Are there any benefits or even effects from doing EOD of something like 50 mg test e as a booster or is it go for it or not. Im trying to break a plateu but not ready to completely screw my test levels just yet until I know im really stuck.
Enanthate has a 10.5 day half life, so EOD makes no sense at 50mg.
I disagree. 50mgs EOD will minimize estrogen conversion and that lessens the chance for many side effects. This is only one of a billion reasons why EOD enan makes perfect sense.
Thanks for all the info guys, I checked the article out it was pretty informative. My main question is that would a 50 mg eod screw my natural test levels permanently like a normal high dose cycle? What do you think about a good dosage being if not?
I heard nolva at 20 mg ed 2 wks then 10 mg for 1 wk can wrap up a low dose cycle well, I would assume if I didnt want to take the rule of thumb on that that blood tests would be the only true way to find out? Im more questioning long term unrecoverable damage as a long hard cycle would present then short term defiecencies.
so what would be the opinion on a long term cycles that looked like the following
1-5 50 mg eod
6-10 75 mg eod
11-15 100mg eod
11-15 nolva 20mg ed
16-20 75mg eod
16-20 10 mg nolva ed
then continue out on 50 mg eod teste, 10mg nolva ed for 5 more weeks with the nolva running an extra week or two.
In perosnal research ive done since the posting it seems the idea is that hitting your body with higher doses right away si what screws it up most, the gradual increase in dosage and gradual downgrade should in theory let the body adapt. the nolva will help dry it up and keep estro low?