Alin said:Whats best dose for HGH if primary goal is fat loss,,,been running Jins at 4iu day for last week?
southeastar said:Hi alin
i think 2-4 iu of hgh should be fine for fatloss,but id run it at least 12 weeks,if your going to run only for 4 week id bump up the dosage.
nuteboy said:What if you're running 3IU with 25mcg of t3? Would that help "pump" up the fast lost and with a low carb, high protein diet?
IBBAdmin said:if you can afford, the presrcibed dose for Jins is 10iu per day, for fat loss and real lean muscle benefits you need to run it over 6 months for the best results.
The gh today is not to potent giving the iu per iu of the olded genetechs and so on.
I used the genetech nutropin depot a few years ago and I had a hard time handleing the 2.2 kits every month. But the new stuff out ,jins ,Serostems and such are weaker as iu to iu...
that's exactly the opposite! you shld inject after consumin' carbs, this was your insulin level is high that's how GH works bestUse ED and try to avoid carb meals at injection times.
For all you guys recommending 4-10 IU ... have any of you tried just using 2? 2iu m-f melted all the fat off me in 3 months .
I Have Been Running 2ius a day 5 days a week for 4 weeks now....feel great does anyone no the best time to take your ius... I Do Mine at like 7:30 am.
That is a good time, will be better if you split it up, at that time and early afternoon, 30 minutes before eating.