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First Humalog Injection


New member
Jun 8, 2002
Ok, I finally got it, took long enough, I went and did legs, came home drank 45grams of dextrose, 30 grams of whey, injected 5iu's, (starting slowly), then I drank another 45grams of dextrose, 30grams of whey, with 10grams of creatine, and 20grams of gluatime. It has been about 15mins, and Im feeling pretty normal, i was expecting to feel sleepy.Maybe it is early still. I guess at about the 30-40 min mark Im gonna have some complex carbs, and 60grams of whey, and then go on with my day. I will keep you all posted/

Just in case your wondering Im alive and well, I didnt feel diffrient, tired, or hypo at all. I guess with 5iu's and 100grams of carbs with 60grams of whey post workout that was more then enough. I also had 1 cup of oats, and 2 scoops of whey a the 30 min mark. Thanks for all the help guys.
It's always good to hear when someone "survives" their first experience! :D

agreed xcel my first use of slin was today and im not dead either lol

I was wondering, Should I lower my post workout shake to match the 10grams of carbs per 1 iu of slin. So take 10carbs per iu of slin, with my protein, creatine, gluatmine, wait 30mins eat a solid meal, and then the slin is gone. Or just keep eating the normal 100 grams of carbs post workout even if it is over.
I am to try

My boy I bounce with swears by insulin, and he's a short cock strong mug. He was like"It will put an extra 10 pounds on you no question"
So that got me thinking to try it. Which I might.
How many vials do I need?
I just don't want to fuck myself up but after all the reading I've done on this site I feel pretty good about trying it.

Oh how long til you start seeing results and how long should you run it.

I live in the us, and I ordered mine from canada took about 10 business days, today is my first day, so I will let you know when i start to feel it. I think 1 bottle is fine, cuz 1 bottle is 1000iu, im not an expert so dont take my word on everything, im learning like you.
Thanks vitor I see you post alot here ,so I trust your judgement I to was going to order mine from canada. My friend says he just walks in the pharm and buys it, that AND his pins, he's got more balls than me, yeah it's legal but I feel funny doing it. I am going to call hm to ask can he get me 1 bottle since that is all I need I guess I would start out light like 6 IU after each workout to see if that gives me a kick. I am looking to add it to my next cycle hopefully it will add the "10 pounds extra" like my friend said.
We bounce together on saturdays so hopefully he will have it by then.
Oh I live in new york.
anabolicdragon said:
Oh I live in new york.
I thought a script was required to buy pins in New York and California?!?!
xcelbeyond said:

I thought a script was required to buy pins in New York and California?!?!

Shit that is what I thought too, but he claims he walks in and buys them. I will find out more details and let you know, he could be lying but I doubt it I trust him.
xcelbeyond said:

I thought a script was required to buy pins in New York and California?!?!

I just spoke to my boy. He said that there are certain programs in New York state that allow pharm that particate in it to sell up to 10 pins at a time.
They do this becuase of all the drug addicts, AIDS and stuff so they don't want people reusing needles.

Makes sense now.
HE is picking up one bottle of Hum-R and 10 pins for me I get it saturday and start my cycle of Test, Deca, and Isln on monday.

10 weeks
Test 500mg's week
Deca 600mg's week
Isln 6iu after works only on workout days
Anadrol 4 weeks 50mg's day.

Any comments or ideas.
For whatever it's worth, on the pins in Georgia, the deal is that each pharm has "discretion" about "regular" IM pins. Usually this means in a nice suburban neighborhood if you look pretty clean cut and have a good story you can get them but will need a script in downtown Atlanta or any of the areas that are a little more high crime or whatever. BUT, the little insulin pins (which of course are identical to what you use for growth) can be gotten anywhere no prob.

nope i live in new york and there is no scrip needed to buy pins u can only but 10 at a time though butt its no Q's askd

It's cool where I live we could go down get boxes and boxes of pins for free, walk out with trolley loads, we just pay minimal fee now

I know the 10 carbs per IU rule, but for the second meal with humalog I have been taking around 50-70 grams of simple carbs with another whey shake about 1/2 hour later, so half of my post workout shake, then inject then the other, then 1/2 hour later, oats, rice, bread, whatever, and some chicken maybe some whey. Is there any 2nd meal requirements? And 1/2 hour after injection is the right time with humalog, that is what I have been doing and it appears to work no hypo.

Thanks for the help
So fellas have only been taking SLin on the days you workout???

For how long??? 4 weeks on 4 weeks off?? on that type of regimen, what can one look to gain if any?

Steak Helmet said:
So fellas have only been taking SLin on the days you workout???

For how long??? 4 weeks on 4 weeks off?? on that type of regimen, what can one look to gain if any?


I usually take the slin Mon to Fri, 4 weeks on, the followed by 4 weeks without, just the GH and gear.

I only worry about the first crash/meal with the 10g glucose/1IU insulin. Second meal, I just EAT!
I put on 10lbs a week, each week for the first 4 weeks. 5 lbs muscle, 3lbs water, 2lbs fat. After 4 weeks, I stop the insulin. I drpo all the water in a few days. I do 4 weeks of just gear and GH during which I lose the fat I added as well, so at the end of the 8 weeks I am lean and I solidly gained 20lbs of muscle.
I only use Hum-R as I find Humalog way too unpredictable.
Big A said:

I usually take the slin Mon to Fri, 4 weeks on, the followed by 4 weeks without, just the GH and gear.

I only worry about the first crash/meal with the 10g glucose/1IU insulin. Second meal, I just EAT!
I put on 10lbs a week, each week for the first 4 weeks. 5 lbs muscle, 3lbs water, 2lbs fat. After 4 weeks, I stop the insulin. I drpo all the water in a few days. I do 4 weeks of just gear and GH during which I lose the fat I added as well, so at the end of the 8 weeks I am lean and I solidly gained 20lbs of muscle.
I only use Hum-R as I find Humalog way too unpredictable.

DAMN 10lbs a week WOW.

I take it you are also on gear at the same time, or not?

BTW is it ok to use the powdered Ultra Fuel after the slin shot? It is maltodextrose, and fructose.
yes,I also like humalog lesults,but i stop it few weeks ago,i will add it for my last 4 week of cycle in monday! I will take 50mg winstrol ed+500mg t.suspensia a week+ 100mg primo a day !Also take 4 iu HGH! I need to add halotestin,but can't get it didn't got it so I will not take it!:(


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