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Facebook Page for Professional Muscle?


Kilo Klub/Moderator
Kilo Klub Member
Feb 26, 2009
Has anyone thought of having a Facebook page for Professionalmuscle,com or even just for the forum? I think it would be a great way to get the word out especially to friends of people that we know that could benefit from joining. You could send someone an invite to the page and tell them to check out the forum. We have a good handful of people who are dedicated to this forum and that's great to see! I'd love to get more dedicated people on here to help them through their process of building muscle and be able to encourage them along the way. I think we could really go far and be a huge impact on bodybuilding if we advertised the forum through Facebook. Thoughts? Suggestions? BigA?

Not a bad idea at all chef, i have wondered why PM isnt on facebook already.

But PERSONALLY I cant stand facebook and hope all facebook users rot in hell :D I cant even have a straight conversation with my girlfriend without her looking down on her damn iphone every 20 seconds and making a new post or interreputing my conversation with "oh my god, katie broke up with bryce" comments. Its like the damn thing has taken control of her life.
And not to mention the CAT FIGHTS that ensue when somebody posts a controversial or negative comment about somebody... :eek: You never hear the end of it. Talk about a shit storm.

So f*** facebook and f*** myspace and twitter and all that other social networking stuff. And sorry for all my cussing...!
Not a bad idea at all chef, i have wondered why PM isnt on facebook already.

But PERSONALLY I cant stand facebook and hope all facebook users rot in hell :D I cant even have a straight conversation with my girlfriend without her looking down on her damn iphone every 20 seconds and making a new post or interreputing my conversation with "oh my god, katie broke up with bryce" comments. Its like the damn thing has taken control of her life.
And not to mention the CAT FIGHTS that ensue when somebody posts a controversial or negative comment about somebody... :eek: You never hear the end of it. Talk about a shit storm.

So f*** facebook and f*** myspace and twitter and all that other social networking stuff. And sorry for all my cussing...!

LoL! Facebook is like a diary! I agree with you but I dont take any notice of those stupid comments!
I wouldnt like to see PM on facebook to be honest. Dont want this board turning into a BB.com board.
Has anyone thought of having a Facebook page for Professionalmuscle,com or even just for the forum? I think it would be a great way to get the word out especially to friends of people that we know that could benefit from joining. You could send someone an invite to the page and tell them to check out the forum. We have a good handful of people who are dedicated to this forum and that's great to see! I'd love to get more dedicated people on here to help them through their process of building muscle and be able to encourage them along the way. I think we could really go far and be a huge impact on bodybuilding if we advertised the forum through Facebook. Thoughts? Suggestions? BigA?

No disrespect Big Chef but what could facebook give us that PM doesn't already?
Good points small and king! LoL might turn into bb.com! How true!
Ofcourse it would. I wouldnt be able to join the professional muscle group without people judging me... oh he definitely does steroids, that kinda shit, not to mention LE gaining knowledge, right you would think.
A message board like Pro M probably isn't the best idea but this would be a good site for Big A to put on facebook
Synthetek Industries - Innovative Bodybuilding Products
Say what you want about FB it but it drums up A LOT of free business for a lot of companies-no advertising fees etc.
bad idea imo
It would probably bring unwanted attention to the board.

agreed. Not a matter if there will be a other ORD or Raw deal but when and having it on facebook wouldnt help this place out or any of the sponsers! who knows maybe im wrong but the more people will just cuase more problems.

A message board like Pro M probably isn't the best idea but this would be a good site for Big A to put on facebook
Synthetek Industries - Innovative Bodybuilding Products
Say what you want about FB it but it drums up A LOT of free business for a lot of companies-no advertising fees etc.

Yes,I don't think PM needs the unwanted attention/traffic facebook would bring.But for a business with a great product like synthetek facebook is perfect.
People uses the term dvds for a reason, I am not sure many would be eager to put their real names for all and sundry to see? Well certainly not me. Oh wait I forgot I'm not even a member of facebook hahaha
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Most people are "private" on this site, and rightfully so because of what goes on here.. Facebook would basically piss away all that privacy for those who joined. Although, I would join because I am a facebook whore :p
definately no to a ProMuscle facebook page.
No chance, this is our little secret;)
It would probably bring unwanted attention to the board.

I don't know why someone would even consider making a Facebook page for PM.

If this forum have friends I'm quite shure that they would all be looked at closely by you know who.

So f*** facebook and f*** myspace and twitter and all that other social networking stuff. And sorry for all my cussing...!

I agree with this. I think these social networking sights are pathetic. Just my opinion lol.

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