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Old School Moderator
Staff member
Jun 20, 2002
It's been a couple weeks now..up 10lbs in bodyweight..but a few days ago, started noticing sore itchy nipples. Definitely gyno symptoms. I was under the impression that Epistane would do just the opposite, prevent or even reduce gyno. I'm not going to mention the brand, but I'm 100% its legit EPI. Hitting it with some Nolvadex right now but may switch to something stronger like Letrozole. Just a heads up for those who are thinking about running it.
got 2 friends with gyno from epi-compound, one got it while on cycle and one got some nasty rebound when he came off. 2 different brands
Did the exactly same thing to me. Only thing that ever gave me a lump that is still with me now (though smaller). Pisses me off to no end...

Letro did not fix it, but Nolvadex did. My letro source may have been bunk though, whereas the Nola was trusted.
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epistane is not epitiostanol, when morons that run supplement companies get it through their thick skulls that they have no fucking clue about the impacts of methylation on steroidal activity they might realize they have done a lot of harm with their false and baseless activity claims.

the unending prattle about how each of these compounds does not cause gyno, is as sickening as it wrong. this error is compounded by the reccomendation of tamoxifen for pct....
epistane is not epitiostanol, when morons that run supplement companies get it through their thick skulls that they have no fucking clue about the impacts of methylation on steroidal activity they might realize they have done a lot of harm with their false and baseless activity claims.

the unending prattle about how each of these compounds does not cause gyno, is as sickening as it wrong. this error is compounded by the reccomendation of tamoxifen for pct....

Could you elaborate more on what you said about epistane not being epitiostanol?

I just purchased a bit of epistane (E-stane actually) so I'm a little curious
I'm listening...

epistane is not epitiostanol, when morons that run supplement companies get it through their thick skulls that they have no fucking clue about the impacts of methylation on steroidal activity they might realize they have done a lot of harm with their false and baseless activity claims.

the unending prattle about how each of these compounds does not cause gyno, is as sickening as it wrong. this error is compounded by the reccomendation of tamoxifen for pct....

I have some e-stane as well but will NOT use it if it may cause gyno!
Please let us know your thoughts Macro.
I have used Epi a few times before and it really does remind me of anavar...Maybe a lil weaker...No gyno issues for me thank goodness.
I've run both the IBE and generic versions of epistane with no issues. Found it to be a very mild anabolic, nothing earth shattering.

One of the problems with phs is that very little research is out there on them and the companies make wild claims that cannot be refuted due to this. You then need to go on word of mouth on how the product works, which leads to many degrees of anecdotal evidence.

FWIW with epistane there are both people who get gyno and people who do not, similar to any other compound out there. When there is no issue getting more tried and true orals I would pass on it since you seem to be in the first group.
First time Havoc user and I got a slight case of gyno.

Like previously said...I thought it would have the opposite effect if any.
maybe what you have is not epistane...epistane actually dries out and can temporarily kill off any flareups in your nipples. There is, however, a (possibly nasty) estrogen rebound, since the shit shuts you down (with doing very little for you btw).

Up 10lbs in 2 weeks? Are you gaining fat? Holding water? That doesn't sound like epistane honestly...maybe you got a different prohormone in place of the epistane?

Clomid 25mg ED for ~3 weeks is good PCT for epistane.

BUMP x 2. would like any feedback on E-Stane also. Especially from CEL which i hear is or was the shiznit...
i am curious about the dosages each of you were using and the length of time that you ran the epistane and got gyno ... on the epistane website, there are 3 different reccomendations on how to run it.
maybe what you have is not epistane...epistane actually dries out and can temporarily kill off any flareups in your nipples. There is, however, a (possibly nasty) estrogen rebound, since the shit shuts you down (with doing very little for you btw).

Up 10lbs in 2 weeks? Are you gaining fat? Holding water? That doesn't sound like epistane honestly...maybe you got a different prohormone in place of the epistane?

Clomid 25mg ED for ~3 weeks is good PCT for epistane.

Like I said, I'm a 100% sure it's real EPI and not another prohormone.
I'm not bloated, I'm looking lean and I check my bodyfat regular so I'm sure I'm not gaining bodyfat. I've added Nolvadex too try combating the gyno, but honestly considering ditching the Epistane.
i am curious about the dosages each of you were using and the length of time that you ran the epistane and got gyno ... on the epistane website, there are 3 different reccomendations on how to run it.

I've been running it at 20mg daily and was planning on upping the dosage to 30mg but after the sore nips appeared I decided I wasnt upping the dosage.
maybe what you have is not epistane...epistane actually dries out and can temporarily kill off any flareups in your nipples. There is, however, a (possibly nasty) estrogen rebound, since the shit shuts you down (with doing very little for you btw).

Up 10lbs in 2 weeks? Are you gaining fat? Holding water? That doesn't sound like epistane honestly...maybe you got a different prohormone in place of the epistane?

Clomid 25mg ED for ~3 weeks is good PCT for epistane.

all methyls will suppress SHBG, its certainly androgenic so impairment of insulin sensitivity alone could account for that weight gain.

(peeps always forget about the insulin/androgen issue-- or are in most cases wholly unaware of it---its actually a significant source of "gains"-- at least water and fat-- though igf-1 increases from such shift as well as orals impacts on liver can be quite a factor in muscle growth as well... pretty much everyone does not understand the true impact of SHBG suppression... though that discussion is way to long for middle of sleepies snack time :).

reaction to epistane will vary considerably, primarily due to plasma hormone profile (SHBG supression and "new" free plasma hormone levels-- again can be good or bad), receptor expression as well as subtype and co-expressed (impacting binding as well as secondary impacts on things like PRLR), and dopaminergic response (prolactin issue via DA neuronal impacts).

for those with higher DHT and 5alpha reductase levels epistane can lead to dryness...(and where insulin sensitivity and insulin over production are not issues-- usually because of cardio or glucose clearance agents) though not if also high level 3-beta hsd metabolizers... (regardless of other factors which can be over come--- 3 beta issues are much harder to anticipate and deal with)

of course could also be poorly synthesized, the wrong compound or a host of things.... however pure "epistane" can cause all the issues complained of.
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Like I said, I'm a 100% sure it's real EPI and not another prohormone.
I'm not bloated, I'm looking lean and I check my bodyfat regular so I'm sure I'm not gaining bodyfat. I've added Nolvadex too try combating the gyno, but honestly considering ditching the Epistane.

tamoxifen can actually worsen issue, even when it acts to reduce acute inflammation. so can make "not hurty" and even less "swole" but at the same time create a "pathway to citizenship" for structural developments... (wow.. late nite... make "specialness")
My friend is taking Methyl-E by AST Another havoc clone as well.
He is also taking the 3-AD compound he picked up at the vitamin store.
He is running both for 4 weeks.
Can he successfully restore his htpa if with Aromasin as a PCT.
Nolva doesnt sound like a good idea and Clomid i hear from folks is up in the air i think after reading the Clomid thread on here.
He doesnt know anything about anything when it comes to this stuff and i am not very experienced myself but i have a good idea from researching and my cycle experience i need to help him out he is coming up with his 4th week soon.
What is " The Epistane PCT " ?
Lets hear it guys. What would a advanced user recommend?
epi does have serm-like effects and can help reduce or eliminate gyno...but it only has a six hour half-life so unless dosed accordingly you can put your hormones on a rollercoaster ride and actually cause gyno.
epi does have serm-like effects and can help reduce or eliminate gyno...but it only has a six hour half-life so unless dosed accordingly you can put your hormones on a rollercoaster ride and actually cause gyno.

good point! which is why i asked about the dosages, if you were taking 30mg a day...10 mg each dose, spread out every 6 hrs then hormone levels would stay more stable. this is also common with dbol and other orals
as a matter of fact, nowhere on the epistane site does it say to use less then 30mg a day, you may want to change the dose and stay on a serm until symptoms subside. JMO

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