Like MG said I always get a good chuckle from people who say "oh yea this stuff has been around forever, my dads friends Bill and the boys from the pool hall were doing it back in the day and all my crew did it too"
Rest Pause training= people seem to forget this nowadays but Rest Pause training by definition is nothing like I do it. Its a set of 6 maximum effort singles with 10 seconds rest between them. Thats a rest pause set by true definition.
Im the lazy guy who also named the stuff he was doing "rest pause training" because i really didnt care about any notoriety calling it "Dante reps" and it seemed closest to "rest pause training"
Now who was the guy back in the early 90's experimenting with thinking about how you could take the regular training everyone was doing for straight sets of 7-10 reps and creating a huge overload with it?
That would be me. I was the guy experimenting on the guys in the local gyms around here in San Marcos and Vista.....with 7 rest pauses, 6 rest pauses, 2 rest pauses, 4, 5, rest pauses until 3 rest pauses proved out to be the most feasible for "getting at least one rep cranked out" at the very end and also being able to recover fast so you could train that bodypart again fairly quickly.
Do you know what everyone was doing in the early 90's? Most were training bodyparts once a week in a 6 days a week one day off scheme or 3 days on one day off.....and doing 8-15 sets for small bodyparts and 10-20 sets for large bodyparts. Yates came along and started doing lower worksets and a clique of the bodybuilding community followed him.
Its really easy nowadays to forget were you read about the bodybuilding community its absolutey epidemic. Thats why you always see me cite Jon Parillo whenver i do a magazine article....because Parillo came first with extreme stretching and I dont ever want him overlooked....he came before me.....I was trying to mimic the bird wing studies and create hyperplasia and that was my route, his was fascia related....but again he came first and I will always state that.
Green Tea....i use that liberally with my trainees...and ive stated time and time again one guy brought that to the forefront of the bodybuilding community....a former member of this board named Brooklyn Juice about 10 years ago on Animals board....and i make sure i say his name when i talk about where my thoughts about green tea came from.....that guy was on many boards putting up the studies until it became common thought for the bbing community. Alot of people say "take green tea" without a second thought forgetting where they read the real studies on it. Ive never forgotten that it was Brooklyn Juice who got me on the Green Tea train....RIP Brooklyn Juice.
So 10 years ago when I came on Animals board and stated "hey guys this is how i train (hitting bodyparts 2x every 8 days, using EV olive oil to gain weight, extreme stretching, high protien intake, warming up thru progressive sets and then doing an all out set of 11-20 going to failure 3 times during that, low volume, high frequency, rotation of 3 key exercises, blasting for this number of weeks and cruising for this number of days/weeks, switching out exercises at plateaus so you are always progressing on an exercise".etc.etc.etc.etc......for the next four years I had people bashing me, calling me an idiot, "that will never work, its stupid, noone trains like that, its bullshit,........on various boards, some not even in existence anymore....alot of the times it was me against 20 guys arguing my point.
If this was so normal and everyone was been doing it....where were you? Why werent you on there arguing with me? Why werent you backing me up? I was sitting there getting bashed relentlessly because I presented something different from everyones training beliefs and you left me flapping in the wind arguing with all those guys by myself?
Oh now....oh hey its well accepted, people gained a shitload of muscle mass like I said they would in the beginning and now I hear "oh yea i was doing that all along since 1977 with my buddy Fred....nothing new"
its ridiculous for me to hear after the battles Ive been in online about it....
I am at the point that I dont care how anyone trains...train how you want to train....sick of the bullshit arguing to be honest with you (said in a general sense to noone specific)....I would prefer someone do anything else but DC training...makes my job so much easier because hell i dont make money from was just put out there as one guys views for free.....but keep in mind one thing please. If you hear someone talk about rest pause training and its not a set of 6 max effort singles......and instead they say 11-15 or 11-20 reps with 3 failure points separated by 10-15 deep breathes on that journey....thats 100% no doubt me.