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Kilo Klub Member
Jul 10, 2007
Was wondering since i wanted to try some-just looking for some feedback,thanks.
Was wondering since i wanted to try some-just looking for some feedback,thanks.

I've been using them. week 11 of 12. Up 25 lbs while running .5 mg of adex every other day... so not much is bloat. Injections are smooth as butter. Zero pain during or after injection. Quality pharma grade gear...

IF you trust who you are buying it from. There has been talk of some fakes running around on different boards.

Mine came from lot BN101 with an expiration date in 2009.... and they are good to go.
I've been using them. week 11 of 12. Up 25 lbs while running .5 mg of adex every other day... so not much is bloat. Injections are smooth as butter. Zero pain during or after injection. Quality pharma grade gear...

IF you trust who you are buying it from. There has been talk of some fakes running around on different boards.

Mine came from lot BN101 with an expiration date in 2009.... and they are good to go.

THANKS!!!-what dose where you using it?(was thinking on doing 500mg.-2 amps at a time,twice a week-every 4th. day)-whats your thoughts?
THANKS!!!-what dose where you using it?(was thinking on doing 500mg.-2 amps at a time,twice a week-every 4th. day)-whats your thoughts?

I started out at 500 mgs with monday/thursday schedule and got impatient. I probably would have been fine leaving it at that, but I upped it @ week 4 to 750 going monday, wednesday, friday. My only complaint is the acne on my chest. It has gotten very bad at times... and when I sweat (like when doing cardio) it itches like hell.

No acne anywhere else.. just my chest.. but it is pretty bad.
Ordered Irans to extend a cycle and got these Cidoteston's instead from a sponsor, took last shot of Irans 12/7/08...first shot of Cido 12/14/08...

(as a side note the irans dosage was 250/week cruise, and with cido 500/week)

as of 1/3/09 bodyweight is down about 20lbs.... bench press went from 405x2 on 12/17/08... 1/2/09 couldn't get 365lbs up even once :confused: :mad:

an internet search tells me these are well known fakes... batch #209

anyone need 60 amps of cooking oil???
Ordered Irans to extend a cycle and got these Cidoteston's instead from a sponsor, took last shot of Irans 12/7/08...first shot of Cido 12/14/08...

(as a side note the irans dosage was 250/week cruise, and with cido 500/week)

as of 1/3/09 bodyweight is down about 20lbs.... bench press went from 405x2 on 12/17/08... 1/2/09 couldn't get 365lbs up even once :confused: :mad:

an internet search tells me these are well known fakes... batch #209

anyone need 60 amps of cooking oil???

Ouch, u better to jump into PCT NOW as you already are "coming off" from using fake gear...
Ordered Irans to extend a cycle and got these Cidoteston's instead from a sponsor, took last shot of Irans 12/7/08...first shot of Cido 12/14/08...

(as a side note the irans dosage was 250/week cruise, and with cido 500/week)

as of 1/3/09 bodyweight is down about 20lbs.... bench press went from 405x2 on 12/17/08... 1/2/09 couldn't get 365lbs up even once :confused: :mad:

an internet search tells me these are well known fakes... batch #209

anyone need 60 amps of cooking oil???

There goes the whole Trust a board sponcer theory...that sucks.
Ordered Irans to extend a cycle and got these Cidoteston's instead from a sponsor, took last shot of Irans 12/7/08...first shot of Cido 12/14/08...

(as a side note the irans dosage was 250/week cruise, and with cido 500/week)

as of 1/3/09 bodyweight is down about 20lbs.... bench press went from 405x2 on 12/17/08... 1/2/09 couldn't get 365lbs up even once :confused: :mad:

an internet search tells me these are well known fakes... batch #209

anyone need 60 amps of cooking oil???

I would be pissed! I havent done Cid amps in 10 years but they along with Niles suck. Total crap imho. the iranians I did was very good.
They used to push CIDS as Primotest years ago online. They could shine the shoes of the mexican primotest amps.

Niles..Cids= CRAP! I wouldnt want them.
If you are thinking you have purchased fakes let us know.

We will do our best to make sure this is addressed.
just in time

i was just about to order some cidos ! now about to do search for "best brand of test cyp.
We will do our best to make sure this is addressed.

I ordered Irans as well, and have yet to receive my goods. If the same thing happens to me as Pitbull i will be sure to contact you and other mods asap.

The main reason for using a board sponcer is the assurance we get to know that if they are part of the PM family then we should feel safe ordering. I feel bad for pitbull and his issue needs to be resolved and I am a nervious wreck here thinking whats being sent to me is the same replacement product.
i was just about to order some cidos ! now about to do search for "best brand of test cyp.

cids are suppossed to be test enthanate not cyp.
stay away from cids and niles imo. i cant believe they are still pushing them. like i said they were on every domestic list like 10 years ago and a lot of complaints back then.

i did the iranian amps and they were great. want to be safe just get omnadrens.
The sponsors sometimes don't know they've got a bad batch until it's too late.

On the other hand when a person orders one thing an another is substituted it does look shady. A good heads up for all. Thank you.
I thought they were one of the best test enthates I used. Only problem I encountered was they were a bit underfilled. That was a common problem a year ago but the quality of the test was very good!
Guys Pm sigmund and let him Know your opinion if you have used this product.
If it was good or Junk and where you picked them up at.
So far I am gettin pm's from individuals who are pissed off.

If you check the old threads on this subject [fake Cidoteston 250] XXXX was the only one claiming the product was good. Strangely, months later he is again claiming the Cidoteston 250 is "very good" just slightly underfilled.

Almost word for word.
Last edited:
truth is

cidos are a lottery, some of them worked very well and some did nothing
so those claiming they are good may in fact have had the good batch.

I can attest to that myself

truth is

cidos are a lottery, some of them worked very well and some did nothing
so those claiming they are good may in fact have had the good batch.

I can attest to that myself

Most members are not willing to play the lottery on questionable supplements.

I appreciate your input, though Vadim_b1. Thank you.
FYI, I have talked to a few people that also claim the same, that they had a great experience with this product, however batches 209 are known fakes.

I believe it is a gamble to try to order this product especially if it is a "lottery", that is why i would be extremely pissed off if a supplier sent me this as a replacement to what was originally ordered.

However, if you can attain the real cido I do here they are extremly good.

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