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Do deconate and long esters eliminate hair miniaturization?

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Man you really are delusional.
Aww yes the one posting Dr notes and lab results is delusional while the other person isn't who won't even acknowledge the lab data posted and drs notes. I'm so sorry you feel this way baby boy. You lost the argument so you have to fully ignore the other person's points and proof like a real baby would. So much crying from baby boy today your eyes are going to be so sore :(
Aww yes the one posting Dr notes and lab results is delusional while the other person isn't who won't even acknowledge the lab data posted and drs notes. I'm so sorry you feel this way baby boy. You lost the argument so you have to fully ignore the other person's points and proof like a real baby would. So much crying from baby boy today your eyes are going to be so sore :(
Nobody is taking you seriously and if anything, you've just given the rest of the board reason enough reason not to follow anything you say. You've done nothing but made an ass out of yourself but seem to think you've won something.
Nobody is taking you seriously and if anything, you've just given the rest of the board reason enough reason not to follow anything you say. You've done nothing but made an ass out of yourself but seem to think you've won something.
Ya I've made a ass out of myself but posting drs notes and lab work of the diseases I've fixed for the moron claiming it's not true and when presented with this data he fully ignored it won't comment on it and keeps replying non sense. Yes I've made a ass of myself.. pretty sure the baby who won't properly debate and when presented with proof keeps dodging it. Big fucking baby. Time to grow up baby boy and stop acting like a little child.
Ok you cured Hashimoto's, can this be corroborated by any respected medical organization? Serious question. No need to keep saying boy for whatever fucking reason you have. Just show us in any respectable medical literature that you've done what you've said you've done. If you did, it would be there and you would be the talk of the medical community. Simple, right?
Strange, absolutely nothing pops up when I search "Taeian clark" hashimoto's disease. Must be a conspiracy. You'd think this page would be littered with awards and accolades...

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 2.22.12 PM.png
Test decanoate doesn’t cause me hair shedding whereas test e and test cyp do
So this is your first post ever. What an incredibile coincidence.
This shit is embarassing beyond belief.
Ok you cured Hashimoto's, can this be corroborated by any respected medical organization? Serious question. No need to keep saying boy for whatever fucking reason you have. Just show us in any respectable medical literature that you've done what you've said you've done. If you did, it would be there and you would be the talk of the medical community.
Oh now it's time for .. serious question no more fucking around blablabla...

Hey jackass you started it with your snarky ass retarded comments remember ? And I posted the proof of the things I claimed to have done.. and you kept being a snarky little bitch... that's what you are.. did I make a claim of ohh the medical community has seen my results and done such and such. No, you made this up in your head. I stated a claim.. and posted proof to these claims.. which is I have cured individuals.

You realize I'm not the only person doing this and there is legitimate doctors who have done this also and documented these cases by the thousands.. the issue here is your severe lack of knowledge and ignorance and think for some reason the medical community cares about diet fixing health issues. They don't care because they know you cant get normal people to eat better to fix their health issues.

There is literally endless studies on many diseases being fixed fully by diet and diet alone. There is a God damn diabetes study where all they did was change the diet nothing else at all zero meds supps and 100 percent of the participants became non diabetic and all off insulin... this study was repeated 3 times... 3 times... is this advice mainstream with a 100 percent cure rate in 3 studies.. is it? No.. but guess what? Your dumb ass can Google these studies on ncbi and find them in a second. But why haven't you? Because you're ignorant and lack knowledge...

So again learn to fucking read and re read the claims I made. And I posted proof. With God damn drs hand written notes and his name on the test results people can even Google. He'll call the fucking Dr up...

Legit cry baby with a peanut for a brain.
So this is your first post ever. What an incredibile coincidence.
This shit is embarassing beyond belief.
Buddy posted because this thread was posted in my fb group... want to see the thread personally ?? And members comments.. all 3k members comments for the past how many years...
He really thinks he's fooling us, that's the best part.
Fooling you. Dude you got the IQ of snail. You can't even comprehend shit. Cant believe you're still crying over this thats whats funny. I've cured diseases and you post on a bbing forum in your spare time. We are not the same.
You're comparing your delusions of curing Hashimoto's to curing diabetes. You can keep saying Ive got a low IQ, while we're all laughing at you.
Well, my work is done. You've made an utter fool of yourself. Go ahead call me some names, I'll be taking my leave now.
Ok baby boy don't cry too much more ok? Don't need baby boy so upset crying over losing.
Strange, absolutely nothing pops up when I search "Taeian clark" hashimoto's disease. Must be a conspiracy. You'd think this page would be littered with awards and accolades...

View attachment 191703
I google "Taeian Clark cures Hashimoto's disease" and I got nothing.Strange huh?
This thread has run it's course. Maybe read board rules on how not to call others morons and low IQs on this board. Doesn't make you look good Taeian or prove how intelligent you are.
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