EQ can make ur red blood cells double and can give the effect of polycythema.... Excess red blood cells.... But never heard of it making ur BP go sky high
Sounds like this polycythemia is worse than high bp. however since no one has ever reported this til now i doubt its a concern on moderate doses like 400-800. Interesting. apaprently its a disease according to mayo clinic, scary stuff wonder if EQ could cause u to develop it....
Sounds like this polycythemia is worse than high bp. however since no one has ever reported this til now i doubt its a concern on moderate doses like 400-800. Interesting. apaprently its a disease according to mayo clinic, scary stuff wonder if EQ could cause u to develop it....
Last yr I had knee injury.... 5 days after developed DVT and it was scary .... Like having a pc of TNT strapped to ur leg ready exploded... Cuz that clot breaks and then u throw a PE (pulmunary embolism) and that is all she wrote.... Getting to the point..... I had my blood work checked about 20 times that summer..... My RBC count was so high..... A mans norm is like 12-15 range ... Maybe more or less at times.... Mine was at 28 ....so my doctors and I had a hard time figuring it out .... They thought I had cancer/ bone problems and then I saw a cancer doc and he gave me what they call I think a jack panel test...... And he said one of the things it checks for is polycythemia .... Well he said that large amounts of EQ can cause this to look like it...... I was scared as he'll.....