I've talked to a couple others on here that got fake cido's, and with zeuscronion's specific clarification about Batch 209, it makes it seem highly unlikely those are legit.. It really sucks, but that's the risk you run when you order human grade stuff that's frequently counterfeited..
I wonder why they don't have instant testing kits like they have for real drugs - like ecstasy, coke, dope, amphetamines, etc.. where you just add a drop of a chemical to the product, or have a testing strip, where it will turn a specific color - and then judging by how dark the color gets, and how fast it changes, you can figure out if it's legit and relatively judge the potency.. You can order something like that for ecstasy for cheap money.. And it would be great to be able to get them for at least Test and Deca.. I mean, it must be possible, no?