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Fertility appointment, what can I admit to


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Aug 24, 2007
Both mid 30s. I’ve been off everything for a good 4-5 years. Have been trying to conceive for 1.5 years. She has checked out fine. I have low counts and poor motility. I used decent amounts from 20-30, competing.

Test: ranges 400-600
Lh and Fsh range 2-3
Estrodiol has always been good
standard blood work, lipids, thyroid, etc all good

I have self medicated with clomid and hcg for the past 2 years. I’ve been trying to acquire hmg.

Have a fertility specialist appointment soon. Can I say an HRT clinic prescribed me hcg or clomid? Is that realistic. I want to be open to what I’ve used so he doesn’t try to put me on stuff or a regimen I’ve been doing for over 2 years? But I also don’t want it to be documented in my medical records that I’ve self medicated.

Is it realistic to say an hrt clinic put me on hcg or clomid for short term fertility safe hrt? Or should I just shut up and roll with the punches even if it delays everything more.

I am also taking all the recommended vitamins and minerals like vit c, Coq10, carnitine, etc.
I do agree I would not want to restart it all and I'd want them to be aggressive if I'm in your shoes. I think it would be perfectly to say something along the lines "there are a lot of online mens clinics so I've gone through a few of them over the last year and a half and I've been able to get clomid and hcg" and then tell them what you take.

When I started my pregancy protocol I got an rx from an online place real easy. I would just tell them the above and what doses etc. you've been taking.
I was 100% honest with the fertility specialist that I saw. They deal with this everyday. The doctor I saw was very understanding and wasn’t judgmental.
My doctors know everything I do

And they know that I don’t care what they think 😎
Since you sperm count was low, you probably want to be honest. Its the best way for them to help you.
Both mid 30s. I’ve been off everything for a good 4-5 years. Have been trying to conceive for 1.5 years. She has checked out fine. I have low counts and poor motility. I used decent amounts from 20-30, competing.

Test: ranges 400-600
Lh and Fsh range 2-3
Estrodiol has always been good
standard blood work, lipids, thyroid, etc all good

I have self medicated with clomid and hcg for the past 2 years. I’ve been trying to acquire hmg.

Have a fertility specialist appointment soon. Can I say an HRT clinic prescribed me hcg or clomid? Is that realistic. I want to be open to what I’ve used so he doesn’t try to put me on stuff or a regimen I’ve been doing for over 2 years? But I also don’t want it to be documented in my medical records that I’ve self medicated.

Is it realistic to say an hrt clinic put me on hcg or clomid for short term fertility safe hrt? Or should I just shut up and roll with the punches even if it delays everything more.

I am also taking all the recommended vitamins and minerals like vit c, Coq10, carnitine, etc.
Everything, you need to add PQQ, tons of fish oil, dhea, and the co a 10 is solid but I ran Tripple the dose with PQQ that’ll fix the motility and size, or it did for me and I was 41-42 with test at 0 LH/fsh 0 and way more gear. I did have HMG and 1,000 of HCG daily for a few months. I had 0 swimmers at first then poor then rock stars now a 2 year old and another due in March. Don’t waste time and don’t be afraid to take more HCG if they don’t hit that 1,000 a day bc that was the sweet spot for count.
Everything, you need to add PQQ, tons of fish oil, dhea, and the co a 10 is solid but I ran Tripple the dose with PQQ that’ll fix the motility and size, or it did for me and I was 41-42 with test at 0 LH/fsh 0 and way more gear. I did have HMG and 1,000 of HCG daily for a few months. I had 0 swimmers at first then poor then rock stars now a 2 year old and another due in March. Don’t waste time and don’t be afraid to take more HCG if they don’t hit that 1,000 a day bc that was the sweet spot for count.
Marssel, what mg's a day were you dosing the PQQ ?
If you tell him everything, be prepared to have that in his notes and to NEVER allow them to pull your personal records from that Dr ever.
I chatted it up with my former fertility doc and had to tell my life insurance that I 'made a mistake' and actually never saw him....the Dr's notes were full of our gear discussions and i basically told the life insurance places that I made a mistake and never saw the Doc. Unnecessary stress.

im not trying to solve this problem for you, but the collective BBing knowledge on get fertile again is BETTER and more advanced than whatever doc you are going to see. He basically told me clomid first, then HCG, then wait forever. And i was well aware that HCG+HMG and just beating that like a dead horse always works. I regret following his advice and coming off of test altogether as i followed his advice for 6 months then said fuck it and listened to Bostin Lloyd's and Dante's protocol. BOTH worked and are far better.
If you tell him everything, be prepared to have that in his notes and to NEVER allow them to pull your personal records from that Dr ever.
I chatted it up with my former fertility doc and had to tell my life insurance that I 'made a mistake' and actually never saw him....the Dr's notes were full of our gear discussions and i basically told the life insurance places that I made a mistake and never saw the Doc. Unnecessary stress.

im not trying to solve this problem for you, but the collective BBing knowledge on get fertile again is BETTER and more advanced than whatever doc you are going to see. He basically told me clomid first, then HCG, then wait forever. And i was well aware that HCG+HMG and just beating that like a dead horse always works. I regret following his advice and coming off of test altogether as i followed his advice for 6 months then said fuck it and listened to Bostin Lloyd's and Dante's protocol. BOTH worked and are far better.
Listen to this man above!!!! ☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾

Listen to this man above!!!! ☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾

Doesn’t HIPPA prevent your records from an insurance company? I have a big policy and my docs have heard some stories, insurance was labs, BP, drug and nicotine test.
If you tell him everything, be prepared to have that in his notes and to NEVER allow them to pull your personal records from that Dr ever.
I chatted it up with my former fertility doc and had to tell my life insurance that I 'made a mistake' and actually never saw him....the Dr's notes were full of our gear discussions and i basically told the life insurance places that I made a mistake and never saw the Doc. Unnecessary stress.

im not trying to solve this problem for you, but the collective BBing knowledge on get fertile again is BETTER and more advanced than whatever doc you are going to see. He basically told me clomid first, then HCG, then wait forever. And i was well aware that HCG+HMG and just beating that like a dead horse always works. I regret following his advice and coming off of test altogether as i followed his advice for 6 months then said fuck it and listened to Bostin Lloyd's and Dante's protocol. BOTH worked and are far better.

You guys saying “telling the dr everything” are out of your minds.
Going through a fertility clinic is extremely expensive and there protocols are mostly outdated. Just save your money and buy good hmg it makes a huge a difference. I was 30 and completely shut down and just ran a heavy cycle before starting my protocol. I ran aggressive protocol from the get go and got my wife pregnant in 7 months. I also stayed on trt. I ran hmg, hcg, low dose letro, clomid last 3 months and ran any supplement that showed benefits for fertility and as crazy as it sounds iced my balls for 30 mins a day. I just said fuck it and did the kitchen sink protocol
Doesn’t HIPPA prevent your records from an insurance company? I have a big policy and my docs have heard some stories, insurance was labs, BP, drug and nicotine test.
If I’m not mistaken Life Insurance does not have to follow the privacy and security rules defined by HIPPA. There’s grey areas around life insurance policies and as such, life insurance companies may legally request information that’s normally protected under HIPPA.

I personally would never admit to anything and let the Dr start from scratch even if ive tried what he is telling me to do.

Why because I won't ever know if what I got from a sponsor was real I don't care how much you trust them

Two- even if it was I'm let the Dr find out for himself and then change things around for me accordingly till he fixes the problem.

I Would never admit to any insurance that I took any drugs without a script and experimented myself

That's just me
I look at it as a process not a race.as long as I get what I want at the end which in this case is to get my girl pregnant.

Now if age is a problem meaning your too old to waste time in the process well then that's different
Both mid 30s. I’ve been off everything for a good 4-5 years. Have been trying to conceive for 1.5 years. She has checked out fine. I have low counts and poor motility. I used decent amounts from 20-30, competing.

Test: ranges 400-600
Lh and Fsh range 2-3
Estrodiol has always been good
standard blood work, lipids, thyroid, etc all good

I have self medicated with clomid and hcg for the past 2 years. I’ve been trying to acquire hmg.

Have a fertility specialist appointment soon. Can I say an HRT clinic prescribed me hcg or clomid? Is that realistic. I want to be open to what I’ve used so he doesn’t try to put me on stuff or a regimen I’ve been doing for over 2 years? But I also don’t want it to be documented in my medical records that I’ve self medicated.

Is it realistic to say an hrt clinic put me on hcg or clomid for short term fertility safe hrt? Or should I just shut up and roll with the punches even if it delays everything more.

I am also taking all the recommended vitamins and minerals like vit c, Coq10, carnitine, etc.

are you going to admit to gear use? if so just say you have a bodybuilder friedn who is also an MD who recommended clomid and HCG so you have used them at XYZ dose for XYZ time. I doubt the fertility specialist will go spend his time trying to inquire where and how you obtained them.
are you going to admit to gear use? if so just say you have a bodybuilder friedn who is also an MD who recommended clomid and HCG so you have used them at XYZ dose for XYZ time. I doubt the fertility specialist will go spend his time trying to inquire where and how you obtained them.
I don't think the Dr cares where he got them or not. But more concerned on treating him after his been treating himself
If I’m not mistaken Life Insurance does not have to follow the privacy and security rules defined by HIPPA. There’s grey areas around life insurance policies and as such, life insurance companies may legally request information that’s normally protected under HIPPA.

Huh those creepy fuckers it’s a shame if you’re a recovered drunk you’re a hero but if you take test you’re a villain. No slight to the sober man, I saw a child pedo got 10 the other day and my sentence guidelines for deca possession started at 10-25 years, no priors and a semi decorated veteran.

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