I feel very bad like catching a bad flu but is not on yet, not even sniffing but feel terrible inside...anything else besides Vit C?
As my doctor told me last week, almost every case of the flu that has come to them was the swine flu..She said stay home in bed and drink lots of fluids..I feel very bad like catching a bad flu but is not on yet, not even sniffing but feel terrible inside...anything else besides Vit C?
Salt water swab nose
salt water gargle
Most are born in the throat and nasal passages. You may be able to kill out the germs before they get too far.
I would do all the above multiple times per day...
Then once a day or so when you feel better.
sleep always does it for me..then i feel tons better
also penicillin , use it "before" the cold gets a good grip on you, even though most ppl use it for infections only you'll be surprised how much help it can give with a pre-cold or flu because they contain some form of "bacteria"Hey bro,
what about kyolic ?
As per Dr. Mercola, 1,000 iu's of vitamin D3 per lb. of bodyweight. Hence if you weight 200 lbs = take 200,000 ius. You can pick up 5,000 iu D3 at most vitamin stores to make the number of pills less. Take in one dose for next three days. By end of day one you will feeling much better, believe me, just did it myself.