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First HGH Blast


New member
Jun 7, 2009
At the moment, I m planning my first HGH blast ever. I m into bodybuilding since around 26 years. I m now 45 years old.

I always was and been an enhanced Athlete. I never was super sensitive to side effects.

My dosages mostly where in a range of

1000 - 1500mg Test E/week
300 - 600mg Deca/week
sometimes lower dose Tren for a few weeks in the range of around 200mg/week

Orals in the past, I used everything. But since around 4 years, I only stay with Oxymetholone. Because it s doing nothing bad with my blood values and brings a lot

I think I also stayed healthy for this long time, because I never overdoing things with crazy dosages and too toxic compounds. And sure genetic also plays a crucial role when it comes to side effects.

Sorry for this long intro.

The last time hgh, is back around 15 years or so. It was around 4 iu a day. For around 4 months or so. For me not worth it, compared to the costs.

But now, I really would like to try a blast for 8 months. I think 8 months are a good time span. If someone got recommendations about the time span, please let me know.

I want to do 10 iu daily. So 70 iu a week. Monday Tuesday Friday.

So my questions would be:

The single dosages would be really high. And I remember that Derek showed a study where at around 19 iu single dosage there is no further benefit.

And I need to add Insulin. I always use, when I use it, Novorapid. All above 5 iu makes me feel really uncomfortable. Also I would never take it pre workout. I never felt comfortable with this idea. Normally I use it post workout. First my Shake, with Carbs and Protein. 1 hour later my meal. And with this meal, I take 4 iu. I never went hypo. I tried many various protocols in the last years. And this one was the best for me

What would you recommend when it comes to the right Insulin dosage? And single dose of this, in my opinion, high HGH dosage?

I also got tons of metformin if needed.

Sure I will stack this with AAS in my usual dosages I take.

Thank you for your time!!!
Absolutely do not start GH with 10iu because you will only have side effects. I suggest you start with 4-5iu and slowly increase the dose by 1iu every 3-4 weeks if you do not face side effects. There is a great topic about the use of insulin, started by @bbxtreme in which basically everything is written
Absolutely do not start GH with 10iu because you will only have side effects. I suggest you start with 4-5iu and slowly increase the dose by 1iu every 3-4 weeks if you do not face side effects. There is a great topic about the use of insulin, started by @bbxtreme in which basically everything is written
Thank you very much for your answer!

Sorry, I forgot to mention, that I will titrate the dosage slowly up. Not start blasting from the beginning with 10 iu.

I will take a look on the link you sent. Eventually it s a thread about insulin I missed totally. Thank you so much!
At the moment, I m planning my first HGH blast ever. I m into bodybuilding since around 26 years. I m now 45 years old.

I always was and been an enhanced Athlete. I never was super sensitive to side effects.

My dosages mostly where in a range of

1000 - 1500mg Test E/week
300 - 600mg Deca/week
sometimes lower dose Tren for a few weeks in the range of around 200mg/week

Orals in the past, I used everything. But since around 4 years, I only stay with Oxymetholone. Because it s doing nothing bad with my blood values and brings a lot

I think I also stayed healthy for this long time, because I never overdoing things with crazy dosages and too toxic compounds. And sure genetic also plays a crucial role when it comes to side effects.

Sorry for this long intro.

The last time hgh, is back around 15 years or so. It was around 4 iu a day. For around 4 months or so. For me not worth it, compared to the costs.

But now, I really would like to try a blast for 8 months. I think 8 months are a good time span. If someone got recommendations about the time span, please let me know.

I want to do 10 iu daily. So 70 iu a week. Monday Tuesday Friday.

So my questions would be:

The single dosages would be really high. And I remember that Derek showed a study where at around 19 iu single dosage there is no further benefit.

And I need to add Insulin. I always use, when I use it, Novorapid. All above 5 iu makes me feel really uncomfortable. Also I would never take it pre workout. I never felt comfortable with this idea. Normally I use it post workout. First my Shake, with Carbs and Protein. 1 hour later my meal. And with this meal, I take 4 iu. I never went hypo. I tried many various protocols in the last years. And this one was the best for me

What would you recommend when it comes to the right Insulin dosage? And single dose of this, in my opinion, high HGH dosage?

I also got tons of metformin if needed.

Sure I will stack this with AAS in my usual dosages I take.

Thank you for your time!!!
I think you will find that HGH gives way better results now than it did 15 years ago. I didn’t see much benefit when I was younger, but at age 47 I love it now.
At the moment, I m planning my first HGH blast ever. I m into bodybuilding since around 26 years. I m now 45 years old.

I always was and been an enhanced Athlete. I never was super sensitive to side effects.

My dosages mostly where in a range of

1000 - 1500mg Test E/week
300 - 600mg Deca/week
sometimes lower dose Tren for a few weeks in the range of around 200mg/week

Orals in the past, I used everything. But since around 4 years, I only stay with Oxymetholone. Because it s doing nothing bad with my blood values and brings a lot

I think I also stayed healthy for this long time, because I never overdoing things with crazy dosages and too toxic compounds. And sure genetic also plays a crucial role when it comes to side effects.

Sorry for this long intro.

The last time hgh, is back around 15 years or so. It was around 4 iu a day. For around 4 months or so. For me not worth it, compared to the costs.

But now, I really would like to try a blast for 8 months. I think 8 months are a good time span. If someone got recommendations about the time span, please let me know.

I want to do 10 iu daily. So 70 iu a week. Monday Tuesday Friday.

So my questions would be:

The single dosages would be really high. And I remember that Derek showed a study where at around 19 iu single dosage there is no further benefit.

And I need to add Insulin. I always use, when I use it, Novorapid. All above 5 iu makes me feel really uncomfortable. Also I would never take it pre workout. I never felt comfortable with this idea. Normally I use it post workout. First my Shake, with Carbs and Protein. 1 hour later my meal. And with this meal, I take 4 iu. I never went hypo. I tried many various protocols in the last years. And this one was the best for me

What would you recommend when it comes to the right Insulin dosage? And single dose of this, in my opinion, high HGH dosage?

I also got tons of metformin if needed.

Sure I will stack this with AAS in my usual dosages I take.

Thank you for your time!!!

Like Luki said, 10 IU daily for first timer is going to be a bad time 90% of the time.

You can stick to 10 IU MWF with really good results or 2-5 IU daily. I would try both MWF and daily and see which one feels best for you. Once you are acclimated, you can experiment with doses over 5 IU.

Your body will usually respond very well to the above doses at first, there is no reason to jump into the deep end of the pool from the start. You can max out your gains and then increase dose later.
Like Luki said, 10 IU daily for first timer is going to be a bad time 90% of the time.

You can stick to 10 IU MWF with really good results or 2-5 IU daily. I would try both MWF and daily and see which one feels best for you. Once you are acclimated, you can experiment with doses over 5 IU.

Your body will usually respond very well to the above doses at first, there is no reason to jump into the deep end of the pool from the start. You can max out your gains and then increase dose later.
Thank you!!!

I will give it a try. Starting slowly with 5 iu and up the dose for 1 iu weekly. If it is too much, I will go back, and do a further week. And try it again.

Because the MWF Protocol...from the study I saw, it would be the better variant. But once I m at 10iu daily, I really don't know if it is a good idea, because the study Derek showed, with the 19iu daily "Limit".

Thank you for sharing your experiences!!!

@Muay Thai
Thank you for the info! I will do a search for the infos slesh posted here.
Absolutely do not start GH with 10iu because you will only have side effects. I suggest you start with 4-5iu and slowly increase the dose by 1iu every 3-4 weeks if you do not face side effects. There is a great topic about the use of insulin, started by @bbxtreme in which basically everything is written
What Luki states here is absolutely true.

I have been on 2iu a day for about 2.5 years and decided to bump it just because to 10iu a day (5iu upon waking and 5iu at bedtime). Worst mistake ever, the hands going to sleep and the water retention alone made it not worth it.

Going back down to 2iu upon waking and 2iu at bedtime and I’ll titrate up from there.
Lets not call it a blast. If you are going to take GH, you should probably commit to it long term.
It is nothing like gear.

I called it a "blast" because the dosage 😁 I know for some, 10iu daily is nothing but it s my max I ever would take. And imo a really huge daily dosage.

I will do the 10 iu for 8 months, plus the couple of weeks I need to go from 5 iu to 10 iu.

When it comes to Novorapid, I will see during BG control, if I need to go higher than my usual 4 iu.

Thank you so much to all your replies!!! As everyone can see in my profile, I don't write a lot here in the forum, but I m here since so many years and it s my number 1 Forum...the community and the knowledge here...amazing! I really appreciate your help!
What Luki states here is absolutely true.

I have been on 2iu a day for about 2.5 years and decided to bump it just because to 10iu a day (5iu upon waking and 5iu at bedtime). Worst mistake ever, the hands going to sleep and the water retention alone made it not worth it.

Going back down to 2iu upon waking and 2iu at bedtime and I’ll titrate up from there.

Why you choosed a 2 time a day regime over 1 time? Do you think it was more beneficial for reaching your goals?
Why you choosed a 2 time a day regime over 1 time? Do you think it was more beneficial for reaching your goals?
In fact, as we have written here more than once - it does not matter much - during the offseason, one large dose before or after training will provide the highest IGF pulse in combination with insulin, and during cutting, more small doses during the day will result in better lipolysis
In fact, as we have written here more than once - it does not matter much - during the offseason, one large dose before or after training will provide the highest IGF pulse in combination with insulin, and during cutting, more small doses during the day will result in better lipolysis
This is why I choosed a 1 time daily regime. After workout, than around 30 min later, the Novorapid. I want the highest IGF1 Puls. Something DatBTrue also mentioned in one of his many writings years ago. Because I m not into the better lipolysis. Cutting is not my goal.
This is why I choosed a 1 time daily regime. After workout, than around 30 min later, the Novorapid. I want the highest IGF1 Puls. Something DatBTrue also mentioned in one of his many writings years ago. Because I m not into the better lipolysis. Cutting is not my goal.
Does it cause a higher IGF-1 peak but lower average systemic IGF-1? When I switched to IM vs SC I got more sides, and I took that as it was working better IM than SC, also, I'm only able to handle a 30iu bolus right now, when I switch to 15iu AM, 15iu PM the sides get too bad, and I take that as it's working better to split dose, I also assume that my systemic IGF-1 is higher with split dosing, but I've seen extensive evidence showing that on low or mid doses, a bolus or AM/PM don't produce much different systemic IGF-1, MightyMouse on Meso was testing the shit out of himself several years ago in the opti thread.

I also stopped worrying so much about my insulin timing with my bolus, it doesn't seem to matter much, and stuff that makes me adhere to strict time constraints just becomes a nuisance after a while for .01% more gains over several years

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