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Contamination Question


New member
Jul 6, 2010
I'm new to AAS, but not lifting, nutrition or boards. I started a cycle of test e last week, 2 injects so far. I have Adex for AI and Nolv for PCT, just a lil info. I preloaded all my shots out of some sachets, but the second sachet I forgot to wipe down with alcohol. I didn't think about it till after my 1st inj (in my quad for control) that went in painlessly and smoothly. Then about 6 hours later the pain began! I just thought I was gonna have to deal with it, but it got to be crippling and swollen with fever. My next inj I did in my glute and IT went pain free and still is. Tomorrow is #3 and I don't want that kind of pain again. I also took 1 second to inject the first shot and didn't heat the oil; #2 I took 60 seconds to inject and heated with the hair dryer until almost hot. There's no way to know which barrels were from the second sachet because I put them all together in a tupperware dish. What do you guys think about my situation? Is it contamination or my procedure and what should I do?
I've use the sachets before and never wiped em' down. However I did filter em first then passed em through the oven for sterility purposes!

Could be just a fluke! If it were a true infection, you would have needed Rx meds to get you through! Forge ahead brutha!

I'm always blown away when I watch those intervention type shows and those people are just sticking themselves all over all day long with needles in the middle of dirty ass hotel room or trailer, never even wiping off their skin, washing their hands or anything. Freaks me right the F out.
Thanks, you just opened my eyes, Junkies do it all the time it must've been my procedure! :D
Thanks, you just opened my eyes, Junkies do it all the time it must've been my procedure! :D

honestly bro the fever freaks me the hell out. i get bad shit every now and then but its usually just a really bad tightness i get. ocasionally i'll get this funky ass little oil pocket but havent since ive been alcohol swabbing everything in site when i pin. if at all possible get some sterile glass vials and transfer ur gear, that way you can filter and bake it in the oven. 250 degress for about 20-30 mins does the trick for mine. be safe man
I'd get some penicillin just in case.

Aren't you concerned that the oil in your gear will eat through the rubber stoppers in your syringes and leak out? I've been told that happens if you leave the gear sit in the syringe for too long.
I'm not worried about it. Maybe some compounds will, but I'm 99% sure test won't. Those rubber plungers are tougher than you think. I'm not trying to sell anybody on this procedure, it's just how I did it.
I'm not worried about it. Maybe some compounds will, but I'm 99% sure test won't. Those rubber plungers are tougher than you think. I'm not trying to sell anybody on this procedure, it's just how I did it.

plunger swellage

is what seems to be most common

it can kink inside the tube
I've seen stealth melt the pluger on preloaded syringes. Never touched it since, It was a tren hex and test e mix. When I say melt, I'm not saying it desolved the whole thing but you could clearly see rubber floating in the gear.
I'm not worried about it. Maybe some compounds will, but I'm 99% sure test won't. Those rubber plungers are tougher than you think. I'm not trying to sell anybody on this procedure, it's just how I did it.

It's not the test that does it, it's the whatever they use to suspend the test. But, to each his own I guess. If it works for you, then keep doing it.
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I've seen stealth melt the pluger on preloaded syringes. Never touched it since, It was a tren hex and test e mix. When I say melt, I'm not saying it desolved the whole thing but you could clearly see rubber floating in the gear.

Yah, that might be a bad thing! I'm gonna start looking for that now. Thanks for the heads up. I'm not too happy w/ astealth anyway, this shit is pretty rough, I'm seriously thinking about drawing up some grapeseed oil with it to ease the pain.
Yah, that might be a bad thing! I'm gonna start looking for that now. Thanks for the heads up. I'm not too happy w/ astealth anyway, this shit is pretty rough, I'm seriously thinking about drawing up some grapeseed oil with it to ease the pain.

Much better options now days bro. It's not so stealth anymore anyways!

Ive been told its best to always go with Vials. And if you seasrch around , you will find DVDs that are better Quality and Just as well Price ranged or better. Good Luck & Be Safe !!!

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