I am trying to find out if using a mass spectrometer or G.C. can be used to analyze compounds. It has been a number of years since I had my Chem courses and figured I'd ask it here. Since most are in a solution - oil or water based it is my assumption that separation would be required prior to analyzing. Is there an easier method for determining if the compound is what it is supposed to be? Or perhaps just belong to a family of steroids? Not just oils. Calculating concentration of mixture would likely be too wasteful. Unfortunately, my chem classes had unlimited supplies of unknown product and waste was not an issue. The Gas Chromatograph was only used for confirmation purposes in the course I had. This is probably an easy question for those who weren't scared off by quant and qual Chem like I was- Once I passed organic 1 and 2 - I wimped out and became a bio major. Thanks