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First Comp Prep


Feb 18, 2019
Hey Guys, :)
I'm a newbie as a forum member, so please don't be rude, sorry if I'm doing anything wrong.
So there is my first thread about my first comp ever.
This is my 4th cycle, I'm writing everything below in details.
It's my first shot with MTS products, they have interesting mix, so why not, as it's complicated to get legit sources in Australia.
I have a coach for this Prep, so for this reason I'm not dropping my training or diet.
I have a fast metabolism, so I cut down very easily.

Current condition:
Age: 24
Weight: 82kg
Height: 172cm
BF: ~12%

There is my cycle plan:
•Week 1-2:
-Test Propionate: 200mg (2ml) EOD
-Arimidex: 0,25mg EOD

•Week 3-9:
-Test Propionate: 150mg (1,5ml) EOD
-*Shredded mix: 151mg (1ml) EOD
-Anavar: 50mg (1tab) ED
-Proviron: 25mg ED
-Arimidex: 0,25mg EOD
-HCG: 250mcg E3D

•Week 10-12:
-Anavar: 50mg ED
-Winstrol: 50mg ED
-Shredded mix: 151mg (1ml) ED
-Proviron: 50mg ED
-Letrozole: 1,25mg EOD
-HCG: 250mcg E3D

Additional product:
Clenbuterol: 40mcg Preworkout (from week 1)
Zaditen: 1mg ED

Cycle support:
-Desmodium: 10ml morning/10ml pre-bed ED
-Liv52 DS: 3 tabs ED
-Liver&Organ defender: 9tabs ED
-5g of taurine preworkout

Cycle comments:
I'm training late afternoon, the oral dosage is splitting in 3 doses, morning/noon/pre-workout.
I was having blood test every 2-3 weeks mainly to check my liver enzymes, as I was taking oral, and in addition of that Shredded Mix contain Methyl-tren that can be very toxic for the liver.
Some of you might say "ohhhh running oral for 10 weeks thats way too much", yeah so for this reason I was having blood test regularly, and ready to switch the Shredded mix with some Tren A/Masteron propionate.

*shredded mix:
-50mg Tren Acetate
-50mg Masteron Propionate
-50mg Trestolone Acetate
-1mg Methyl-tren

I'm going to post a weekly update, feel free to ask me anything.

:st:r-wars :st:r-wars :st:r-wars
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Welcome brother!

What is your purpose / reasoning for running HCG during this cycle?
Looks pretty good, I would prefer not to run the clen the entire prep unless you are seriously out of shape, also I feel someone prepping for the first time should probably do a longer diet, but that's just my opinion
that's an awfull long time to run methyl tren imo.

But test them every few weeks and see how you get on
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Looks pretty good.
Best advice I ever got, and I ever gave was "Keep it simple, don't overthink it"
I have a coach for this Prep, so for this reason I'm not dropping my training or diet.

you dont want to list the secret a, b, c but will list D, e, f ?

you have a coach? so.... secret diet or training youre doing that you cant drop? ??????? but the drug cycle no worries??
im just very confused at this, as I see advice, inevitably, coming through that will contradict what your coach is telling you to do. He/She has a relationship with you, learned about you, your habits, you lifestyle etc
if you need to do this, get a new coach
I can tell you, it is infuriating, as a coach, to have clients do this
trust me, the coach should be telling you everything you need

If this is a log, just to log, apologies, but if its for info to bounce off the advice from your coach, you're doing them dirty
Looks pretty good, I would prefer not to run the clen the entire prep unless you are seriously out of shape, also I feel someone prepping for the first time should probably do a longer diet, but that's just my opinion

Thank for the advice, might not running clen the entire prep, will see how the shape will be.
Regarding the diet, I started 4 weeks before, by decreasing slowly the calories.
you dont want to list the secret a, b, c but will list D, e, f ?

you have a coach? so.... secret diet or training youre doing that you cant drop? ??????? but the drug cycle no worries??
im just very confused at this, as I see advice, inevitably, coming through that will contradict what your coach is telling you to do. He/She has a relationship with you, learned about you, your habits, you lifestyle etc
if you need to do this, get a new coach
I can tell you, it is infuriating, as a coach, to have clients do this
trust me, the coach should be telling you everything you need

If this is a log, just to log, apologies, but if its for info to bounce off the advice from your coach, you're doing them dirty

I got your point bro, I made myself the cycle, and he approved it. I've been reading and learning for a long time about products and cycles.
So I made myself this cycle, not my coach, for this reason I share it.
I made this thread to share the experience with you guys, and see how this cycle is going.
So I'm not asking for anything, just to sharewith you :)
Week 3: Day 1
Weight: 81,2kg

I didn't drop much weight, mainly because I'm holding a bit of extra water because the test.
I'm introducing the Anavar and the Shredded mix, and reducing the Test Propio to 150mg EOD
Feeling a kick from the Shredded mix, lets the game beggin.
7 weeks out :headbang:
Weight: 80,1kg

I can see the falt melting, I start to feel a bit tired during the day, the nap is mandatory every day after before I hit the gym.
I'll do a blood test next week to check if everything is alright.

I think you look pretty good. That's just my opinion. It's hard to tell sometimes in pictures. You would probably look even better in person. Good job so far.
I think you look pretty good. That's just my opinion. It's hard to tell sometimes in pictures. You would probably look even better in person. Good job so far.

Thanks man I appreciate. Yeah Hard to tell on pictures, I don't look very big on picture apparently, well that's funny, because I find myself skinny in real life
6 weeks out :)
Weight: 77,9kg

I haven't posted earlier as I had a food poisoning.
So I look and feel very flat, but I'm very surprised my strenght is not decreased.
I'll keep a positive mind, my veins are popping up very nicely :headbang:

I'm very happy with the aggression I have during my workouts, I'm feeling very happy with the "Shredded" mix, this product is just awesome.

5 weeks out :cool:
Weight: 77,2kg :star-w:rs

Dayum that stuff from MTS is no joke, I never been atracted to mixed products, but that Shredded mix is hands down my fav product !!
The only thing is, I'm sweating like crazy with it, so I'm wearing black t-shirt every day lol

My libido wasnt the best last week, so I increased (last weekend) the Test P from 150mg EOD to 200mg EOD.

I got the results from my blood work, everything is fine excepted my Liver enzymes that are a bite above the average, but nothing terrible:
-ALT (SGPT): 69 iu/L (average 7-40)


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