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Curing Aches and Pains


New member
May 15, 2010
I was recommended a couple of things for relieving tight muscles...
Epsom salt baths and magnesium gel/lotion/rub...

Ive heard in the past of epsom salt but have never tried it...

I have never heard of magnesium rub/lotion/gel? Its suppose to be better than bengay,icy hot, ets....

Have any of you used these products for relaxing/relieving sore muscles?
If so, what are your thoughts? Do they work or just placebo?
For the magnesium rub/lotion/gel is there a type or brand you recommend?

Thank you for your responses.
I've never had any real results from epsom salts but they are cheap enough to give em a try. I've never tried magnesium gel. I use ice and ibuprofen. For joint pain you might want to look into aflutop.
I was recommended a couple of things for relieving tight muscles...
Epsom salt baths and magnesium gel/lotion/rub...

Ive heard in the past of epsom salt but have never tried it...

I have never heard of magnesium rub/lotion/gel? Its suppose to be better than bengay,icy hot, ets....

Have any of you used these products for relaxing/relieving sore muscles?
If so, what are your thoughts? Do they work or just placebo?
For the magnesium rub/lotion/gel is there a type or brand you recommend?

Thank you for your responses.

I use Epsom Salt in my baths religiously. I am a National Level Fitness Competitor and I STAY sore with tight muscles. The thing with using epsom salt in your bath is the water has to be hot, not warm, and you have to stay in it for at least 30 minutes, and use at least 2 cups of salt or more depending on how much water is in the bath. I use half the bag per bath, but I'm in a deep jacuzzi tub, good thing this stuff isn't expensive. :D Its not a miracle remedy by a long shot, but it does make your muscles feel better. Another thing I use is ibuprofen everyday, and extra L-Glutamine when I am overly sore--which is a lot of time, I will take an extra dose in the evening. But usually time is the only remedy, b/c the muscle has been damaged with microscopic tears. A topical product could also help to relieve some of the this, along with stretching of the muscles. Don't know how much this helped you, but Good Luck. :)
Pain relief

I was recommended a couple of things for relieving tight muscles...
Epsom salt baths and magnesium gel/lotion/rub...

Ive heard in the past of epsom salt but have never tried it...

I have never heard of magnesium rub/lotion/gel? Its suppose to be better than bengay,icy hot, ets....

Have any of you used these products for relaxing/relieving sore muscles?
If so, what are your thoughts? Do they work or just placebo?
For the magnesium rub/lotion/gel is there a type or brand you recommend?

Thank you for your responses.
You can always try to get a doctor to write a script for a muscle relaxer like my doctor did . It took a little bit of cohearsing on my part because he was hesitant because of my liver values going up which happens on and off because of other meds I use . Massage and a chiropractor also helps and so does capsaicum and vanishing scent icy hot .
I use Epsom Salt in my baths religiously. I am a National Level Fitness Competitor and I STAY sore with tight muscles. The thing with using epsom salt in your bath is the water has to be hot, not warm, and you have to stay in it for at least 30 minutes, and use at least 2 cups of salt or more depending on how much water is in the bath. I use half the bag per bath, but I'm in a deep jacuzzi tub, good thing this stuff isn't expensive. :D Its not a miracle remedy by a long shot, but it does make your muscles feel better. Another thing I use is ibuprofen everyday, and extra L-Glutamine when I am overly sore--which is a lot of time, I will take an extra dose in the evening. But usually time is the only remedy, b/c the muscle has been damaged with microscopic tears. A topical product could also help to relieve some of the this, along with stretching of the muscles. Don't know how much this helped you, but Good Luck. :)

i thought ibuprofen limited muscular gains by inhibiting the inflammatory response to muscle tissue from weight training. i could be mistaken but i never use it.
Aloha PM,

Bumping Tom. I too have read an article or two about ibuprofen doing the same thing.

There are a number of 'natural' agents that have had mixed results- ginger, tumeric, devils claw, bosweilla extract, etc. DMSO and crushed up aspirin applied topically to the sore areas will work, provided it's not to large an area and you don't have to breathe around anyone. LOL

I use Epsom Salt in my baths religiously. I am a National Level Fitness Competitor and I STAY sore with tight muscles. The thing with using epsom salt in your bath is the water has to be hot, not warm, and you have to stay in it for at least 30 minutes, and use at least 2 cups of salt or more depending on how much water is in the bath. I use half the bag per bath, but I'm in a deep jacuzzi tub, good thing this stuff isn't expensive. :D Its not a miracle remedy by a long shot, but it does make your muscles feel better. Another thing I use is ibuprofen everyday, and extra L-Glutamine when I am overly sore--which is a lot of time, I will take an extra dose in the evening. But usually time is the only remedy, b/c the muscle has been damaged with microscopic tears. A topical product could also help to relieve some of the this, along with stretching of the muscles. Don't know how much this helped you, but Good Luck. :)

I appreciate your advice. I have begun Bikrum (Hot) Yoga and am 5 days straight in addition to my weight routine... Yoga night/weights morning....

I have never been this sore :( I have to say though I am really enjoying the hot yoga experience. I have read that there are a plethora of benefits.

Im trying to figure out ways to recover quicker... I like the added glutamine idea. I currently take LBAs 3 times a day, do you think I need to add glutamine on top of that?

I feel my diet is keyed in... Phils diet is amazing...

Ill give the epsom salt bath a try... I like the magnesium rub idea, but am wondering if its worth the 30$...
i thought ibuprofen limited muscular gains by inhibiting the inflammatory response to muscle tissue from weight training. i could be mistaken but i never use it.

I take asprin daily for heart benefits... I upped the dossage from 81mg to 162mg because of the soreness. I too have heard that ibprophin limits gains?
pain meds

I know steroid author Bill LLewellyn said something about anti- inflammatory meds like aleve can hinder muscle growth but not stop it completely . Just like Bill , If you have bad tennis elbow or back pain that limits you then I can't imagine using this a few times a week will stop muscle growth . I personally have found cortisol shots have worked fine for me for close to a year in the elbows while other people said they were useless . I say try cortisol , and was informed by the doctors giving these as long as you don't get 20-30 of these in a Short amount of time then there's no need to worry about the cortisiol deteriorating the bone .
I appreciate your advice. I have begun Bikrum (Hot) Yoga and am 5 days straight in addition to my weight routine... Yoga night/weights morning....

I have never been this sore :( I have to say though I am really enjoying the hot yoga experience. I have read that there are a plethora of benefits.

Im trying to figure out ways to recover quicker... I like the added glutamine idea. I currently take LBAs 3 times a day, do you think I need to add glutamine on top of that?

I feel my diet is keyed in... Phils diet is amazing...

Ill give the epsom salt bath a try... I like the magnesium rub idea, but am wondering if its worth the 30$...

Bikram Hot Yoga is awesome. That is probably contributing to some of your soreness as well. But keep it up, its very beneficial.
I take asprin daily for heart benefits... I upped the dossage from 81mg to 162mg because of the soreness. I too have heard that ibprophin limits gains?

It is written that this happens with ibuprofen, but I have had no problems with taking it. My gains are consistent and steady. Sometimes I change up and use Tylenol. Aspirin is good as well for aches and pains, its found in BC Powders. LOL
I appreciate your advice. I have begun Bikrum (Hot) Yoga and am 5 days straight in addition to my weight routine... Yoga night/weights morning....

I have never been this sore :( I have to say though I am really enjoying the hot yoga experience. I have read that there are a plethora of benefits.

Im trying to figure out ways to recover quicker... I like the added glutamine idea. I currently take LBAs 3 times a day, do you think I need to add glutamine on top of that?

I feel my diet is keyed in... Phils diet is amazing...

Ill give the epsom salt bath a try... I like the magnesium rub idea, but am wondering if its worth the 30$...

Yeah, L-Glutamine for me is like air... LOL
What about your re-hydration efforts post workout/hot yoga? You might be battling chronic dehydration...
What about your re-hydration efforts post workout/hot yoga? You might be battling chronic dehydration...

I was wondering if I was getting enough electrolites, but I drink water constantly. I dont have an exact number, but I would guess I drink about 2 gallons a day...
Trouble with this stuff is it is hard on the liver and hard on the gut.

I had a friend end up in the ER with a bleeding ulcer they said was from Ibuprohen, he almost died.

I had another friend tha popped Aleve every day for a year due to a bum knee. Then his colon burst, he could have died. I did a ton of research and found a study that showed Aleve to weaken the colon wall.

Take this stuff only for the short term!
A good friend of mine, 45 years old, great shape, trains hard and heavy, he swears that medical marijana (spelling) is the only thing that works for his joint pains, and enables him to train the way he does.
I have never tried the stuff. I guess you need a prescription to get it :D
I was recommended a couple of things for relieving tight muscles...
Epsom salt baths and magnesium gel/lotion/rub...

Ive heard in the past of epsom salt but have never tried it...

I have never heard of magnesium rub/lotion/gel? Its suppose to be better than bengay,icy hot, ets....

Have any of you used these products for relaxing/relieving sore muscles?
If so, what are your thoughts? Do they work or just placebo?
For the magnesium rub/lotion/gel is there a type or brand you recommend?

Thank you for your responses.

I will definitely try an EPSOM salt bath again real soon.
I also like to use ALEVE when the aches and pains are too much.

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