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damn gas prices!!!!!!


Jun 6, 2002
this mornin i paid $2.15 A GALLON FOR REG GAS.THIS SAME TIME LAST YEAR I PAID $1.25 a gallon. if bush wants to do something then he needs to fix the high ass price for gas that seems to be going up every day. maybe he can up cap some of those wells in his backyard that him and his dad have capp off! when i was 16 years old i paid $.75 a gallon. i thought i would never see it this high!!!!!!!!!!!!
I doubt the government is too concerned with high prices. They get more tax money. I just paid $ 2.46 for regular and almost .40 was various taxes.
People don't want Bush to drill for oil in protected areas in AK but they want lower prices.

People don't want Bush to drill for oil off the coast of FL but they want lower prices.

BTW compared to most industrial countries our gas prices are pretty low.
Bottom line is people are going to pay the high prices because they need gas.
Here's some "facts"

When I was 16, I paid $0.25 per gallon for Super (leaded) gas

I forget what the curve is called, but experts say that we are either at the top or on the downward side (I work with a lot of these experts). The chinese getting "industrialized" (starting to drive cars) does not help in stretching world oil supplies and demand. What this means - there is a higher "demand" for oil, than there is "supply."

Oil is going from $55 a barrell to $100 a barrell relatively fast. You will soon be bitching about how hard it is "to get" gasoline (probably allocations) let alone the $5/gallon when you can get it.

This has nothing to do with "who's in office" or "running this country." It's SIMPLE economics - supply and demand. When people start to realize this (the media gets crazed about it), if you're driving an SUV, you won't be able to give it away. If you have a fuel economy car (especially a hybrid) it will at least double in price and people won't be able get them (supply and demand :) ).

I'm not trying to be the grim reaper, just stating fact.
Facts my friends...

From the New York Post - NOT a conspiracy site!

THESE ARE FACTS - That can not be disputed.

**broken link removed**

Fact 1: The inventory of crude oil in the U.S. right now is 8 percent larger than it was this same week last year. And that's the biggest amount of crude on hand since the middle of 2002.

Fact 2: That the 8 percent increase doesn't include all the oil purchased by Washington and put into the emergency Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which now has 685 million barrels. That's up from 650 million barrels last year and 599 million in '03.

Fact 3: There is 7.5 percent more gasoline in stock right now in this country than during the same week last year. And you'd have to go back to this same week in 1999 to find more gasoline inventory — when the average price at the pump was only $1.01 a gallon.

Fact 4: Including everything made of oil, there is 4.9 percent more supply this year than when Spring began in 2004. And there's about 10 percent more of all petroleum products in stock today than when the Iraqi war began.

And, finally, Fact 5: American consumers are being conned by speculators — and a media that doesn't ask enough tough questions — into thinking there is some sort of supply problem.

Now here's my No.1 Prediction: If the greedy bottom-feeders who are causing prices to rise end up being responsible for damaging the U.S. economy there will be as much hell to pay on Wall Street as there was when the stock market bubble destroyed people's dreams.

And YES the president CAN do something about the gas prices - he could sign to use the national reserves like OTHER presidents have done in the past.
If they congress can take an entire day to discuss the use of anabolic steroids by MLB players... while getting paid by TAX payers to do so... then why cant they conduct a meeting to try and lower our GAS PRICES?
Answer - #1 they dont give a fuck cause there Limos are filled up with gas paid by YOU the tax payer...
#2 - the more GAS you buy, the more TAXES you pay... the fatter there pockets get.

And the sad part? We cant do SHIT about it. We either pay it or walk.

JJ Insane1
lol im in CA and just payed like $2.43/gallon :eek:
i remember in dec 01 it was 99cents a gallon.
All that is "fact" as the media presents it.

What I stated is not newsworthy - cause it would probably start a riot.

Having "reserves" reflects nothing on "actual" supply. Are you aware of the fact that China's "general" population (millions, if not billions) who never drove much (cars or cycles) are not getting the bug. Do you have ANY idea what this does to supplies? If they're willing to pay MORE per barrell, guess where it goes?

Reserves don't mean SQUAT.

So if last Sunday your car had 2 gals of gas and today you have a full tank - does that mean you don't have to worry about where you're gonna get gas in the future?

Like I said - we're near or beyond the top of the curve - oil is a "finite" commodity, there's only so much and what we're attempting to find (in "new" sources is getting extremely expensive to extract - oil is heavier and takes a LOT to get it out). You don't read about this on the news.
i would not put it past the truckers to strike on high gas prices.
Why would the govt concentrate on such a trivial issue like gas prices financially breaking the American people, when there are more important things like steroids in sports to worry about? :mad:
MikeS said:
Why would the govt concentrate on such a trivial issue like gas prices financially breaking the American people, when there are more important things like steroids in sports to worry about? :mad:

I think it's time to put NEW PEOPLE into the gov't. ALOT OF new people.....all those old fuckers kick right out. If we have more of a "If the american people don't like what you're doing" kind of thing then you're gone. They're no could be fired at any point. Then maybe the gov't would stop abusing their power. The only thing we need is a vote that kicks the old fucking douchebags out. I'm sick of this gov't passing laws to take away everything from us. Fuck that let us make the decision. You ask us...we vote on it....and bam there you go. But I think it's time to weed out all the fucking idiots and if you seen the baseball hearing you know they're alot of them. Oh and finally get a president that can actually fucking speak english....the idiot talks like he's taking it up the ass at the sametime.

P.S. HAPPY 3,000 post MIKES :)
everybody had great info and input..we have been trained and conditioned by the american gov't NOT to fight back..We sit back bitch, moan and complain but we do nothign about....We should make car manufactuors make cars that run on something other then or addtion to gas the year 2005 we do not cars that get better milage then we did 50 years ago...the technology is out there to get atleast 50 miles a gallon on that Japan is using gas and oil at an alarming rate we WILL see gas and oil dissappear in our life times..i say within 10-12 years...thank god the US GOV"T is fighting steroids and prohormones instead of giving us a longer better running world...
bigbaldbulldog said:
everybody had great info and input..we have been trained and conditioned by the american gov't NOT to fight back..We sit back bitch, moan and complain but we do nothign about....We should make car manufactuors make cars that run on something other then or addtion to gas the year 2005 we do not cars that get better milage then we did 50 years ago...the technology is out there to get atleast 50 miles a gallon on that Japan is using gas and oil at an alarming rate we WILL see gas and oil dissappear in our life times..i say within 10-12 years...thank god the US GOV"T is fighting steroids and prohormones instead of giving us a longer better running world...
Funny how this thread turned from gasoline/energy costs to government :p :confused:

Many of you know I work for the government. I don't get paid off the tax base. I get my own funding from the private sector and am pretty good about getting it.

Our agency deals this "world" energy crisis that as MikeS said, will put us (and the entire "industrialized" world) on it's head. Go ahead and blame the government or look towards them for solutions. We have all grown up and have not given any though to where energy comes from (gas, electricity, natural gas, petroleum products, etc) - it must grow on trees :eek:

I'm not saying it's wrong, but American's on a per capita basis use WAY MORE energy than ANY OTHER nation. Did you know the average house uses the equivalent of 15 mpg of fuel? Where do you think the electricity comes from - the forest? And this is a fraction of what most businesses use.

Most electricity is still generated from limited resources like coal and oil. In my neck of the woods it "was" hydro power. But I won't get into the stuff associated with this. Many are predicting that we are near the top of that curve for Natural Gas Resources. They can't build new electric generating facilities in my region (they were too dependant on hydo) fast enough and now they're trying to play catch up. EVERY NEW facility is a Natural Gas turbine. Our resgion used to have a tremendous surplus of NG and once all the Gas turbine fire up, we are going to be hurting.

There are some of us (I'm not in this category) that given that all we did was spend our money, it couldn't be spent. But - Most people though, are about 2 months worht of paychecks from bankruptcy (if you didn't get a paycheck for 2 months would nothing change in your life?). Sure we make good money, but most just spend it.

As Americans, we all have the right to do what we want. If you drive a vehicle like a large SUV - don't bitch when the gas costs $5 because it will - much sooner than you think. Same thing with how you use energy at home and the workplace.

But - since us Americans won't give up or cut back the use, it WILL BE the government that will end up telling us what to do. Some of you will remember the Oil Crisis of 1974 - parking your car in a line overnight, only to able to purchase $10 worth max, the next day. It won't be this easy next time around - when there is only so much to go around, it will get allocated.

Would you rather not work because of energy supply/costs or have your power restricted (turned off at peak demand times) at home - or would rather use whaat we have more smarter.

The situation is here today. You can either turn your head (ignore it until it really hits your pocketbook) or turn to the government - how could "they" let this happen or it's "their job" to fix it.
Well -

#1 - you can say all you want but there is plenty of Oil and GAS to be had.
Show me proof that the Oil is almost depleted? I don’t know where you got that info… other then someone in the government made it up to justify us paying fucking $2.50 a gallon.
Xcel - you say what you typed is not news worthy because it would start a riot? Then where do you get the information that makes you come to that conclusion? Do you have confidential world information that even the government does not know yet? You might work for whom ever... but that doesnt matter. I am not ragging you bro - nor am I starting shit.. Its just very hard for me to believe that. Oil is plentiful and always will be.
Look at gas prices during pre 2000 Bush election … allot lower right?
Are we to assume its JUST coincidence that once we get a president in office whos entire fortune revolves around OIL … whos entire family is involved in OIL the gas prices go up to record setting highs???? Hell no!
Bush & family = Oil = Money! Period!
Iraq = Oil = Money! Period!
Afghanistan = Pipeline for Oil = Money! Period!

Once the prices go up - the American public bitches and complains a while then they slump right back down to accepting it.... so therefore, as long as its accepted, it will NOT go backwards.
Bet your ass it will STAY over $2.00 a gallon. They see now that you will pay it so why take money out of there own greedy fucking pockets?

#2 - I agree with the bro who said "lets vote the old fuckers out" but there is one major problem with that.... YOU CANT.
It doesn’t matter who votes and what they vote for - the government controls the voting process (we seen that with the cheat machines - oh i mean vote machines with the last election).
You can vote till your face turns blue but when you RUN the show - you control the show - How are we suppose to be able to verify the results with electronic voting machines? Its not possible. Paper ballots where traceable.... meaning someone could contest the results.
Pretty smart if your a fucking crooked fucking politician that knows hes going to loose without it.

So - just sit back people, and enjoy the MAJOR FUCKING we get on a daily basis.... there is totally and ABSOULTLY NOT ONE FUCKING THING you or I can do about it…. Except start a petition to impeach the crook that runs the show!

BTW - i dont care who disagrees with me... the GOVERNMENT RUNS THE SHOW - SO THEY ARE THE ONES TO BLAME! Period.
When the Airlines went on strike - who stepped in to stop it? The government.
When baseball players start shitting out steroids... who steps in to stop it? The government.
When Teri Shivavo got the plug pulled ... who stepped in to try and stop it?
The government!
Now we are suffering with these ass sucking gas prices - where is the government? Why not step in to help us?
Money = that why.

JJ Insane1
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JJ INSANE1 said:
you can say all you want but there is plenty of Oil and GAS to be had.
Show me proof that the Oil is almost depleted? I don’t know where you got that info… other then someone in the government made it up to justify us paying fucking $2.50 a gallon.
I'll try an get the sources for that info when I go into the office on Tuesday. That person is out of the office a fair bit (in DC alot).

And I DID NOT SAY "almost depleted." I said we're at the point of using more than is available. This only means that we will run out faster - more demand for the resource.
xcelbeyond said:
I'll try an get the sources for that info when I go into the office on Tuesday. That person is out of the office a fair bit (in DC alot).

That would be nice as i would like to be made a believer.
Until then... i see no one at fault except George the oil tycoon.

JJ Insane1
I think it was all a setup....

It was a 10 year plan. Start selling fancy ass SUVs and in a 10 year period, jack up the gas prices and stick a lot people with them that can't really afford the gas prices. Then when they attempt to trade it in for something that doesn't suck as much gas, dealerships will tell them we can't really give you much for your trade in because SUVs are no longer a hot ticket. Now hand over the cash along with your gas evaporator!
The same ppl who are bitching about gas prices are the same ones driving SUV's(at least most are). I laugh everytime I see one of these rigs on the road thinking of how high their trade-in value will be in a couple of years :rolleyes: . Bring on the high gas prices, my car gets 40+ MPG all night long so I couldn't give 2 farts.
you guys have to also realize is that china and india are competing for oil prices with usa, they never did before.

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