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Extremely weak feeling after GHRP-6 shot?


New member
Jan 30, 2009
I just took my first shot of GHRP-6 at 150mcg and I feel EXTREMELY weak. I took it 2.5 hours after my 2nd meal. Soon after I began to feel as if I was going hypo and getting very weak. 30mins after shot I began to eat my next meal, I ate about 100grams carbs and 50 grams protein. it has been an hour since that meal and I still feel very very weak. Is this normal?
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I just took my first shot of GHRP-6 at 150mcg and I feel EXTREMELY weak. I took it 2.5 hours after my 2nd meal. Soon after I began to feel as if I was going hypo and getting very weak. 30mins after shot I began to eat my next meal, I ate about 100grams carbs and 50 grams protein. it has been an hour since that meal and I still feel very very weak. Is this normal?

GHRP-6 is a Ghrelin mimetic. Ghrelin is a hormone that can be thought of as anti-leptin least in regard to inducement of hunger pangs.

So feeling intense hunger is normal... the effect wanes after several weeks.

Now the saturation dose of 100mcg shouldn't be so bad that a meal can't eliminate the hunger effect.

I also suspect that you might have reconstituted improperly and are administering a higher dose then you think.

By-the-way those feeling of hypo are NOT blood sugar related. A week or so ago I hadn't eaten in 6 hours and I administered a sloppily measured dose of GHRP-6 which turned out to be 200mcg.

I felt sweaty and like I was going to pass out at one point. So I quickly took a blood glucose reading and there was no drop in blood glucose. So these feelings do not come from drops in blood glucose.

Eating takes away that effect.

As for your lethargy... why start at such a high dose? You are allowed to start at 33mcg and work up. 33mcg is effective.
thanks for the help. I was only able to get 4ML in the bottle, and I did 10iu in my shot. So i just guesstimated it was about 150mcg. Im trying to take 100mcg twice daily. I will def. take less for my next shot. Thanks for the help as always dat and thanks for the help with the reconstitution.
thanks for the help. I was only able to get 4ML in the bottle, and I did 10iu in my shot. So i just guesstimated it was about 150mcg. Im trying to take 100mcg twice daily. I will def. take less for my next shot. Thanks for the help as always dat and thanks for the help with the reconstitution.

Yes...start off w/a lower dose and work your way up as Dat has suggested.

Do you know what the actual concentration of your GHRP-6 is at?

Why are you guesstimating?
Yes...start off w/a lower dose and work your way up as Dat has suggested.

Do you know what the actual concentration of your GHRP-6 is at?

Why are you guesstimating?

Do you know what the actual concentration of your GHRP-6 is at? its the 5mg vials from metachems.

Why are you guesstimating? I messed up with the reconstitution and dont know exactly how much water was put in the vial.
Do you know what the actual concentration of your GHRP-6 is at? its the 5mg vials from metachems.

Why are you guesstimating? I messed up with the reconstitution and dont know exactly how much water was put in the vial.

How did you recon? I'd appreciate some detail. We may be able to figure something out. Up to you.
i was trying to put in 5ML of water into the 5MG vial so that 10iu on the slin pin would equal 100mcg. The vial was small and I was not able to fit all 5ML in. I was able to get about 3.75-4 mil of water in it. So I took 10iu my first shot, and i believe that to be more than im trying to take. So im going to try 8iu next shot....I believe that will be closer to the 100mcg dose im trying to get.
i was trying to put in 5ML of water into the 5MG vial so that 10iu on the slin pin would equal 100mcg. The vial was small and I was not able to fit all 5ML in. I was able to get about 3.75-4 mil of water in it. So I took 10iu my first shot, and i believe that to be more than im trying to take. So im going to try 8iu next shot....I believe that will be closer to the 100mcg dose im trying to get.

0.5mL or 1.0mL slin syringe?
Ok, here's the deal: Next time, only use 1-2mL BW to recon 5mg GHRP-6. That's all you need.

Now, here are your concentrations based on your assumed BW volumes:
1) IF 3.75mL BW added, then 100mcg = 7.5IU or 7.5 ticks on the slinpin
2) IF 4.0 mL BW added, then 100mcg = 8.0IU or 8 ticks " " "
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yea I wont make that mistake again......Thanks man for the breakdown!

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