I was wondering if anything else is going on in your life other than your injuries? Is there anyone else you are blaming for how you feel?
I have a couple of thoughts to share with you about feeling bad. Anytime we are feeling bad we have three choices: 1. change what we want. 2. Change what we are doing, or 3. Change both.
Right now, my guess is you don't feel like you are in effective control of your life. We can then choose how we will react to the situation. One of the most common immediate reactions is ANGER. It's built into our genes to help us survive. Ever since infancy we have used it when we were not able to satisfy our needs. Right now you have a clear picture in your mind of how you want things to be in your quality world. You as a good athlete, healthy and strong, performing at a high level. Anger might have been your first response ,but we learn as children that anger is usually an ineffective response. It usually doesn't get us closer to what we want. If we throw a tantrum for too long we usually get punished or rejected. That is especially dangerous for someone who is a big, juiced up athlete. Your choice (although it may not feel like one) to depress is actually one of the best ways to restrain anger. (and keep us from killing people, depression actually prevents a huge amount of marital and family violence). So don't worry too much right now.
To depress you have to keep thinking unhappy thoughts that keep one or more of the three reasons to depress going: restraining anger, needing help, or avoiding something we don't want to do.
To stop thinking these unhappy thoughts you have to: 1. change what you want or, 2. Change your behavior.
Ivan, my contention is that your injuries are not MAKING you unhappy. Think of it this way: A man comes home and finds his wife has left him, this cannot MAKE him depressed. Depending on his thoughts he might be overjoyed or relieved. The only things we can control are our thoughts and actions.
If you get time, I'd like to know more about what else is going on in your life besides your injuries. How are things in the area of relationships, jobs, etc...
Sigmund Roid