks at the clinic, and would hate to see my father falling apart in the way that these people are.

i currently have him on 125mg of test undecanoate a week (one shot a week to increase the odds of his adherence to the program), and would like to start him on some gh.

i have a refrigerator full of TP's black tops, and was thinking of putting him on one third of a bottle M/W/F - lower frequency to increase his adherence

was interested in hearing other people's thoughts on this - especially the older, more experienced folks.
so my father is turning 72 this year, and he's in great shape

i'd like to keep him that way for as long as possible. i see a lot of older folks at the clinic, and would hate to see my father falling apart in the way that these people are.

i currently have him on 125mg of test undecanoate a week (one shot a week to increase the odds of his adherence to the program), and would like to start him on some gh.

i have a refrigerator full of TP's black tops, and was thinking of putting him on one third of a bottle M/W/F - lower frequency to increase his adherence

was interested in hearing other people's thoughts on this - especially the older, more experienced folks.
As much crap as people give @emeric delczeg on here, his protocol is pretty close to what I would suggest someone do his age in terms of Test and HGH.

The daily injections at the low amounts would be ideal and my same approach at his age. If he doesn’t like the daily pinning he could split it out, but my guess is if he’s like many his age there won’t be an issue with a daily slin pin shot.

I personally wouldn’t drink the 12 eggs every morning 😂, but the hormone amounts and humanofort. 👌
Load him up with some gh he'll be slinging those weights like nothing, lol. In all seriousness it should do your pops quite well. I'm almost 60 and I heard great things so might even run gh myself.
My dad is 74 now , been on TRT for 11 years (20mg a day last 6 years) and 2iu HGH (TPs Black) for 4 years and he definitely in better shape now than he was before the HGH.
He eats 3 meals a day pretty much the exact same shit every day , sort of a carnivore diet mostly meat and eggs with a little fruit with breakfast and a couple beers after dinner.

Id definitely say the HGH is worth it for him. His girlfriend draws up his two shots each night and he doesn't mind the two shots a night
As much crap as people give @emeric delczeg on here, his protocol is pretty close to what I would suggest someone do his age in terms of Test and HGH.

The daily injections at the low amounts would be ideal and my same approach at his age. If he doesn’t like the daily pinning he could split it out, but my guess is if he’s like many his age there won’t be an issue with a daily slin pin shot.

I personally wouldn’t drink the 12 eggs every morning 😂, but the hormone amounts and humanofort. 👌

my father is not a bodybuilder.. so he has the same degree of infatuation with needles that the average person has

that's the reasoning behind using nebido

i have seen a few posts on this board indicating that m/w/f dosing for GH is almost as ideal as ED dosing.. i was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this for a senior citizen
As much crap as people give @emeric delczeg on here, his protocol is pretty close to what I would suggest someone do his age in terms of Test and HGH.

The daily injections at the low amounts would be ideal and my same approach at his age. If he doesn’t like the daily pinning he could split it out, but my guess is if he’s like many his age there won’t be an issue with a daily slin pin shot.

I personally wouldn’t drink the 12 eggs every morning 😂, but the hormone amounts and humanofort. 👌
Emeric must be like the Godfather of this forum...he's got a physique at his age that younger people would envy. Respect!
My dad is 74 now , been on TRT for 11 years (20mg a day last 6 years) and 2iu HGH (TPs Black) for 4 years and he definitely in better shape now than he was before the HGH.
He eats 3 meals a day pretty much the exact same shit every day , sort of a carnivore diet mostly meat and eggs with a little fruit with breakfast and a couple beers after dinner.

Id definitely say the HGH is worth it for him. His girlfriend draws up his two shots each night and he doesn't mind the two shots a night

that's good to know that the GH has made a noticeable difference in his physique - even at such a low dose.
that's good to know that the GH has made a noticeable difference in his physique - even at such a low dose.
Well hes eating more and hasn't gained any weight , he hasn't lost any noticeable amount of muscle since starting the HGH which i attribute to the GH and of course the food , where is was even on the TRT before starting the GH
my father is not a bodybuilder.. so he has the same degree of infatuation with needles that the average person has

that's the reasoning behind using nebido

i have seen a few posts on this board indicating that m/w/f dosing for GH is almost as ideal as ED dosing.. i was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this for a senior citizen
Sorry I should have clarified- my wife works with a ton of 70 year old bio hackers in her practice. 1-2 units of HGH 3x a week and low dose T is the go to. 70mg a week at that age is sufficient snd makes a huge difference.

At that age and for the goal just getting it in would be my suggestion. 😊
As much crap as people give @emeric delczeg on here, his protocol is pretty close to what I would suggest someone do his age in terms of Test and HGH.

The daily injections at the low amounts would be ideal and my same approach at his age. If he doesn’t like the daily pinning he could split it out, but my guess is if he’s like many his age there won’t be an issue with a daily slin pin shot.

I personally wouldn’t drink the 12 eggs every morning 😂, but the hormone amounts and humanofort. 👌
Emeric is someone I have followed for many years,,,His protocols are well researched and educated!
so my father is turning 72 this year, and he's in great shape

i'd like to keep him that way for as long as possible. i see a lot of older folks at the clinic, and would hate to see my father falling apart in the way that these people are.

i currently have him on 125mg of test undecanoate a week (one shot a week to increase the odds of his adherence to the program), and would like to start him on some gh.

i have a refrigerator full of TP's black tops, and was thinking of putting him on one third of a bottle M/W/F - lower frequency to increase his adherence

was interested in hearing other people's thoughts on this - especially the older, more experienced folks.
I will be 72 my self, HGH is a good idea, however it will converted to only1 growth factor IGF-1, as we age not just IGF-1 diminish other growth factors do also, in some people more than others, our health and longevity depend on those growth factors, especially FGFs, in my opinion and other MDs that I work with, they all agree. Try the Humanofort which naturally occurring all FGFs, IGF-1, IGF-2 , CTGF, EGF and NGF (never growth factors). We can talk if you want.
In my 60's. Started HGH over 10 years ago. I can't say anything miraculous happened. But i'm still in far better shape than most guys years younger than me. But i was before the GH. Healthy diet seems to be the #1 thing for me. Seems true HGH replacement is in the 1-2 u.i range for older people from the studies i have seen. BBers although usually think more is better. At 3 i.u. a day of high quality GH i start to have side effects. And animal studies i have seen show those with the highest levels of GH have shorter life spans on the average. How much quality of life is worth possible downsides is up the the individual. .

I will be 72 my self, HGH is a good idea, however it will converted to only1 growth factor IGF-1, as we age not just IGF-1 diminish other growth factors do also, in some people more than others, our health and longevity depend on those growth factors, especially FGFs, in my opinion and other MDs that I work with, they all agree. Try the Humanofort which naturally occurring all FGFs, IGF-1, IGF-2 , CTGF, EGF and NGF (never growth factors). We can talk if you want.
Would you say someone in their 70’s should be doing ONLY humanofort or both- low HGH with it?

It’s my opinion and position they should do both, but curious your thoughts and stance.
I had my mom on it for like 6 months when she was 65 she did great. ranch life
1iu per day or every other day. I will mention she has diverticulitis and it helped her symptoms as well as sense of well being, energy levels, deep sleep, and just overall better attitude

she stopped because she has had skin cancer before and was afraid it may proliferate
It can , with Humanofort 1IU HGH only.

where can i find this humanofort?

i want to keep my father up and about, as strong for as long as possible

because im too busy and too poor to take care of him lol
A certain someone posted a reference to some guidelines for adult GHD and the starting dosage was 0.6 units and increased by 200-300mcg (every 1mg is 3iu of course) every 1-2 months based on igf-1 and eventual side effects. If the GH is possibly under or overdosed you can't be that precise of course. So that reference was similar to the one above.

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