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experience and educated help requested


New member
Aug 30, 2010
I am running my second cycle.1ml test cyp twice a week , 1ml nand. deca a week, 50 mg anavar EOD, along with 20mg tamoxifen twice a week and .75 mg anastrozole 5 days a week. All for 10 weeks.
my 1st cycle worked well, gained 12 lbs. lost 3 inches in gut, and creating a decent build now. 47 years old, and finally have enough energy to hit the gym 5 days a week. 3 days lifting and 30 min cardio, 2 days 1 hr cardio and core exercises,
My question is, during the 1st cycle I had 3 flair ups of water retention in legs and ankles. Was this a increase in estrogen? If so should I increase anti-estrogens?
My goal on the 2nd cycle is to sculpt my abdomen and better core strength.
Also, can I add a thermogenic or would this be too much with the anavar??
Also any help with PCT? with what and how long??
I heard that HCG is a good post cycle with some other stuff.
Any help or suggestions please!!
Hey Ronny,
I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying the results of your cycles, so far. But, were I you, I'd do some more reading! I say this from one older athlete to another, with the best of intentions!

Some points:
Many people will say that Deca takes a long time to kick in, so at 10 weeks, you may be just at the beginning of Deca's benefits.

Run the Test a few weeks longer than the Deca. Or you could end up in bad shape with libido/performance issues in bed. Deca stays in the body for a LONG time. So with low test after the cycle and deca in there alone = badness.

Nolva on that cycle may not be a good idea. Its debatable, but many people think Nolva sensitizes Progesterone receptors. Sensitized receptors + a progestin like Deca or Tren could leave you with boobs. Why not try an AI like Aromasin. Better all around, IMO and No man-boobs.

Why Anavar EOD? The half life is not very long, so ED dosing at 25mg may be better than 50 EOD amount.

Sculpting the core will be down to diet, unfortunately. Figuring that out is part of the fun! ;) A high protein, moderate fats, low carb diet that totals to a slight deficit is a good place to start. Best thing I can recommend is hiring one of the trainers here, (Shelby, Alex, Phil, many other greats) and save yourself some time and money and frustration and maximize your time and results.

A Thermogenic is fine, but if diet is off by too much, a thermogenic won't be of much help.

PCT is a whole other field of study. Very personal and not an afterthought. Bad PCT or an ineffective one will just steal your gains and make you feel crappy. Some good reading is in order on that.

Other people may have more advice on this, but those were just a couple thoughts.

Hope this helps!
experienced educated help request

Great to hear from you Ehren, just got my labs back today and free test is at 1482. So, you say maybe the 1st run of deca may be good enough for me not to add to it now, and the continued support of my testosterone injects would be ok , in your opinion?
I started 10 weeks ago with a test reading of 179:banghead: before starting therapy.I am being guded by a age management clinic, so that is why I have been researching over the last 10 weeks all forums I can find. Quickly starting to grasp the foundation of this stuff . I would like to think my team is steering me in the correct direction , that is why I am asking for help on the outside. It gives me some good questions to shoot back to medical Drs.
Only reaso to go EOD on anavar was because of the price . I have taken ED for 70 days straight.Kinda talked into EOD because of the results I have received, it was a easy sell to me.
Once again , for me this started as a test replacement therapy for me, but when I got the sales pitch of the benefits and possible physical results I could achive , I got hooked. Like I said, I'm happy to have the drive and stanmina and energy to put in the effort now to look and feel good.
Ehren, thanks again for your sugestions , any and all will go a long way for me, CHEERS:headbang::headbang:

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