I have some bottles of winny that expired in 6/07 and some deca that expired 3/07 that i got from a life extension clinic. Are they still good, OR have they probly lost potency, OR are they just plain bad now and i should toss them? On a side note: im getting some hcg to pump The Boys back up. The clinic nurse practitioner recommended 500-1000 2-3Xs week of the hcg while im still On. Im doing 200 enan/wk and IF the Deca is Still good i will be doing 300 of that as well. I know you all cant give dose recommendations but if at least you can let me know whether or not these sound like reasonable recommendations OR point me in the right direction if not. Last time i did hcg at around 500 2-3Xs week i got considerable water retention and swelling and would like to avoid that if possible. Thankyou!!!