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Growth Hormone Loading Prior To Competition

Ehh my nips aren't too pretty. Got a little butchered after 3 different gyno surgeries.

If you were referring to pics I'm not big - 5'11", 210 ish
3 surgeries?!?! Damn dude.
An extremely large influx of GH in addition to huge quantities of carbs and depleted electrolytes is a good way to bring on HHS or possibly DKA.
Hey guys. Does anyone have any experience with growth hormone loading leading into a show? The concept here is to inject a very large dose of GH shortly before competition in order to achieve additional fullness without adding a bunch of subcutaneous water retention.

In fact, Andrew Berry briefly discusses the concept on a TBB podcast, where he and John Meadows regularly employed this approach for Andrew's shows. Unfortunately he didn't go into the exact details of the protocol, which is what I'm most interested in and why I'm reaching out here. If anyone has any additional insight, or can point me to more resources on the topic, that would be greatly appreciated. Video here with timestamp:
(3 minute discussion)

Here's my particular predicament.

I am currently 9 days out from a classic physique show. I have been running ~5iu gh per day for about 6 months, and the benefits have been undeniable. Much greater fat loss. Much greater fullness, even despite carbs plummeting. Much greater sleep quality. Everything. Unfortunately, it adds JUST ENOUGH subcutaneous water retention to noticably distort muscle definition, specifically in my chest and midsection. So when i got to the 14 day out mark, i pulled it entirely. It's now had 5 full days to clear, and i've dropped almost 6 pounds in the process. I'm noticably more crisp and aesthetic, but the fullness has diminished substantially

I would LOVE to get a little bit of that fullness back, but without the subQ water retention as well obviously. So if anyone has tried this approach with success, i would greatly appreciate hearing the details

This is my tentative thought before hearing from you guys:

1. Drop GH 14 days out
2. 1 day out, Inject 15-20 iu IM at night right AFTER water is pulled
3. Morning of show day, inject another 10iu if still really flat and NOT HOLDING ANY WATER

I'm not sure if the use of a diuretic will have any implications on this protocol. I'd imagine it would, but the current plan is to avoid taking a diuretic at all unless absolutely necessary

Here are some of my stats for further info:

Age: 31
Height: 6' 2.5"
Weight (This morning): 217 lb fasted
Weight (Just before stopping GH 5 days ago): 222.4 lb fasted
BF%: Essentially contest ready (realistically 5.5-6.5%)

Look forward to hearing from y'all

Obligatory: Long time lurker, first time poster

Why not try this protocol and experiment with it before you have a show. In the off season or during prep.

It is strange to me when guys experiment with stuff for the first time on the day of a show.

Find out if it works, and how it works best if it works, before you use it for show.
An extremely large influx of GH in addition to huge quantities of carbs and depleted electrolytes is a good way to bring on HHS or possibly DKA.
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