i tried posting this up real quick but its do many damn charcters, lol i didnt know your only allowed 500.
your view of ronnie is very sickening, and very nieve! Ronnie obviously uses aas as do all top level bodybuilders, but not once has ronnie spoken to the public about his use of these compounds. Ronnie is a standup good guy, you have probably never met him yet your making rediculous accusations about the kind of person he is! Spend some time worrying about yourself and your family and worry less about making other look bad to bring up your own selfesteem. Have you ever heard of judjing a book by its cover? Well congrats you just did it, and it makes me believe you very intelligent! Oh and please even if you have got a terrible migrane or ache never take one asprin more than the bottle recamends because then you would be abusing an otc drug thats right a drug. One last thing those of you who may believe that ronnies physique is only because of his aas use, think again! Steroids are 5% of why he looks the way he does diet is more important than anything and i can prove that if you would like. diet, rest, training, and aas are very last in importance.