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Commercial Gym equipment

Big Bapper

Moderator - R.I.P.
Sep 13, 2005
Hiya Guys,

I am due to open my new gym and fitness center, I have the the loan approved. Bank account set up and have sourced a distributor here in the Uk. However with the strenght of the GBP to USD at present I was thinking of buying direct from the US. I have a budget of £30,000 = $60,000. Can anyone point me in the right direction of any companys that sell resistance equipment and free weights. I can pick up my carido equipment fairly cheap at auction over here. So its just hardcord gym equipment I am intrested in and if possible I would like to buy or deal with one company.
Big Bapper said:
Hiya Guys,

I am due to open my new gym and fitness center, I have the the loan approved. Bank account set up and have sourced a distributor here in the Uk. However with the strenght of the GBP to USD at present I was thinking of buying direct from the US. I have a budget of £30,000 = $60,000. Can anyone point me in the right direction of any companys that sell resistance equipment and free weights. I can pick up my carido equipment fairly cheap at auction over here. So its just hardcord gym equipment I am intrested in and if possible I would like to buy or deal with one company.

Most large companies like Icarian & Hammer Strength have refurbished, reposessed, or off-lease units for sale. You can get them for 50-60% off, as a friend of mine was a rep for Icarian that did exactly that. The only thing that is a variable is the color of the equpment, but trust me the stuff is in almost new condition when you receive it. Most of the equipment is white or grey as far as the steel portion is concerned, and they'll usually accommodate and reupholster the vinyl to whatever you like as a color. Contact the actual mother company via email or phone. I wish you a very-good-luck with your new gym my brutha. If you want a picture of me flexing for your wall, feel free to ask. :D
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Good luck with your new business BB.
Hey BB, Talk to PHIL. He always has equipment for sale and he would know where to deal. Good luck on the opening. This surely is excititng times for you Bapper. I'm sure with your personality and charm you will do very well. Send us some pics once you open mate!! All the very best!
Good luck brother. We keep fingers crossed for you.
Kaiser said:
Most large companies like Icarian & Hammer Strength have refurbished, reposessed, or off-lease units for sale. You can get them for 50-60% off, as a friend of mine was a rep for Icarian that did exactly that. The only thing that is a variable is the color of the equpment, but trust me the stuff is in almost new condition when you receive it. Most of the equipment is white or grey as far as the steel portion is concerned, and they'll usually accommodate and reupholster the vinyl to whatever you like as a color. Contact the actual mother company via email or phone. I wish you a very-good-luck with your new gym my brutha. If you want a picture of me flexing for your wall, feel free to ask. :D

Sounds good, thanks I will look into it. Kaiser feel free to send your pics you can be up there on the wall with Dorian Yates, Jay Culter, Monacia Brant and Tony Robbins. Well thats who I have so far. Thanks buddy.
Koevoet said:
Good luck with your new business BB.

Thanks Koevote. Respect.
oldfella said:
Hey BB, Talk to PHIL. He always has equipment for sale and he would know where to deal. Good luck on the opening. This surely is excititng times for you Bapper. I'm sure with your personality and charm you will do very well. Send us some pics once you open mate!! All the very best![/QUOTE

Mabe Phil will chime in or I will send him a pm. Its very excititing times for me right now with my first child due in 10 day and with organizing the opening of the Gym. Its all go go go, I want this project up and running ASAP.

oldfella with your kind words you are flattering me.:D
Big Danny said:
Good luck brother. We keep fingers crossed for you.

Thanks Danny.
Big Bapper said:
oldfella said:
Hey BB, Talk to PHIL. He always has equipment for sale and he would know where to deal. Good luck on the opening. This surely is excititng times for you Bapper. I'm sure with your personality and charm you will do very well. Send us some pics once you open mate!! All the very best![/QUOTE

Mabe Phil will chime in or I will send him a pm. Its very excititing times for me right now with my first child due in 10 day and with organizing the opening of the Gym. Its all go go go, I want this project up and running ASAP.

oldfella with your kind words you are flattering me.:D
Call it like I see it Brother. Oh shit I almost forgot to ask about your expected arrival, How you holding up under the strain? Got any fingernails left? I wish you and your lovely lady all the best for your first born. You will be a changed man! Go for it BB. Cheers mate!
Big Bapper said:
Kaiser feel free to send your pics you can be up there on the wall with Dorian Yates, Jay Culter, Monacia Brant and Tony Robbins. Well thats who I have so far. Thanks buddy.

Don't you dare put me up there with the "small people". :D
Man I tell ya I recently did some work in a town Called Springdale in North Arkansas... I went to a few Gyms there and in Fayetville.
This one Place called Fuel Fitness had the Nicest Equipment Ive ever seen or used. I cant remembner the name But I beleive it was a spin-off or a new version of the Icarian. Man I wish I could remember, Realy Nice Heavy duty stuff.
rAJJIN said:
Man I tell ya I recently did some work in a town Called Springdale in North Arkansas... I went to a few Gyms there and in Fayetville.
This one Place called Fuel Fitness had the Nicest Equipment Ive ever seen or used. I cant remembner the name But I beleive it was a spin-off or a new version of the Icarian. Man I wish I could remember, Realy Nice Heavy duty stuff.

Was it Bowflex? :D
Yes! it was bowflex Titanium edition :p
Heres the Place-
I cant see the pictures well enough though to make out the Brand or name.
Any of you guys know?

**broken link removed**
Another link I found with a few pics-
Icarian- precorp

**broken link removed**
yes.. icarian was bought by precor a few years back.. the line basically stayed the same except for the precor logo.. but, we have top remember he is in the uk.. not the states.. many of the u.s. lines are very expensive by the time the line is shipped to distributors in the uk from cali.
personally.. europe has great equipment.. i know that there is a distributor of gym80 and david equipment lines in the uk.. the best equipment i have ever used was from gym80.. they are out of germany.. great leverage equipment too.. also.. you have some like GERVASPORT which would carry inexpensive free weight benchs and poweracks.. look to them to do the freeweight portion of the gym.. good stuff and low price..
Try Grant Roberts, he's one of the largest refurb equipment dealers in North America. To give you an example, say a piece of Hammer equipment is new $2000.00 US, he'll sell you a refurbished (new powder coat, new upholstery, etc, looks/operates new) for $1200.00


oldfella said:
Big Bapper said:
Call it like I see it Brother. Oh shit I almost forgot to ask about your expected arrival, How you holding up under the strain? Got any fingernails left? I wish you and your lovely lady all the best for your first born. You will be a changed man! Go for it BB. Cheers mate!

All is good with the baby we had our last scan yesterday. I will pass on your regards to the lovely Michelle. The first 8 months was text book perfect. The last month has been hard for her. I just cant seem to do nothing right at present. LOL. Its all a good experence tough and afterall she has put up with me pre-compition so mabe its Karma. "What goes around comes around".:) I am happy !!

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