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Dave Palumbo drug cycle protocol experiences

dr intensity

New member
Nov 12, 2009
hi guys,
i wud like to know your experiences if you`ve done Dave Palumbo`s advocated drug cycle...

1st 8 weeks 250mg sustanon every other day + 75mg tren every other day.

2nd 8 weeks 250mg test e or c every other day + 200mg deca durabolin every other day.

and 1mg arimidex every other day.
then PCT
cycle off for 3 months

Dave recommends this to almost every 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th cycle user irrespective of the wt...suggesting that dosages of the drugs are not dependent on the wt of the person. how ever he never recommends going beyond 1000mg of test/week.
now i want to know is

1. how were your gains on a weekly basis.
2. After 8 weeks of being on test did you experience a plateau( increased SHBG levels, Myostatin overshoot, or receptor saturation etc)... if yes then how did you over come the plateau.
3. For people with prostrate issues did you use Finestaride, did its usage compromise your gains.
4. what kind of "training periodization"(high intesity/low intensiy periods) did you use during the cycle....

wud appreciate
thank you
hi guys,
i wud like to know your experiences if you`ve done Dave Palumbo`s advocated drug cycle...

1st 8 weeks 250mg sustanon every other day + 75mg tren every other day.

2nd 8 weeks 250mg test e or c every other day + 200mg deca durabolin every other day.

and 1mg arimidex every other day.
then PCT
cycle off for 3 months

Dave recommends this to almost every 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th cycle user irrespective of the wt...suggesting that dosages of the drugs are not dependent on the wt of the person. how ever he never recommends going beyond 1000mg of test/week.
now i want to know is

1. how were your gains on a weekly basis.
2. After 8 weeks of being on test did you experience a plateau( increased SHBG levels, Myostatin overshoot, or receptor saturation etc)... if yes then how did you over come the plateau.
3. For people with prostrate issues did you use Finestaride, did its usage compromise your gains.
4. what kind of "training periodization"(high intesity/low intensiy periods) did you use during the cycle....

wud appreciate
thank you

I would not recommend that cycle to anybody.
There's so many pro's here let's see your cycles, nothing to hide right???
i am not an expert i am just a student of bodybuilding trying to learn from you great people,
anyways.... as far as i understand when testosterone levels rise in the body with increase muscle mass ... body`s defence or negative feedback mechanism tries downplay it by increase in myostatins levels ..... i may be wrong but this iis what i know....

i am not an expert i am just a student of bodybuilding trying to learn from you great people,
anyways.... as far as i understand when testosterone levels rise in the body with increase muscle mass ... body`s defence or negative feedback mechanism tries downplay it by increase in myostatins levels ..... i may be wrong but this iis what i know....

Sir, I am unsure of your resoponse..........are you saying that you may be wrong about myostatin levels or that you know that you may be wrong?
Does anyone one have answers? curious if people have done what was posted
Sir, I am unsure of your resoponse..........are you saying that you may be wrong about myostatin levels or that you know that you may be wrong?

who am i to argue with you sir, you are "the phil Hernon"....
this is what i have in my head about myostatin.

who am i to argue with you sir, you are "the phil Hernon"....
this is what i have in my head about myostatin.

I know nothing about myostatin levels.....I think that cycle looks ok........but you should not keep repeating it over and over again.........you need to progress.

Not my question to answer, but I've never let it stop me before.:p

I think what he's saying is that it's not wise to run tren for 8 weeks then switch over to deca. It might be okay to do it exactly opposite, but I would think you wouldn't do this just to be doing a cycle. Also, from my personal experiences (everyone IS different) I would have to run at least 3x the test to offset the negative sides from the Deca. I can't stand that shit.

And I'm not 100% on this, but I don't think myostatin is something that is dynamic in the body. I think it is part of the cellular makeup of the muscle cell and is static. Now, I might be way off on this. I honestly haven't studied up on it very much at all.
hi guys,
i wud like to know your experiences if you`ve done Dave Palumbo`s advocated drug cycle...

1st 8 weeks 250mg sustanon every other day + 75mg tren every other day.

2nd 8 weeks 250mg test e or c every other day + 200mg deca durabolin every other day.

and 1mg arimidex every other day.
then PCT
cycle off for 3 months

Dave recommends this to almost every 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th cycle user irrespective of the wt...suggesting that dosages of the drugs are not dependent on the wt of the person. how ever he never recommends going beyond 1000mg of test/week.
now i want to know is

1. how were your gains on a weekly basis.
2. After 8 weeks of being on test did you experience a plateau( increased SHBG levels, Myostatin overshoot, or receptor saturation etc)... if yes then how did you over come the plateau.
3. For people with prostrate issues did you use Finestaride, did its usage compromise your gains.
4. what kind of "training periodization"(high intesity/low intensiy periods) did you use during the cycle....

wud appreciate
thank you

I'm almost certain you've transcribed this backwards and that he recommends starting w/ deca and ending w/ tren which make a lot more sense.

I have never understood the silly sustanon then test e/c swapping. Test is test.

myostatin overshoot??? receptor saturation?? I'm fairly sure you need to do some more reading or alternately some unreading.
I'm almost certain you've transcribed this backwards and that he recommends starting w/ deca and ending w/ tren which make a lot more sense.

I have never understood the silly sustanon then test e/c swapping. Test is test.

myostatin overshoot??? receptor saturation?? I'm fairly sure you need to do some more reading or alternately some unreading.

can u think of any reason of swapping esters? maybe this or maybe that?
cause when i this was asked to dave his answer was: changing esters is good for better gains...... i have still not been able to find out why?
What sort of gains have you had in the past with your cycles.
What did they look like.
How long have you used AAS.

These are questions that need to be adressed before any one can give advice on a what looks to me to be a LARGE cycle for a beginner.

i have been training for the past 5 years and after 2 n half years of being natural
i did 3cycles (500mgs sustanon for 8 weeks/cycle) i gained quiet a bit of muscle mass with the first two(10 pounds) but the 3 rd cycle with 500mg test turned out to be a shitty one..... then my fourth cycle was the dave Palumbo cycle where i gained 22kgs in 10 weeks and "NO gains in the last 6 weeks".

rt now
i am 210 pounds at 10 percent bodyfat
ht 5 feet 8 inches
chest 47 inches
legs 27 inches
arms 18 inches
Based on your questions, I personally think you should back away from the syringe. You probably won't listen to me but you seem very far away from understanding what you are sticking in your ass.
seems like an easy and sane cycle for someone in good health. Have never tryed one like that but I would probly see great gains from that
That does make more sense to stert with the Deca.

I find that my body reacts a LOT better to Test C. Dont know why, but I swoll up fast on the T C.

This may(sustanon and tren combo ) may be because tren and two components of the sustanon are fast acting.
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