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For those on HRT, where do you get your test


New member
Dec 3, 2004
Just curious. It went smooth the first time I got it. Now, First they said come back in 4 day, when I returned they said come back after the 15th. So, 2 trips and I still don't have it. WTF...I thought the grey market was slow. It is a major drugstore chain.
CVS did not have anything but 1ml vials. Yeah 1ml. I called a mom and pop down the road, they had Watson. Just call around.
I do mail order from Medco. I think your insurance has to deal with them though. I never have an issue with availability. I get 3 months worth at a time and it takes between 5-7 buisness days which is no more than the host of other meds im now on.
A local compounding pharmacy sends me mine, they make their own brand of cyp.
Same thing....my doctor sends directly to a (non-chain) compounding pharmacy and it arrives in the mail (always on time)
I get mine from cvs, but a couple of other cvs stores nearby don't stock it. Go figure (unless my cvs stocks it because of me)
I know about 30 compound pharms that will mail deliver.
compound pharm - mail
I get mine from Walgreen's.
My endo swiched me from Delatestryl (5 mls $105) to Depo Test from Upjohn for ($190 10 mls) good thing insurance covers everything but $5.

CVS won't give out anything but generics -unless pushed, they filled my script once with Sandoz Generic Cyp one time and I told them no.
I get mine from Walgreen's.
My endo swiched me from Delatestryl (5 mls $105) to Depo Test from Upjohn for ($190 10 mls) good thing insurance covers everything but $5.

CVS won't give out anything but generics -unless pushed, they filled my script once with Sandoz Generic Cyp one time and I told them no.

That Sandoz brand is great. I used to use that. They have me on another generic that is just as good. Any one of them blows away any homebrew or UG stuff or "human grade" I ever bought on my own. Id use that anyday over the Upjohn. IMO youre just paying for the name there. Both are up to par with FDA regulations. I think its kinda like buying the Zertek brand stuff in the store instead of buying a bottle of 300 tabs at Costco for $20 or so. This sort of thing is what drives up the cost of health insurance for us all,imo.
I get mine from Walgreen's.
My endo swiched me from Delatestryl (5 mls $105) to Depo Test from Upjohn for ($190 10 mls) good thing insurance covers everything but $5.

CVS won't give out anything but generics -unless pushed, they filled my script once with Sandoz Generic Cyp one time and I told them no.

Massive G,

do you really believe that the depo test from Upjohn is that much better than HG generic cyp ? Im just curious as to why you think that...I get watson cyp, sadoz cyp, other brands...just depends on what comes in at Walgreens...
Massive G,

do you really believe that the depo test from Upjohn is that much better than HG generic cyp ? Im just curious as to why you think that...I get watson cyp, sadoz cyp, other brands...just depends on what comes in at Walgreens...

Ive used the Upjohn before and felt no different on it and my total test was the same either way. No difference as far as Im concerned.
Massive G,

do you really believe that the depo test from Upjohn is that much better than HG generic cyp ? Im just curious as to why you think that...I get watson cyp, sadoz cyp, other brands...just depends on what comes in at Walgreens...

No I don't think Upjohn is better than Sandoz or Watson.
I was cool with Sandoz but always request name brand just because my insurance pays for it the same as generic and I work for a Pharm company so I try to support them all vs the generics.

Now the biggest myth is that generics are the same as name brand in tablets and nothing is further from the truth for a lot of meds ..when something goes off patent..it's just the active itself..the formulations-coatings hardness excepients all are prop info.

This has caused problems in many patients that are forced to switch from name brand to generics in medications they can actually feel..like anti-depressants and generic T4 as well.
No I don't think Upjohn is better than Sandoz or Watson.
I was cool with Sandoz but always request name brand just because my insurance pays for it the same as generic and I work for a Pharm company so I try to support them all vs the generics.

Now the biggest myth is that generics are the same as name brand in tablets and nothing is further from the truth for a lot of meds ..when something goes off patent..it's just the active itself..the formulations-coatings hardness excepients all are prop info.

This has caused problems in many patients that are forced to switch from name brand to generics in medications they can actually feel..like anti-depressants and generic T4 as well.

Im curious, how long does a drug patent last?
Im curious, how long does a drug patent last?

The term is 20 years for a drug patent in the US and under special circumstances it can be expanded by 5 years. BUT the patent clock starts running the day the patent is approved. So if a company take 12 years to get it to market through research develoment and clinical trials. They only have 8 years of patent protection left.
Many companies will appeal to get the 5 years but very few get it.
It should be noted that for many products going off patent-the generic companies have their generic equivalent products approved and packed and will begin shipping pallets of product to the CDC supply centers at 12:01 the day the patent expires in which the pharmacies will start stocking their shelves the NEXT day.

I get in an argument with any pharmacist that tells me "generic" is the same thing, I flash my badge and tell them "NOT"..:D
Anyone know any good HRT/TRT docs in the Phoenix area. My current doc wants me to come back to the office every 14 days for an injection. Anyone else have a doc like that. I am 28 and total test is 130, said he will not give me any injections until my anemia is straightened out. I need help I feel tired and moody all the time, part of it is the anemia, but I think the low test is the major problem. I am also unemployed now, so I get plenty of rest. Anyone know if medicaid covers test scripts?
p.s. you can pm me about the doc
Local chain of compounding pharmacy for my Test Troche's and CVS for Watson Test Eth come in 200mg ml/5ml. Cost me $10 ea. Then I have my Thyroid Armour compounded at same local chain of compounding pharmacy $5 month and my Metformin is free at CVS as part of my health plan.

So HRT cost about $20 a month because the Eth is once EOW so last 2 months.
I use Walgreens also.I was getting Sandoz but they now stock Paddock labs which is equal based on lab work.

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