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Great job Sigmund for addressing this issue. Good to see our mods care.
sorry those pics were so bad - these are better


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A word about the sponsors-

We have excellent sponsors and most members never have a problem.

That being said, this info about the Cidoteston is something that has happened in the past.

If some of these have been good in the past, so be it. The fact is Cidoteston from Egypt has been an issue here and on other boards.

If you are a sponsor, please take heed, it is your reputation that is destroyed when something like this happens.

When we as moderators get multiple complaints regarding your service we cannot recommend you to others.

I say this respectfully.

Big A and our Moderators do care about the members of Professional Muscle.
We have excellent sponsors and most members never have a problem.

That being said, this info about the Cidoteston is something that has happened in the past.

If some of these have been good in the past, so be it. The fact is Cidoteston from Egypt has been an issue here and on other boards.

If you are a sponsor, please take heed, it is your reputation that is destroyed when something like this happens.

When we as moderators get multiple complaints regarding your service we cannot recommend you to others.

I say this respectfully.

Big A and our Moderators do care about the members of Professional Muscle.

And this is why PM is the best board on the net. Thank you Sig and mods.
Sponsors have been notified regarding the issues with Cidoteston batch 209 from Egypt

If you are experiencing continued difficulty please send myself or any other moderator a private message.
Wielka aglomeracja przedsiębiorstw ten Polski Sprawa mężczyźni. Oni czynić nie rozczarować.
JUST TO REHASH WHAT SIG SAID.. sponsors need to realize that they alone are responsible for what they sell.. the sponsors must know where their suppliers are getting their stuff from and must have proof that athey are getting the real deal.. no one else is responsible.. they must know where it is coming from and if it is legit.. if we believe for one minute that they are selling fakes and are not making amends, they will be asked to leave and we will let everyone know the situation..

we want them to make money and stay around.. we have a good relationship with all of them.. they make money from pm or they would not be advertising.. all we ask of them is to PROVIDE GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SELL 100% LEGIT PRODUCTS THAT ARE ACCURATELY DOSED.. not much.. if that can not be provided.. then by...
Contacted the sponsor and he says he didn't know about the Cido issues, which is cool, mistakes can be made, he promised to make up for it. The response from the mods and sponsor were awesome, its not always like that on other boards.
Contacted the sponsor and he says he didn't know about the Cido issues, which is cool, mistakes can be made, he promised to make up for it. The response from the mods and sponsor were awesome, its not always like that on other boards.

That's awesome Pitbull...I am awaiting a response from sponcer as well. I am sure they will take care of everything.

Spoke with sponsor about cido's purchased from him and
he is willing to make it right, even though they were purchased
in late 2007. I guess I should have contacted sooner but just
figured it was a loss and would not use this sponsor anymore.
Lesson learned guys, contact your sponsor if you have issues
Is the sponsor making good on these since they are fake - or just maybe fake? Has anyone tested the contents? Just deciding on whether to trash mine or not. No email returned for me but will retry sending again.
Awesome to hear that our sponsors are making it right!

Very cool. :cool:
Is the sponsor making good on these since they are fake - or just maybe fake? Has anyone tested the contents? Just deciding on whether to trash mine or not. No email returned for me but will retry sending again.

If you have batch 209...they are fake. It is well documented all over the net on several boards. But you can give it a shot if you'd like :)

I received a response from my sponscer and he said he was unaware of these being fake and will no longer carry them, but has not yet mentioned how he will take care of me... i am waiting on his response. I beleive he will make things right
rather just trash-em

Just wondering if they were indeed tested. I brought this same issue up weeks ago and no replies by the individual. Glad to see it is working out though.

I wanted to give a special thanks to Sig and other mods for stepping up and confronting this situation regarding the fake Cidotestons being sent by sponcers. I understand that even suppliers don't realize they may have purchased a bad batch, but this was a great oppurtunity to see our true sponcers true colors.

I can tell you my sponcer definatly wanted to make things right and reached out to me asap and is sending me a replacement.

Thank again for your help
they are all counterfit crap.

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