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fats and carbs


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Kilo Klub Member
Jun 26, 2008
Ive seen a lot of talk on other boards about not mixing fats and carbs in meals. maybe i am wrong but ive always been under the impression that the ixing of these two is a good thing. Fats slow the digestion of the carbs creating less of an insulin spike. So with less of an insulin spike the carbs are less likely to be stored as adipose body fat. Am i correct in this thinking? An example meal would be chicken breast, rice and almonds.

p.s. unless pwo then u want the spike
I was under the impression that the carbs caused the spike that help to shuttle the fat to storage.

I think that the carbs still break down and digest at the same speed no matter what you eat them with , the fats are slower to digest though.

I'm currently eating my carbs early in the day with very lean protein then after about lunch I cut the carbs out and eat "fat" protein like lean beef and salmon along with green veggies

I was under the impression that the carbs caused the spike that help to shuttle the fat to storage.

I think that the carbs still break down and digest at the same speed no matter what you eat them with , the fats are slower to digest though.

I'm currently eating my carbs early in the day with very lean protein then after about lunch I cut the carbs out and eat "fat" protein like lean beef and salmon along with green veggies

You should read up on this. It is important to know........very important.
See that big sign on your posts that says trained by Alex..........you need to ask more questions.

I'll do that and report back so everybody here can benefit since your well of knowledge is to great to share with everybody on this great board , we woulden't want you to give an knowledge for free
I'll do that and report back so everybody here can benefit since your well of knowledge is to great to share with everybody on this great board , we woulden't want you to give an knowledge for free

This is off the subject, but hey Gun. Are you an Alex client? Just curious how your results are.
Well honestly

I'll do that and report back so everybody here can benefit since your well of knowledge is to great to share with everybody on this great board , we woulden't want you to give an knowledge for free

Since you want to be a jacksss......This stuff is taught in 3rd grade........you 8 years old? You think people can benefit from going back over 3rd grade go for it...........I would actually like to hear what you learned
Fat+carb = ok in moderation and won't cause that immediate fat gain everyone is afraid of

Fat+Carb = fat gain if you take them both in at the same time in rediculous amounts (like a huge burger+fries+molten chocolate cake+ice cream)...

usually people who preach this stuff are those who are taking meals like
50-70 gr protein +20-30 gr fat
50-70 gr protein + 50-70 gr carbs..

add up the total calories for those meals and you have around 400-600 cals a meal...

now, take in 70 gr of protein, 70 gr of carbs, and 30 grams of fat in a meal and you have 830 cals in that meal...

eating a lot of those will make you fat, not the combination.
Fat+carb = ok in moderation and won't cause that immediate fat gain everyone is afraid of

Fat+Carb = fat gain if you take them both in at the same time in rediculous amounts (like a huge burger+fries+molten chocolate cake+ice cream)...

usually people who preach this stuff are those who are taking meals like
50-70 gr protein +20-30 gr fat
50-70 gr protein + 50-70 gr carbs..

add up the total calories for those meals and you have around 400-600 cals a meal...

now, take in 70 gr of protein, 70 gr of carbs, and 30 grams of fat in a meal and you have 830 cals in that meal...

eating a lot of those will make you fat, not the combination.

thanks for the reply...This was my thinking

Fat+carb = ok in moderation and won't cause that immediate fat gain everyone is afraid of

Fat+Carb = fat gain if you take them both in at the same time in rediculous amounts (like a huge burger+fries+molten chocolate cake+ice cream)...

usually people who preach this stuff are those who are taking meals like
50-70 gr protein +20-30 gr fat
50-70 gr protein + 50-70 gr carbs..

add up the total calories for those meals and you have around 400-600 cals a meal...

now, take in 70 gr of protein, 70 gr of carbs, and 30 grams of fat in a meal and you have 830 cals in that meal...

eating a lot of those will make you fat, not the combination.

How so? You mean for everyone? I dont think 500-600 calories a meal is too many. Your ratios come out to 33-33-33% which is not bad......70 carbs, 70 protein, 30 fat is 830 calories yes but thats a normal size meal for anyone over 210 pounds..........
How so? You mean for everyone? I dont think 500-600 calories a meal is too many. Your ratios come out to 33-33-33% which is not bad......70 carbs, 70 protein, 30 fat is 830 calories yes but thats a normal size meal for anyone over 210 pounds..........

as i said in the end "eating a lot of those will make you fat"

eating 7 meals at 830 cals each, that's a shit ton of calories...
eating 7 meals at 400-500 cals each, that's not a lot...

I agree it's mostly about total calories... but if someone like me ate 3500-4000 cals per day (even though i usually weigh 205-215) i'd get as fat as fuck.
and those numbers were just for example's sake. i would much rather keep my meals something like 50-50-20 in grams and eat 4 or 5 of those. for someone else, he might want to increase those cals especially if he had a fast metabolism.

and seriously, i don't know how you guys eat that many calories :confused:
I once tried seperating fats and carbs and was eating a total of 3000 cals of EXTREMELY clean food with a lot of cardio and i got as fat as hell :confused:

from my experience and from people i've helped out and trained, mixing foods (especially at something like 40-30-30 ratio) is a lot better than seperating. even when using insulin... I also learned that from you, phil :)
Oh yes

as i said in the end "eating a lot of those will make you fat"

eating 7 meals at 830 cals each, that's a shit ton of calories...
eating 7 meals at 400-500 cals each, that's not a lot...

I agree it's mostly about total calories... but if someone like me ate 3500-4000 cals per day (even though i usually weigh 205-215) i'd get as fat as fuck.
and those numbers were just for example's sake. i would much rather keep my meals something like 50-50-20 in grams and eat 4 or 5 of those. for someone else, he might want to increase those cals especially if he had a fast metabolism.

and seriously, i don't know how you guys eat that many calories :confused:
I once tried seperating fats and carbs and was eating a total of 3000 cals of EXTREMELY clean food with a lot of cardio and i got as fat as hell :confused:

from my experience and from people i've helped out and trained, mixing foods (especially at something like 40-30-30 ratio) is a lot better than seperating. even when using insulin... I also learned that from you, phil :)

I always mix foods....never seperate them.....thats how I feel.

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