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My Arnold trip experience


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2023
Just wanted to make a quick post after my wife and I just got back from the Arnold weekend. It was my second time going with the last about 10 years ago. I was pleasantly surprised this time and we really enjoyed it even more than I did before. The expo was great although very very crowded on Saturday but far more free products given away that I remember before. I had a backpack full of stuff. Although I think a few hours over two days is enough at the expo for me. It gets to be sensory overload with all the people. We met some big names there alone we ran into even more training each day at Pros Gym. My wife competes in wellness and she thoroughly enjoyed getting to see them on stage.

I was within spitting distance of Arnold himself on the first day at 8 AM when he made a surprise visit there just because he wanted to go to the gym.

Kai Greene was there training and got a lot of attention and hilariously we had an exchange where he definitely thought I was someone famous.

Lee Priest was also there I talked to him again at the expo. I was in high school watching his VHS tapes. He was hilarious cracking jokes.

Buendia and Terry were there and were shockingly much smaller than I ever imagined.

Literally ran into Nick Walker at the top of the steps. He was very soft spoken and took time to take photos of anyone that asked but definitely seemed overwhelmed by the attention.

Lunsford is as wide as he is tall and the only person with a longer line than him was Jocko Willink which I thought was cool.

Guy Cisternino was super cool and spent far more time talking with me than I expected. He's opening a gym five minutes from where I train now and was showing me videos on his cell phone. Which, sidenote, the gym looks incredibly bad ass and full of new tech equipment. I already signed up and it opens the 23rd of this month.

Jay Cutler seems super cool and was very interactive joking with everyone that came by. He thought he seemed to have a dry and standoffish personality but he seem to be really friendly to everyone. I thought his speech was great with everyone he thanked especially Ronnie

We had good seats in the first row of the mezzanine but opted to watch the finals on the live stream as the big screens weren't quite big enough we were a little too far away still to see detail. I thought the live stream was very good and very cool.

Ate some incredible sushi at Domo. Highly recommended. Our Airbnb is five minutes from the venue and gym. Traffic and parking was easy except around the convention center where we Uber's. Not sure if it is something I would do again next year right away but we are thinking about going to Vegas for the Olympia in the fall. which would be cool in itself but I think more fun being in Vegas and having more to do and see over the long weekend.

Added pics of food at Pat and Gracie's. HIGHLY recommended for a burger and the best chicken tenders I've ever had.


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Looks like y’all had a great time! Enjoyed the pictures!

Thanks for sharing the pictures man. Looks like a great time.
Looks like a great time man. I'll have to go next year
Sounds like a good trip! I’m glad y’all got to make it and had fun.
I would love to be in the same room as Arnold. Thanks for sharing your Experience. I have to get to the Olympia or Arnold one of these days.
Just wanted to make a quick post after my wife and I just got back from the Arnold weekend. It was my second time going with the last about 10 years ago. I was pleasantly surprised this time and we really enjoyed it even more than I did before. The expo was great although very very crowded on Saturday but far more free products given away that I remember before. I had a backpack full of stuff. Although I think a few hours over two days is enough at the expo for me. It gets to be sensory overload with all the people. We met some big names there alone we ran into even more training each day at Pros Gym. My wife competes in wellness and she thoroughly enjoyed getting to see them on stage.

I was within spitting distance of Arnold himself on the first day at 8 AM when he made a surprise visit there just because he wanted to go to the gym.

Kai Greene was there training and got a lot of attention and hilariously we had an exchange where he definitely thought I was someone famous.

Lee Priest was also there I talked to him again at the expo. I was in high school watching his VHS tapes. He was hilarious cracking jokes.

Buendia and Terry were there and were shockingly much smaller than I ever imagined.

Literally ran into Nick Walker at the top of the steps. He was very soft spoken and took time to take photos of anyone that asked but definitely seemed overwhelmed by the attention.

Lunsford is as wide as he is tall and the only person with a longer line than him was Jocko Willink which I thought was cool.

Guy Cisternino was super cool and spent far more time talking with me than I expected. He's opening a gym five minutes from where I train now and was showing me videos on his cell phone. Which, sidenote, the gym looks incredibly bad ass and full of new tech equipment. I already signed up and it opens the 23rd of this month.

Jay Cutler seems super cool and was very interactive joking with everyone that came by. He thought he seemed to have a dry and standoffish personality but he seem to be really friendly to everyone. I thought his speech was great with everyone he thanked especially Ronnie

We had good seats in the first row of the mezzanine but opted to watch the finals on the live stream as the big screens weren't quite big enough we were a little too far away still to see detail. I thought the live stream was very good and very cool.

Ate some incredible sushi at Domo. Highly recommended. Our Airbnb is five minutes from the venue and gym. Traffic and parking was easy except around the convention center where we Uber's. Not sure if it is something I would do again next year right away but we are thinking about going to Vegas for the Olympia in the fall. which would be cool in itself but I think more fun being in Vegas and having more to do and see over the long weekend.

Added pics of food at Pat and Gracie's. HIGHLY recommended for a burger and the best chicken tenders I've ever had.
bad ass! thank you for sharing. I met jay at LA fit expo in 2014 he was a gentleman for sure.
Your the opposite as most people..

I know it's only a few pics but you actually look bigger next to other people then In your solo shots lol
Sounds like a great time I'm happy you and your wife were able to experience all that. Some nice stories and memories! That food looks amazing lol
I was always wonder how really big in life are guys like Terry and similar guys , I know that open class are huge but very often seems those smaller guys who in camera lights look great and thinking what is the truth.
I went 15 years straight. I think I'll head back next year. I know a few good restaurants that are within walking distance.
Hyde park is a GREAT steakhouse.
Does anyone go out to Thurman's anymore?? Or is it all just hype cuz of Adam Richmond and "Man vs Food"? Last I heard of it was when John Meadows (rip😞) and Antoine Vaillant were hanging out and talking about it years ago
Does anyone go out to Thurman's anymore?? Or is it all just hype cuz of Adam Richmond and "Man vs Food"? Last I heard of it was when John Meadows (rip😞) and Antoine Vaillant were hanging out and talking about it years ago
Thurmans was highly recommended but we opted to go to Pat and Gracie's instead which was awesome
Does anyone go out to Thurman's anymore?? Or is it all just hype cuz of Adam Richmond and "Man vs Food"? Last I heard of it was when John Meadows (rip😞) and Antoine Vaillant were hanging out and talking about it years ago
I've been there and it's pretty good. I would only go if your trying to eat the Thurmanator. I've actually ate it 🤣

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