Anybody else get lower back pain a few hours after dead lifts? Is this from having a weak lower back?
Guess I should lower the weight then. It doesn't start to bother me until I'm at 455+
405 is no prob, I don't have any soreness in lower back at that weight.
Richiec, do you do good mornings? Maybe you should add them in to strengthen your lower back. When you jump from 405 to 455 do you feel your body stance change, your back becoming more rounded when pulling the heavier weight?
have someone vid your next session
then post it up
have someone vid your next session
then post it up
Whats up. Had the same problem for a long time. You could try what helped me permanantly; take 8-12 wks off deadlifting and do back ext. and strengthen your abs. Also find a couple bad ass stretches that work for you personally. I sincerely hope it gets better because deadlifts are awesome and Iam happy as hell to do them again!
Your initial pull should almost be a stand up.. i try to push the top of my head through the ceiling.. Its a dumb concept but helps me.. That and keeping the bar so close i scrape my shins
I try to drive with the heel of my feet so I'm not leaning over, make sense? Is this correct?
I try to drive with the heel of my feet so I'm not leaning over, make sense? Is this correct?
If your lower back is indeed weak Good Mornings will help strengthen it. I also do weighted Hypers and they help a lot, but nothing has strengthened my lower back as much as Good Mornings.