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Deca + Test - Help


Jan 30, 2019
I am interested in learning from you guys as to what you might consider to be (generally speaking, of course) the lowest possible dose of deca to make any gains. I recently used 20mg TC/day (140mg/week) along with 100mg ND/week. I realize that is a low dose, but I didn't notice any real changes. Both rx so unlikely that quality is an issue.

I'm confused as to how to manage incorporating deca into what is basically a TRT dose of test. Labs after this last course had my E2 at 82, which is higher than it has ever been. No AI, but I do have low dose AI on hand if you think that is a good idea (.125mg 2x/week). I did notice some unwanted mental side effects (jealousy, etc) that I hadn't experienced before...hard to say whether that is the deca itself or the high E2.


- What do you consider the lowest weekly dose of deca to make any gains? And how long would you run this dose for?
- How would you adjust your Test Cyp dose when adding in this deca dose - increase, decrease, leave unchanged?

El tigre, esres ispano?
If you read the literature you need to use 2mgs/lb of body weight, for deca so for me that would mean using 400mgs a week
And based on experience i would need 400mgs of test per week, so for me i would do 400mgs of each. But in reality you could easily make good gains on either 200 test 400 deca or or 400 test and 200 deca. Hope that helps
I am interested in learning from you guys as to what you might consider to be (generally speaking, of course) the lowest possible dose of deca to make any gains. I recently used 20mg TC/day (140mg/week) along with 100mg ND/week. I realize that is a low dose, but I didn't notice any real changes. Both rx so unlikely that quality is an issue.

I'm confused as to how to manage incorporating deca into what is basically a TRT dose of test. Labs after this last course had my E2 at 82, which is higher than it has ever been. No AI, but I do have low dose AI on hand if you think that is a good idea (.125mg 2x/week). I did notice some unwanted mental side effects (jealousy, etc) that I hadn't experienced before...hard to say whether that is the deca itself or the high E2.


- What do you consider the lowest weekly dose of deca to make any gains? And how long would you run this dose for?
- How would you adjust your Test Cyp dose when adding in this deca dose - increase, decrease, leave unchanged?

Using to much gear is very bad for health but using to less can only crash your natural production . So 400 to 500 each test and deca will give you great gains with very low sides .
I've experimented with low dose deca/deca based HRT.
First I'm early 50's.
With my genetics just about anything works and I don't need much.
Having said that:
I did a cycle that started at 50mgs deca EW
100mgs Mast EW
I didn't feel much but that may have meant it was working bc I was old and it didn't hurt too much! lol I was easing back into heavier(relative) lifting.
After 4 weeks I gained strength and I upped my dose to a whopping 75mgs deca and 150mgs Mast E.
I lifted every other day and in between I walked 2-2.5 miles with calesthenics or agility or plyo every block.
Example: cherry pickers, next block cariocas, next block skipping/bounding....etc...
I started leaning out, getting bigger, and hurting less- meaning like I felt more ease of movement in my joints and better sitting and standing.
I did that dose for 4 more weeks and I said let me not get carried away here bc people are starting to look- like they do at muscular guys and people are starting to say those stupid things like I used to be about your size or I have a friend about your much you bench....blah blah blah
I made gains and felt great but I'm sure I was negatively affecting my cholesterol with the mast E- even though it was a low dose. Also I have a good base(from the past) and am not a small built guy in the first place.
Having said that: was it the gear, the training, my determination????
Probably a combo like always. I went back on my normal TRT(100mgs test e EW) and I kept alot of it but slowly over time I lost some bc I lost training intensity and consistency and definitely determination.
But what I noticed the most is I definitely felt better physically on the deca. Even with the mast drying me out some. I'm one that deca bloats big time and I mean everywhere even in my organs I think- lol
So for me I definitely felt the deca as far as in my joints and my healing/recuperating time.
Now I'm not trying to make huge gains. I'm a hair over 6' and 240-248 lbs 12-13% BF(assumption) normally.
I was probably 242-244 and closer to 10% on that mini old man cycle.
I also experimented on my TRT with Deca but that was a few years ago. I think I did 75TE/75mgsDeca EW and held too much water for me. I could have managed that but I wasn't trying to use a bunch of pharmaceuticals with my past I always worry about liver/kidneys.
I think alot of my brightened-day on TRT comes from the dopamine boost of test tbh.
But I felt and saw the deca doing what deca does at 75mgs a week along with the mast e. I mean I only didn't hurt as much on 50mgs a week. But on 75mg a week I felt it in my movement and stillness and saw it in my face(collagen production increase- or maybe it just was face bloat? lol)

I know I know teeny tiny doses are ridiculous but I'm old already big enough(gravity is not a friend to longevity) and just trying to feel better than I already do. So if you already feel good emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and somewhat physically- the need to feel better is lessened- for me at least.

But that's my experience with no bloods or anything but feels on the 50 then 75mgs deca along with 100 then 150mgs mast e and a few years ago with 75TE/75Deca EW as TRT.

Take what you can use and leave the rest.

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