Test-Enth 500mg/wk 10 weeks.
400mg EQ (from alin)/wk 10 weeks
Forgot to include my stats/history.
I am 6'1 195 32 years old. I seem to stay around 12-14%bf. I pretty much just blindly force-feed myself all the time, and I havent watched BF to closely. I have some ab definition though (although not quite a 6 pack). Been lifing/dieting naturally for about 4 years.
I am a hardgainer. Took me 4 years to go from 165 to where I am at now. 7 meals/day. weight gainers, etc. I did a Megabol/anabol PH stack a few years ago when they were legal, and gained about 15 lbs of bloat that quickly fell off after the cycle. Since then, I have been just using suppliments and trying to eat as much protien as possible.
I believe I am at my natural limit with my metabolism. I saw a Dr who seemed to agree. If I stop force feeding myself, I will start dropping weight like crazy. (Last year, I went off diet for a 2 week vacation, and ended up dropping like 10 lbs. Took me forever to recover it). Leaving for Hawaii in a few days, and I am actually dreading it.
Anyway, I am just looking for the best gains possible, so that when I loose weight during PCT (I am afraid I might go totally catabolic), I can keep most of my gains. (I will be doing Clen along with my PCT).
Thanks for your input!
What kind of test are you going to use and how much?
What kind of EQ are you considering using, and how much?
What do you weigh and how long have you been lifting naturally?
What kind of results are you looking for?
EQ and test go great together, just be prepared and do it right - don't "wing it." Put together your cycle plan, including PCT, and follow it to the T.