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Growth hormone replacement therapy reduces risk of cancer in adult with growth hormone deficiency: A meta-analysis

You can learn a great deal from Acromegaly. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10688666/

Thyroid cancer (still some debate on that) seems to be highly elevated as is colon/rectal cancer but there seems to be a modest increase in cancer rate compared to the general public. I dont worry about diabetes or cancer very much with gh and bodybuilders. I do have great concern (and i do mean high high concern) of what high androgens and high growth hormone over time does to the heart. High androgens no doubt in any way increase LVH and Cardiomegaly in bodybuilders. Yet you can reverse that somewhat if you cease using androgens and wash out (but honestly who does that?)....but when you mix in high dose GH usage, it multiplies that heart enlargement effect many times over rapidly as shown in the various studies. That is not going to show up in bloodwork, and by the time it shows up for some it will be late in the game.....and your bodybuilding career as you knew/know it will be ceased with you just trying to figure out just how to "live". What do people with acromegaly die of? Very rarely cancer...very rarely. They virtually all die of heart failure at a young age. These guys blasting androgens and gh like it is going out of style because their bloodwork looks "ok" might get a quick wake up call when they find themselves with lethargy, shortness of breath, and swelling of their lower legs.....and the doctor informs them of a 10-35 ejection fraction. There was a superheavyweight bber that was going to sweep the nats/usa's years ago (he would have trounced everyone, if you heard his name you would agree), that found himself on a waiting list for a heart transplant while prepping for the Nats. Had no idea whatsoever until it was too late and his "usage" and "wont happen to me" thought process put him there. He has made it back, not bodybuilding back but "having a life to live back"...but he dropped off the face of the earth bodybuilding wise, virtually dropped everything and anything to do with bodybuilding, and did everything in his power to just "live" .....
3IU gives me heavy water retention and numb hands. I might be more sensitive to HGH than most others as a result of my baseline 305 IGF1 level

I have kind of kept myself at 1.6iu to avoid sides. Seems like any more and I get them.
When I see this I think d3-GHR, or homozygous d3 alleles in the growth hormone receptor gene.
When I see this I think d3-GHR, or homozygous d3 alleles in the growth hormone receptor gene.
Sounded scary until I looked it up. I didn’t have a high IGF1 until I jumped on testosterone though so I’m not sure about this

You can learn a great deal from Acromegaly. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10688666/

Thyroid cancer (still some debate on that) seems to be highly elevated as is colon/rectal cancer but there seems to be a modest increase in cancer rate compared to the general public. I dont worry about diabetes or cancer very much with gh and bodybuilders. I do have great concern (and i do mean high high concern) of what high androgens and high growth hormone over time does to the heart. High androgens no doubt in any way increase LVH and Cardiomegaly in bodybuilders. Yet you can reverse that somewhat if you cease using androgens and wash out (but honestly who does that?)....but when you mix in high dose GH usage, it multiplies that heart enlargement effect many times over rapidly as shown in the various studies. That is not going to show up in bloodwork, and by the time it shows up for some it will be late in the game.....and your bodybuilding career as you knew/know it will be ceased with you just trying to figure out just how to "live". What do people with acromegaly die of? Very rarely cancer...very rarely. They virtually all die of heart failure at a young age. These guys blasting androgens and gh like it is going out of style because their bloodwork looks "ok" might get a quick wake up call when they find themselves with lethargy, shortness of breath, and swelling of their lower legs.....and the doctor informs them of a 10-35 ejection fraction. There was a superheavyweight bber that was going to sweep the nats/usa's years ago (he would have trounced everyone, if you heard his name you would agree), that found himself on a waiting list for a heart transplant while prepping for the Nats. Had no idea whatsoever until it was too late and his "usage" and "wont happen to me" thought process put him there. He has made it back, not bodybuilding back but "having a life to live back"...but he dropped off the face of the earth bodybuilding wise, virtually dropped everything and anything to do with bodybuilding, and did everything in his power to just "live" .....

Yep, acromegaly is very bad for you. Not just from the direct effects of excessive HGH/IGF-1 but from the insulin resistance it causes.

Just like with testosterone, thyroid, etc. There is a sweet spot range for all these hormones. We can take extra thyroid to boost metabolism, but that stresses the heart. We take extra testosterone for muscle growth, but prostate/heart will suffer, etc.
They virtually all die of heart failure at a young age.
Are you trying to compare this to bodybuilders using high dose GH? Because administering exogenous GH even at high doses ≠ the same scenario as acromegaly.

If it did we wouldn’t be prescribing aids patients the doses we do…
Are you trying to compare this to bodybuilders using high dose GH? Because administering exogenous GH even at high doses ≠ the same scenario as acromegaly.

If it did we wouldn’t be prescribing aids patients the doses we do…
No i am not...acromegaly is beyond possible injection/dosage wise. I am saying you can learn a lot from acromegaly and its side effects and what it does to people. If you try to approach it with insane high dosages of gh because you think there are no side effects you most likely will cause some of the same side effects at a lesser scale. Most acromegaly sufferers dont make it past 50. There is no doubt high androgens and high gh is a culprit in cardiomegaly though.


No i am not...acromegaly is beyond possible injection/dosage wise. I am saying you can learn a lot from acromegaly and its side effects and what it does to people. If you try to approach it with insane high dosages of gh because you think there are no side effects you most likely will cause some of the same side effects at a lesser scale. Most acromegaly sufferers dont make it past 50. There is no doubt high androgens and high gh is a culprit in cardiomegaly though.


Got it, just wanted to make sure you weren’t implying that. Thanks for the link 👍
Cervical cancer isn't the best example because it is caused by HPV. HPV can be stimulated by hormone imbalances and use.

Also I'd like to point out that GH isn't really required for bodybuilding competitors except at the very highest levels, look at the top bodybuilders in the 80s and before who never touched GH.

As for longevity, using GH is for anti-aging, i.e. functional longevity, not lifespan extension.
everytime you grace the board and post its gold brother.

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