Love too compete said:My brother publish a book and he live in the U.S.A.Now he is talking about doing a E-Book if i'm right.I live in Canada so the next time i talk with him i will ask for you.He will be coming up to see me in a couple of weeks,but i bet you my get a post before i can give you a update.But i will get you all the sites so you can start as soon as i talk with him.
bigheinz said:I finished my training and nutrition book, so i want to publish, or sell it, or i dont know what to do, some people tell me i need an agent? any advises???
Love too compete said:My brother publish a book and he live in the U.S.A.Now he is talking about doing a E-Book if i'm right.I live in Canada so the next time i talk with him i will ask for you.He will be coming up to see me in a couple of weeks,but i bet you my get a post before i can give you a update.But i will get you all the sites so you can start as soon as i talk with him.
bigheinz said:Thanks bro i wiil wait for you.
Coopie said:You need an AGENT. The job of the agent is to go from publisher to publisher and "shop" (sell) your book to them until it's sold. This process can take weeks, in most cases it takes years! Most first-time publishers wait years for their books to get picked up. When they do, you will receive a small, one-time payment in exchange for the rights to publish the book. The publisher may or may not even publish it, but you will get paid regardless.
Novelist Nick Sparks received $5,000 for the rights to publish "THE NOTEBOOK". It became a hit book and later a hit movie. Still, he received only $5,000 and it took his agent over 6 years to sell the book to the publisher. For his second book he was paid $14 million. I saw Nick Sparks interviewed just the other day and he commented that if he had to go out and sell his book, he would have given up after a month!
Bottom line, use an agent, that's their job.