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Frank McGrath Details Near-Death Experience Before 2023 Mr. Olympia: “I Felt Myself Fading Away”


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2023
This is a true testament as to the importance of getting regular bloodwork done, what a close call!! Sounds like his health issues have become somewhat complex, reminiscent of the snowball effect. I wish him the best, sounds like this was a real wake up call and he's taking things more serious now, good for him.
Frank was born with one kidney, and not controlling his blood pressure and not doing blood tests (which was the norm in those days) led to its damage.

Anyone with a kidney who values their life expectancy, even with tests, should not dabble at these levels in BB.
Frank was born with one kidney, and not controlling his blood pressure and not doing blood tests (which was the norm in those days) led to its damage.

Hey luki, this story didn't have anything to do with his kidneys. I'm guessing you're speaking to a past issue. The crazy part of the story, had he gone home, he would have died. Reminds me of Dusty's story, same issue, and he was going to take a nap but someone, can't remember who, convinced him to go to the hospital. He would have died too, had he not sought medical help!
So is Frank on PD dialysis? Most on PD have to do 3-4 exchanges per "day" and it requires a special access port, usually in the abdomen.
Most who go the PD route last about 3-4 years before the exchanges just become too inconvenient. An AV fistula is usually the next mode of exchange, typically in a forearm with 3 trips to a dialysis center per week being the norm. So it sounds like he has stage 4 CKD likely as Luki mentioned...not controlling his BP over the years. Frank has really unusual veins, gets super vascular when he's at a low body fat %. Varicose veins? The bad injection resulted in a large hematoma at the shoulder that he still hadn't had treated as of this video so that was just a side complication. His low BP (and likely high HR) are classic signs of sepsis which is what "likely" caused his one and only kidney to shut down and need ICU care. The question is then, what caused Frank to go septic? They treated him with abx, blood transfusions and likely had a temporary fistula to do HD in the hospital. His gut shut down which is typical of opioids. He was c/o abdominal pain in the week leading up to his hospitalization. Was he already impacted? In order to do a colonoscopy which he alludes to having had done...you need to be completely cleaned out. Things just don't make sense here?!

My bet is Frank's already planning his next cycle.
So is Frank on PD dialysis? Most on PD have to do 3-4 exchanges per "day" and it requires a special access port, usually in the abdomen.
Most who go the PD route last about 3-4 years before the exchanges just become too inconvenient. An AV fistula is usually the next mode of exchange, typically in a forearm with 3 trips to a dialysis center per week being the norm. So it sounds like he has stage 4 CKD likely as Luki mentioned...not controlling his BP over the years. Frank has really unusual veins, gets super vascular when he's at a low body fat %. Varicose veins? The bad injection resulted in a large hematoma at the shoulder that he still hadn't had treated as of this video so that was just a side complication. His low BP (and likely high HR) are classic signs of sepsis which is what "likely" caused his one and only kidney to shut down and need ICU care. The question is then, what caused Frank to go septic? They treated him with abx, blood transfusions and likely had a temporary fistula to do HD in the hospital. His gut shut down which is typical of opioids. He was c/o abdominal pain in the week leading up to his hospitalization. Was he already impacted? In order to do a colonoscopy which he alludes to having had done...you need to be completely cleaned out. Things just don't make sense here?!

My bet is Frank's already planning his next cycle.
I don’t know about planning his next cycle, but this just might have humbled him. I do feel like there were some gaps in his story or he just didn’t touch on everything to get a clear picture.
I always got the impression he was on opiates. Don't remember what exactly made me think that specifically. His eyes did look doped up always. At least to me.

I doubt the guy stops juicing now, like what for? I'm sure he's known about his issues for years. He's talked about future dialysis for a while now.
i do believe he is/was known to party alot wich did not help things...
I found myself with Stan McQuay and Frank one night in a club in Miami and the amount of drugs ingested was fucking insane. This was back when I was 23-24 and a little stupid so popping 4-6 rolls in a night no biggie and I was floored by how little I took comparatively. Didn’t really speak to either guy but I was wrecked and they seemed pretty chill considering. I’ve always loved McGraths physique even before he blew and and he did bro got a lot bigger even if he had two kidneys he’s not a big framed guy especially for all that muscle
I found myself with Stan McQuay and Frank one night in a club in Miami and the amount of drugs ingested was fucking insane. This was back when I was 23-24 and a little stupid so popping 4-6 rolls in a night no biggie and I was floored by how little I took comparatively. Didn’t really speak to either guy but I was wrecked and they seemed pretty chill considering. I’ve always loved McGraths physique even before he blew and and he did bro got a lot bigger even if he had two kidneys he’s not a big framed guy especially for all that muscle
What’s a roll??
Man back in the 90's- 00's everyone was taking anything they could get their hands on. I'm not even sure if they quit or it was just me.
Hey luki, this story didn't have anything to do with his kidneys. I'm guessing you're speaking to a past issue. The crazy part of the story, had he gone home, he would have died. Reminds me of Dusty's story, same issue, and he was going to take a nap but someone, can't remember who, convinced him to go to the hospital. He would have died too, had he not sought medical help!
Talkin about the whole throwing up blood story ? have a friend who almost also died from this exact problem.
I always got the impression he was on opiates. Don't remember what exactly made me think that specifically. His eyes did look doped up always. At least to me.

I doubt the guy stops juicing now, like what for? I'm sure he's known about his issues for years. He's talked about future dialysis for a while now.
yeah he often had that "drowsy" look and slurred speach prob painkillers alot of guys use them cause of joint issues and get hooked.
Speaking of rolls, this powerlifter named Greg Panora said he pulled a world record deadlift on **EDIT**, **EDIT** and **EDIT**, small doses of each.

Says he knew a guy better than him who was a crackhead.

As long as you didn't combine crack with strippers you were fine. That's what they said at Westside.

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I wonder why things went pear-shaped between Frank and that Marrissa girl he was married to 🤔

Guess she’s with Logan Franklin now.. kinda strange to me… the whole ‘you married my former pound meat’

But to each their own
Speaking of rolls, this powerlifter named Greg Panora said he pulled a world record deadlift on **EDIT**, **EDIT** and **EDIT**, small doses of each.

Says he knew a guy better than him who was a crackhead.

As long as you didn't combine crack with strippers you were fine. That's what they said at Westside.

That was Jerry Obradovich aka "Jerry O"

Not sure if he was better but certainly a very good lifter!
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