big_byrd52 said:
OK, here is how to leave a messege...
fill in info, then u can choose ur own state if u wish, then select any county and add this zip code 08625-0080. Let the Gov know how brilliant his idea is
Just sent the ignorant ass fuck my opinions.... went like this :
"Hey Richard -
Since when did we get that Crystal Meth problem taken care of? Oh.. btw, when did we stop all the ecstasy usage? Damn, i almost forgot... that stuff called COCAINE? While we are at it… what about that TEEN ALCOHOL abuse problem?
Why in the hell would you waste your time conducting a task force for STEROIDS? Anabolics are LEGAL in almost every other CIVILIZED and non CIVILIZED nation on earth!
The are for PERSONAL GAIN - not to abuse and cause the problems that REAL drugs cause.
This is the MOST idiotic attempt of our government i have ever seen... but after all i guess its allot easier to deal with those "pretty boy" criminals rather then have to deal with REAL life criminals.
God you and the rest of this country need to get a freaking CLUE! Focus on REAL problems... stop masking the REAL problems with things that are SIMPLE and look good in your news papers.
Jesus - and this is America?
Man, this country is so full of SHIT! This shit is legal in almost every other country... if not legal, they dont give a shit either way.
Btw.. Byrd - what gives with the 08625-0080 zip code? I used it but dont know why you suggested to do so?