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Growth hormone replacement therapy reduces risk of cancer in adult with growth hormone deficiency: A meta-analysis

Black Beard

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2016

Its a common belief that HGH promotes or increases risk of cancer, but it isnt so simple.

A strong immune system helps keep cancer growth in check. (The body can destroy cancer cells before they grow and spread). HGH is a very potent immune system booster.

We see cancer risk increase as we age (and our HGH reliably decrease as we age).

@Type-IIx @theprovider
While i would like to think taking some HGH would make me healthier and live longer, especially since i have been taking it for some time. But most every system in the body declines with age hormones, digestion, sleep etc. So having low HGH levels being the culprit may not be the whole story. And animal studies seem to show that those with the highest levels have shorter life spans. I am not convinced it is a miracle drug. But if it keeps me going well even if not longer then i can live with that.

Its a common belief that HGH promotes or increases risk of cancer, but it isnt so simple.

A strong immune system helps keep cancer growth in check. (The body can destroy cancer cells before they grow and spread). HGH is a very potent immune system booster.

We see cancer risk increase as we age (and our HGH reliably decrease as we age).

@Type-IIx @theprovider
Love when actual data gets presented like this.

I explore the anti-aging community quite often and whenever the topic of HGH comes up in those parts, they pretty much have it stuck in their brains that HGH causes cancer and accelerates aging (they like to present a study on dwarves with Laron Syndrome to make this argument since they have no IGF1 and don't get cancer). Hard to convince them otherwise.

If HGH was causing so much cancer, why isn't cancer running wild in bodybuilders? It seems like it's rare for bodybuilders to get cancer. Heart disease, absolutely. But Cancer? We just aren't seeing it that often. And with recent research showing that resistance training is one of the most anti-cancer things we can do, it makes sense.
While i would like to think taking some HGH would make me healthier and live longer, especially since i have been taking it for some time. But most every system in the body declines with age hormones, digestion, sleep etc. So having low HGH levels being the culprit may not be the whole story. And animal studies seem to show that those with the highest levels have shorter life spans. I am not convinced it is a miracle drug. But if it keeps me going well even if not longer then i can live with that.
Everything has a sweet spot, like hypo and hyper thyroidism. Hypo and hyper calcemia, etc

A good study or meta analysis like this one looks at "confounders" like what you mention and tries to isolate the result from those phenomenon.
I may be speaking out of turn (and out of my ass) here but my understanding is that it does not cause cancer but does accelerate its growth.

Really interesting - random question.

How long would you suspect IGF to be elevated after stopping chronic hgh use? The little voice in my head is saying ~2weeks
I may be speaking out of turn (and out of my ass) here but my understanding is that it does not cause cancer but does accelerate its growth.

Not true - with HGH there are binding proteins that keep it in check. IGF1 could be more risky.

As stated earlier, if HGH accelerated cancer growth in any way we'd have legions of bodybuilders with cancer.
Keyword "Replacement" Therapy, like 1-1.5 iu ED. Not Blasting 10-20 ius ED, like bodybuilders do.

No real surprise there imho. It is the same with Testosterone - if you are super low, true TRT will be great for health outcomes. Blasting 2gr of Test on the other hand... 😅. Dose makes the Poison.
Keyword "Replacement" Therapy, like 1-1.5 iu ED. Not Blasting 10-20 ius ED, like bodybuilders do.

No real surprise there imho. It is the same with Testosterone - if you are super low, true TRT will be great for health outcomes. Blasting 2gr of Test on the other hand... 😅. Dose makes the Poison.
I think the same - dose dependant.

Its a common belief that HGH promotes or increases risk of cancer, but it isnt so simple.

A strong immune system helps keep cancer growth in check. (The body can destroy cancer cells before they grow and spread). HGH is a very potent immune system booster.

We see cancer risk increase as we age (and our HGH reliably decrease as we age).

@Type-IIx @theprovider
Yes, rhGH does not cause cancer. It merely theoretically may accelerate growth of certain metastases via IGF-I, but even this has not been borne out in any applicable data to bodybuilding use. And indeed, reduces cancer risk in adult GHD.

I happened upon this because I was interested in the title and your threads generally. I never seem to get a Notification of being tagged. Am I alone in this?
Yes, rhGH does not cause cancer. It merely theoretically may accelerate growth of certain metastases via IGF-I, but even this has not been borne out in any applicable data to bodybuilding use. And indeed, reduces cancer risk in adult GHD.

I happened upon this because I was interested in the title and your threads generally. I never seem to get a Notification of being tagged. Am I alone in this?
No - notifications of being tagged don't work most of the time.
Britanni Parish had cervical cancer, discovered just 2 weeks after the North American, where she won the pro card.

She talks about it and if she plans to use the hormone later on, you can see it in this interview:

I'm not suggesting it was caused by HGH, but there are bodybuilders who have cancer.

Regardless of whether HGH helps promote cancer or not, the use of massive doses will cause many undesirable and unhealthy effects. But this is what bodybuilders have to do.

Then there are the doses for longevity goals, and this is really funny to me. The longest-lived people in history don't seem to take TRT or HGH or any kind of drugs. And it doesn't look like these people were obsessed with living a long time either, most of the time it was a matter of luck due to a genetic gift.

If I think of longevity, I think of Jack LaLanne, that's a pretty inspiring example.
Britanni Parish had cervical cancer, discovered just 2 weeks after the North American, where she won the pro card.

Cervical cancer isn't the best example because it is caused by HPV. HPV can be stimulated by hormone imbalances and use.

Also I'd like to point out that GH isn't really required for bodybuilding competitors except at the very highest levels, look at the top bodybuilders in the 80s and before who never touched GH.

As for longevity, using GH is for anti-aging, i.e. functional longevity, not lifespan extension.
As for longevity, using GH is for anti-aging, i.e. functional longevity, not lifespan extension.
I think this is still up for debate. IMO, the TRIIM (and ongoing TRIIM-X) studies where they re-grew the thymus kept the door open for debate. Hopefully further studies continue to be conducted.
Cervical cancer isn't the best example because it is caused by HPV. HPV can be stimulated by hormone imbalances and use.

Also I'd like to point out that GH isn't really required for bodybuilding competitors except at the very highest levels, look at the top bodybuilders in the 80s and before who never touched GH.

As for longevity, using GH is for anti-aging, i.e. functional longevity, not lifespan extension.

In reality, no PEDs are necessary if you don't want to compete in bodybuilding or have 250 lbs of bodyweight.

Many assume that in classic they use less doses and not everyone uses HGH or slin, but then someone like Luki comes along and makes them look naive and stupid for believing this stuff.

Now, that is a good point, people take drugs to feel better, what you call functional longevity.

But then, I don't see the reason why some people would want to delude themselves into believing that these drugs help them live longer.
I think this is still up for debate. IMO, the TRIIM (and ongoing TRIIM-X) studies where they re-grew the thymus kept the door open for debate. Hopefully further studies continue to be conducted.

Damn it is a very interesting study. Basically GH + Metformin + DHEA showing great results in improving all kind of health markers, and thymus getting back to youth like levels. Pretty impressive!

Damn it is a very interesting study. Basically GH + Metformin + DHEA showing great results in improving all kind of health markers, and thymus getting back to youth like levels. Pretty impressive!
Yes exactly. And they discovered the signal comes specifically from the HGH, while the Metformin + DHEA are there to counter the insulin resistance potential.

The current TRIIM-X is ongoing and so far showing similar results.
Keyword "Replacement" Therapy, like 1-1.5 iu ED. Not Blasting 10-20 ius ED, like bodybuilders do.

No real surprise there imho. It is the same with Testosterone - if you are super low, true TRT will be great for health outcomes. Blasting 2gr of Test on the other hand... 😅. Dose makes the Poison.

The general replacement range is about 1-3 IU. Per studies/meta analysis', past 3.5 IU is when you start to see a sharp uptick in undesirable effects like water retention, etc.

Generally, we go by IGF-1 to titrate replacement dosage and everyone has different "Multipliers". IE +100 ng/mL IGF-1 per 1 IU for some and others as low as +50 ng/mL IGF-1 for others. Diet, lifestyle, and medication/hormone usage will affect the liver's IGF-1 response to exogenous HGH. HGH keeps the immune system and thymus gland strong.

A strong immune system can "zap" cancer before it grows out of control. This is one reason young people have such a low risk of cancer and it goes up with age. (The other reason being accumulated DNA damage/DNA mutations over many years, lifelong exposure to carcinogens, etc)
The general replacement range is about 1-3 IU. Per studies/meta analysis', past 3.5 IU is when you start to see a sharp uptick in undesirable effects like water retention, etc.

Generally, we go by IGF-1 to titrate replacement dosage and everyone has different "Multipliers". IE +100 ng/mL IGF-1 per 1 IU for some and others as low as +50 ng/mL IGF-1 for others. Diet, lifestyle, and medication/hormone usage will affect the liver's IGF-1 response to exogenous HGH. HGH keeps the immune system and thymus gland strong.

A strong immune system can "zap" cancer before it grows out of control. This is one reason young people have such a low risk of cancer and it goes up with age. (The other reason being accumulated DNA damage/DNA mutations over many years, lifelong exposure to carcinogens, etc)
3IU gives me heavy water retention and numb hands. I might be more sensitive to HGH than most others as a result of my baseline 305 IGF1 level

I have kind of kept myself at 1.6iu to avoid sides. Seems like any more and I get them.
3IU gives me heavy water retention and numb hands. I might be more sensitive to HGH than most others as a result of my baseline 305 IGF1 level

I have kind of kept myself at 1.6iu to avoid sides. Seems like any more and I get them.

Yeah, maybe your liver is more responsive to lower amounts of HGH. Maybe 3 IU is putting you over 400 ng/mL IGF-1 . (generally, doses past 1.5 IU are fully suppressive to endogenous production)

Also, GH brand and type can have a significant effect on those sides as well. Could be dimmer, additives or whatever.

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