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Do your gyno behave like this as well??


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 26, 2007
First cycle I did I had zero gyno.
Next three cycle zero gyno.

Then i ran a huge cycle with doses in 2g a week stupid i know. bam small Gyno only on one side.

Now even if i do a small cycle the gyno comes on even at 250 mg a week.

I havent been able to run anything even at 500 mg without using a AI.

Due to time and money cant get IT removed now.

So do u suggest the only way to run a cycle is to Arimidex it up at the same time?
Have you tried reverse gyno with letrozole?
First cycle I did I had zero gyno.
Next three cycle zero gyno.

Then i ran a huge cycle with doses in 2g a week stupid i know. bam small Gyno only on one side.

Now even if i do a small cycle the gyno comes on even at 250 mg a week.

I havent been able to run anything even at 500 mg without using a AI.

Due to time and money cant get IT removed now.

So do u suggest the only way to run a cycle is to Arimidex it up at the same time?

sounds like normal gyno issues

Have you tried reverse gyno with letrozole?

you cant "REVERSE" gyno...lol

once you have it, you always have it....like herpes..lol
unless surgery
Agree..^^^^^.....Surgery is the only real way out now. If you use your AI's and don't do anything else stupid though it shouldn't get out of hand.
you cant "REVERSE" gyno...lol

once you have it, you always have it....like herpes..lol
unless surgery

That is not intierly correct. If you google it you will find some cases of success with letrozole, it is not 100% garantied that will reverse but it is worth a shot before surgery in cases of small gyno.
That is not intierly correct. If you google it you will find some cases of success with letrozole, it is not 100% garantied that will reverse but it is worth a shot before surgery in cases of small gyno.

be carefull, if you dose letro that high you are iraticating(sp) a VITAL hormone in your body used for all different functions.
the rebound always is a bitch and to regulate estrogen levels after that will be a looong time coming
now......it will come and go

mine will flare up with certain compounds and doses
(on one side only)

but i can keep it under control most of the time
as i stay away from these compounds when i can


be carefull, if you dose letro that high you are iraticating(sp) a VITAL hormone in your body used for all different functions.
the rebound always is a bitch and to regulate estrogen levels after that will be a looong time coming

Yes, letro at high dose will reduce estrogen almost intierly in your body wich is no advised. You can control the rebound by tappering down

now......it will come and go

mine will flare up with certain compounds and doses
(on one side only)

but i can keep it under control most of the time
as i stay away from these compounds when i can



I agree with you now. Just think it is worth a shot, and if it works good, it is just a matter to keep it under control.

im prone to gyno so i take a small dose of letro ed while on cycle...keeps the gyno to a minimum
If it's not bad you can prob get away with it...I saw some cases at the nationals this past weekend, with guys making it to the first call outs....don't ignore the warning signs, it's not worth pushing it....make sure you have something to combat it on hand before you start something else...and when/if you do feel it coming on act on it then, don't try to push the envelope. Stay away from the compounds/dosages that caused it as Tenny said....also give yourself some time between cycles so you get back to some sort of homeostasis. I have it on one side, about the size of a pea..although you can feel it it's not really visible when I diet down...I know what caused it..so we live and learn dude.
Also, if it's bad and really bothers you...you may talk with your doctor about it...depending on your relationship with your dr....he may refer you over to a specialist and you can have it removed under your insurance. If you go that route I would do some research and talk w/ some people who have had it done that way, so you know what you need to say/do....Ins. companies are playing it tough w/ what they cover these days...

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