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Classic Physiques VS Todays physiques


Kilo Klub Member
Feb 2, 2004
Ive always been a fan of the classic physique rather then todays BBers who are all about size and bloatedness , where has BBing gone? is todays physiques really good looking ? i think theres a few but for the most part they suck ass lol .

i guess i fall into a classic era physique sorta , where do you guys fall into? and what is your opinion on this matter?

oh and i wanted to post some comparisons but unfortunatly i have been banned from posting pics lol .
Mass Monsters all the way. I love the freaks.
babygetoboy said:
Mass Monsters all the way. I love the freaks.
ok thats cool and great and all but let me ask you this , would you want to be one lets say Ruhl? thats more so my point here , not who you would cheer for cause they look like an overgrown roided out 2 year old with a extended stomach and huge ass melon for a head lmao.
Vander_V said:
ok thats cool and great and all but let me ask you this , would you want to be one lets say Ruhl? thats more so my point here , not who you would cheer for cause they look like an overgrown roided out 2 year old with a extended stomach and huge ass melon for a head lmao.

I'm going to tell zee german you said that and he's going to send his Gargantuan man-beast of a wife after you...along with the 3rd reicht. :eek:

I'm a fan of the classic look...not necessarily Frank Zane but more along the lines of Larry Scott...IMO he has some of the best arms of all time.
BB'ing has gone through many phases...seems hard to put it in two catagories... of the classic period though... Serge Nubret... then jump to the 80's... Paris, Labrada, etc. The Ferarri's of BB'ing. It just seems to me that BB'ing has gotten to the point of being too dangerous in the freak class.

Apples and oranges...the look is not even the same..It started to take that turn with Haney then Yates now Coleman...it is hard to think that there IS a next level with mass monsters ...

There are alot of guys that were never number one but i really admired...

Eddie Robinson was one of my favorites
Vander_V said:
Ive always been a fan of the classic physique rather then todays BBers who are all about size and bloatedness , where has BBing gone? is todays physiques really good looking ? i think theres a few but for the most part they suck ass lol .

i guess i fall into a classic era physique sorta , where do you guys fall into? and what is your opinion on this matter?

oh and i wanted to post some comparisons but unfortunatly i have been banned from posting pics lol .

I like the Big guys. Im kinda the opposite as you, A few of the Classic (smaller) guys look ok But Ive always been more impressed by the
Massive Guys with the bigger Muscles.
Can i choose right in the middle? The classic physiques were a little soft with a little TOOOO much flow. I enjoy freaky tie-ins that still look good like Dennis James/Kevin Levrone delt-tricep tie ins. They just POP. Im a fan of modern physiques with the drastic shoulder to waist ratio followed by big sweeping quads, monster sized delts, high traps, hanging hams, striated from head to toe with great seperation.

this is the look i prefer


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3 guys that are huge and still have the classic look:

Shawn Ray

they're still huge but arent all bloated

thats the look i like. i always thought Zane was too small :eek:
I'm middle of the road...

Big Ron, Jay, etc...they all rock..but I don't ever want to be that big...

Flex back in the early 90's, shawn ray, Darrem, Melvin, JJ, Troy, etc....that's what I like...

I liked the look of the 80's. That these guys had:
Shawn Ray
Dennis Newman
Francis Benfatto

The classic look It would be more along the freaky classic look that Mike Mentzer had. Thats the look I would want.


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IMO Mentzer beat Arnold in the 80 O
I always preferred physiques like Levrones, decent lower body with amazing upperbody.

Serge Nubret all the way. I would pick him right now at 50 plus years old as Mr. O



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To be truthfully honest I like neither the older phyiques of arnold nor the massmonster we have today. i think overall Arnold was lacing in quite a few areas and so were a few of the people from that era like zane, mentzer etc. Arnold had a huge chest and arms. Thats it in my opinon. His legs were non extistent. Zane was shredded but looked like a fitness model. He could do a vaccum pose like a mo fo but overall I see better "bodybuilders" at my gym who never compete. Zane just didnt have enough size. Sergio oliva was dense and thick but his conditioning in my opinon compared to todays guys wasnt there. Granted they didnt have the drugs they have today nor the know how on how to use them or the OTC supplements we have today but that to me is no excuse.

Now guys like Coleman, ruhl, cutler, etc. These guys are almost too big in my opinion. They reall have become gentic mutant freaks. I like the lee labrada, flex wheeler when he won the USA in 1992, or classic shawn ray.

I would have to say classic shawn ray is my perfect idea of a perfect physique. He had balance, symmetry, size, shape. Shawn in his early days was a complete bodybuilder and to me he will always have the best physique. But thats just me.

Tom said:
Serge Nubret all the way. I would pick him right now at 50 plus years old as Mr. O


I'm totally with you. I think he had the best physique the world ever produced. That's what I wish to look like. Like a Classic Greco/Roman sculpture...not something out of Heavy Metal Adult comics.

IMO today's physiques fall into the damn shame category. I prefer the classic physique as well. I don't like the freaks. I don't like the fact that these guys have given up shape and symetry to just be BIG. Distended guts, synthol...it's all bogus. Don't get me wrong I still admire the Ronnie's and Jay's but I would like to see the competiton go back to what they continously say it will. I mean really 20iu's of GH a day among slews of other things. I really don't think it's necessary. Is this what people really want or is it what the judges and media want? It reminds of looking at all these models and actresses that are stick thin and all the girls trying to look like them. In reality most guys don't find that AT ALL attractive.

Even in figure it has gotten out of control. Even in the amatuer ranks they are placing bodybuilders. These girls come in a little softer to do a figure comp and they win the overall. Some of these girls are bigger then the girls actually competing in body building! Why do we even have figure if we are going to place bodybuilders? You have girls in amatuer rank figure doing compounds as harsh as halo. The initial criteria was no visible striations and a softer more feminine look. HAH! Now don't get me wrong I am not saying it should be a bikini contest. That IMO makes a mockery of the hard work and dedication involved but come on!

OK I'm off my soapbox...sore subject. :)
Im getting some pictures resized and ill be posting them soon , im not talking about a Zane like physique ill show u what i mean .

This post was more so about what you personally would like to look like , not who you would cheer for , i would also like to know what era you guys think you fall into , like classic or 80s or todays .
I'm totally with you. I think he had the best physique the world ever produced. That's what I wish to look like. Like a Classic Greco/Roman sculpture...not something out of Heavy Metal Adult comics.


thats what im talking about lets hear where you guys fall into and what you would wanna look like .
i love how Mentzer has all that meat hanging off his forearms :eek: :eek: :) :cool:

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