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Easy HRT script? Maybe overseas?


Aug 2, 2009
Can someone pm a very easy place to get an hrt scrip for test and deca. I know some companies are shady but imo if I have a script I am doing nothiing wrong wether its valid or not. Thats the companies fault. Im thinking there has to be some cheap overseas places that will just write a script. Kinda like the medical marijuana now. You just basically pay for your script.
i just went to an edocrine doc in the next town over took a blood test and walked out with a script for 2oomg a week of test!
I just dont wanna have to go off and wait,etc.. then get the bloodwork, wait more,etc.. then convince I need deca for my joints,etc..i fig it would be easier to work with some online company. One thats kinda shady but hey a script is a script
I just dont wanna have to go off and wait,etc.. then get the bloodwork, wait more,etc.. then convince I need deca for my joints,etc..i fig it would be easier to work with some online company. One thats kinda shady but hey a script is a script

Overseas, they can't give you a script valid in US pharmacies, I don't believe. Domestic, well... suppose there was such a place, would you post it in the open? Those setups have been busted before.
SDI in florida will give you scripts for test and deca and hgh after some blood work if your hormone levels aren't correct. You have to be over the age of 30. You can also get scripts for all yiur ancillaries. In texas you have to be at least 35 to get hormone therapy...don't know about other states. I have never been but I called asking some questions and a rep called me back about 4 times wanting me to go in for an appt. He seemed to be on the level. I declined....but the cost was very reasonable. You can't get a script for off-label uses of hormones but if you have a hormone imbalance.... :) with a valid US script you can even bring that stuff on airplanes :).
Weird that they go by age. I would think thats illegal. they should only go by bloodwork.
I just figured there would be an easy place where you just pay the fee and get your hrt without bloodwork. Like how everyone can get thier medical marijuana card. Just say your depressed, pay the fee and you got a script. I wish it was that easy with hrt.
I just figured there would be an easy place where you just pay the fee and get your hrt without bloodwork. Like how everyone can get thier medical marijuana card. Just say your depressed, pay the fee and you got a script. I wish it was that easy with hrt.


i sent you a pm. It takes a blood test where i go but they also work with you to 'legalize' a self-prescribed hrt regimen. it is in the US, and it is legit. You take a blood test but i would say that 99% you qualify.

Hope it helps, pm me if you have any questions.......i didn't think i would qualify personally but they made it happen.
My doc prescribes me 300mgs a week along with 300mgs deca.

If it's legal a real doc requires bloodwork and a physical which you can get anywhere.

My docs is in the U.S. All you need is blood work, fill out med questionair etc. Easy! Any of you need a doc hit me up anytime. It's all legit and legal and meds are cheap and REAL!!!. All about quality of life!
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Hey notsobig can you send me a PM of the place you are referring to? i tried to send u one but your PM box is full! lol probably because of this thread!


also me 2 please

pm me
Stinkpelt, what is the web address for sdi? I checked on google and couldnt find anything
Fuck, lol I didn't realize I would get so many PM's. It's all good. I just want to help just like the bro who put me onto this doc did for me. Well worth it!!!
I've responded and emailed all that Pm'd me. Compare. My doc is cheap! You'll see. Please keep all info Confidential please is all I ask!!! It's all legal but still!!!

Other places I looked at were so expensive. The cheapest is if you have med insurance and get it through your doc but typically they are pretty conservative on doses.
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Stinkpelt, what is the web address for sdi? I checked on google and couldnt find anything

I deleted all my emails from them and can't find their site now. but, just google testosterone replacement therapy and you will find all kinds of places that you can research. Personally, I would go with a doc that one of these guys has already used. It seems that there are a lot of these places in 2 cents.
Regaurdless most these places seem to require bloodwork, so its gonna have to show low T levels to qualify right? Therefor i'd have to go off test for a while :(
Regaurdless most these places seem to require bloodwork, so its gonna have to show low T levels to qualify right? Therefor i'd have to go off test for a while :(

Mr cyp, no. If you go to the one i sent you and tell them that you are currently on a self-prescribed hrt regimen, they will work with you. I got qualified mid cycle and my test was somewhere around 3200ish(free was like 1600 i believe). It is legal as mine stood up in family court for a child custody issue.....not sure of the legalities but it is a legal script and fropm a legal pharmacy in this country.

Just call the guy i told you.
Its called TRT when speaking of testosterone because a person is replacing the Testosterone he should otherwise be making. The body does NOT make Deca. I don't think this kind of thread is appropriate and if I were a mod I would delete it. This thread gives people with a ligit TRT/HRT prescription a bad name because they get lumped in with the guys who are trying to cheat the system.
I understand the point you are tryint to make and it's a good one. For HRT deca is used for joint issues. So it a quality of life thing. My doc will not prescribe you more than he thinks you think you need. Thats why bloodwork IS nec for my doc. So for anyone thinking your going to get a Legal cycle from my doc, YOUR TOTALLY WRONG. It's about Hormone balancing! My doc is not conservative but he's also not a sucker. Trust me guys that need legit HRT will be happy!
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Its called TRT when speaking of testosterone because a person is replacing the Testosterone he should otherwise be making. The body does NOT make Deca. I don't think this kind of thread is appropriate and if I were a mod I would delete it. This thread gives people with a ligit TRT/HRT prescription a bad name because they get lumped in with the guys who are trying to cheat the system.

Are you a medical professional to make statements that Hormone Replacement Therapy cannot consist of deca? If a doctor can legally prescribe it and does for a condition that they diagnose you with, how is that giving people with 'legit hrt' prescriptions a bad name. Would people who wait till they come off cycle and let their test levels plummet with no pct and then obtain a testosterone prescription also be lumped into int this? Cheating the system?

And the original question wasn't for TRT, he asked for HRT, which is hormone replacement therapy. i believe there are hormones in the human body other than testosterone.

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