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I'm also very curious about what some folks "day of show" meals look like though i'm thinking that the needs for a figure compeitor would be differant than what a male body builder would want.
I'm hearing several differant things comming from differant people , some are fully carb depleated then the moring of the show they "crap load" eating a pile of simple carbs and sugars while eating no fats or protines and no water.. Others tell me that they eat alot of peanut butter mixed with cane syrupe the night before the show leading into the AM for a high fat/carb intake.
I think that everybody is differant and is going to respond differantly to differant eating , I hope the guy helping me out has a plan for contest day cause I'm flat as a pancake rightnow , a couple guys have mentioned just eating a couple hundred grams of simple carbs an hr before I train one to see what happens , I'm not going to deviate in any way from the plan I'm following so next year I plan to try several differant things throughout the year to see what works.
A couple ladys that compete in figure at my gym have mentioned that they sip on red wine the moring of the show to help vascularity and dry them out a little more , also said to help with the "pre game jitters"