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Diabetics taking CJC-1295 & GHRP-6


New member
Dec 18, 2007
Does anyone have any input on the effect of CJC 1295 & GHRP on type 2 diabetics. Does it increase blood sugars or decrease or shouldn't change and why? Any info greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance.
took both with no change in glucose at all. why! that i would have to research all over again. but its only causing a gh pulsation. which i could find no negative effects on glucose levels or i would not have used it. check dats sticky at the top of the page.
Those people who have use GH therapy for years and taken morning fasted blood glucose tell me that GH usage pushed those numbers up. When they switched to GHRP-6/Mod GRF(1-29) those numbers came down.

They were happy because they were getting their therapy and had less diabetogenic effect.

One reason this may be so is that natural GH release is composed of a blend of isoforms. Two are equally anabolic: a 22kda form and a 20kda form

The 22kda form is the one used in synthetic GH and is 191 amino acids long.

The 20kda form is released naturally w/ 22kda. 20kda is identical however 15 amino acids in the part of the chain that interacts w/ the prolactin receptor are missing.

In rats 20kda produces less edema and less diabetogenic effect. In addition it doesn't interact w/ prolactin binding protein and has other characteristics a bit unique. In humans it is less clear if the side effects are less w/ 20kda then 22kda.

So using GHRH/GHRP to evoke a natural GH pulse means you get a blend of GHs (one of which is less diabetogenic).

That may be one reason.

All of the anecdotal feedback that I have received from diabetics tells me that the effect on blood sugar is less on the peptides then it is on synthetic GH.
Thanks- So it is not my imagination of a spike in surar.
Thanks again

Those people who have use GH therapy for years and taken morning fasted blood glucose tell me that GH usage pushed those numbers up. When they switched to GHRP-6/Mod GRF(1-29) those numbers came down.

They were happy because they were getting their therapy and had less diabetogenic effect.

One reason this may be so is that natural GH release is composed of a blend of isoforms. Two are equally anabolic: a 22kda form and a 20kda form

The 22kda form is the one used in synthetic GH and is 191 amino acids long.

The 20kda form is released naturally w/ 22kda. 20kda is identical however 15 amino acids in the part of the chain that interacts w/ the prolactin receptor are missing.

In rats 20kda produces less edema and less diabetogenic effect. In addition it doesn't interact w/ prolactin binding protein and has other characteristics a bit unique. In humans it is less clear if the side effects are less w/ 20kda then 22kda.

So using GHRH/GHRP to evoke a natural GH pulse means you get a blend of GHs (one of which is less diabetogenic).

That may be one reason.

All of the anecdotal feedback that I have received from diabetics tells me that the effect on blood sugar is less on the peptides then it is on synthetic GH.
Those people who have use GH therapy for years and taken morning fasted blood glucose tell me that GH usage pushed those numbers up. When they switched to GHRP-6/Mod GRF(1-29) those numbers came down.
They were happy because they were getting their therapy and had less diabetogenic effect.
The 20kda form is released naturally w/ 22kda. 20kda is identical however 15 amino acids in the part of the chain that interacts w/ the prolactin receptor are missing.
So using GHRH/GHRP to evoke a natural GH pulse means you get a blend of GHs (one of which is less diabetogenic).

Can I shoot you a PM?

Those people who have use GH therapy for years and taken morning fasted blood glucose tell me that GH usage pushed those numbers up. When they switched to GHRP-6/Mod GRF(1-29) those numbers came down.
They were happy because they were getting their therapy and had less diabetogenic effect.
The 20kda form is released naturally w/ 22kda. 20kda is identical however 15 amino acids in the part of the chain that interacts w/ the prolactin receptor are missing.
So using GHRH/GHRP to evoke a natural GH pulse means you get a blend of GHs (one of which is less diabetogenic).

An important thing to consider right away is that people often report increased hunger from GHRP-6, so this might signal a bad idea for any diabetic regardless of any other beneficial effects. I'd cross it off the list. CJC-1295 is the way to go.

Also effects on glucose may depend on if the diabetic is taking medication already. I'm not sure if any one has really studied the combined effect of therapies like this (diabetes meds + GH secretagogues) though. Maybe something like a sulfonylurea could put you at increased risk for hypoglycemia if you are getting a good IGF-1 response off the GH secretagogue. The newer GLP-1 therapies like Byetta could pose problems as well. I'm not really sure exactly though, this is very context dependent and not much research is available here - but you should be careful if you are already on something that effects the insulin/glucagon systems.
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Those people who have use GH therapy for years and taken morning fasted blood glucose tell me that GH usage pushed those numbers up. When they switched to GHRP-6/Mod GRF(1-29) those numbers came down.

They were happy because they were getting their therapy and had less diabetogenic effect.

One reason this may be so is that natural GH release is composed of a blend of isoforms. Two are equally anabolic: a 22kda form and a 20kda form

The 22kda form is the one used in synthetic GH and is 191 amino acids long.

The 20kda form is released naturally w/ 22kda. 20kda is identical however 15 amino acids in the part of the chain that interacts w/ the prolactin receptor are missing.

In rats 20kda produces less edema and less diabetogenic effect. In addition it doesn't interact w/ prolactin binding protein and has other characteristics a bit unique. In humans it is less clear if the side effects are less w/ 20kda then 22kda.

So using GHRH/GHRP to evoke a natural GH pulse means you get a blend of GHs (one of which is less diabetogenic).

That may be one reason.

All of the anecdotal feedback that I have received from diabetics tells me that the effect on blood sugar is less on the peptides then it is on synthetic GH.

Thank you so much for your post.
Just bumping this up...wondering after a few years if anyone else had any input on this. I am type 1 diabetic
CjC-1295 DAC

You can do it. It dose mess a little with blood sugar, on a empty stomach . If you eat in the morning, and do a shot a hour later you are fine. You want to do the GHRP-6 before your workout, or at night before you go to bed. If you do it before your workout you will get super pumped !

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