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freezer and taste test


New member
May 20, 2007
I recieved what i do believe was some kind of oil,no gear.The taste was not one bit of a chemical taste.It was one of the 20ml deals.Also recieved some products with no labeling.This was due to a large tornado that ripped through their business.Dont know if anybody has additional feedback on this also.thanks,no crystalisation in freezer.
dont think these are real test someone else may have better info but the freezer test never worked for me even with real gear

not sure if you can test the product or not, but if it's from the company I believe it is, the gear is bunk. Either no, or very little product in it, and its been like that for months before their so called Tornado accident, then their no label bottles.

I don't know if you should throw it away, or just mix it with other stuff, so that you don't totally waste it?
Got the same stuff

Its bunk bro. took the prop for 4 weeks at 100mg ED and 600mgs of eq and tren E a week. I got nothing from it. They screwed quite a few people it seems.
I guess it's all a roll of the dice. I have received gear from the same people and have actually had good luck with it. I got the 20ml deal as well. Not sure how accurate the dosing is, but I have seen results. Shit, if it is bunk then my mind's been playing tricks on me and I can't wait to get some good stuff.
From here on end i am sticking with my regular on point sponsors.No more checking other sponsors out.I wonder what the requirements are for being a sponsor.It seems a good amount of new ones disapear.SCAMMers are coming and going from this board.
they were scammers.. and the gear was junk since january way before the tornado b.s. throw it away..
Yeah FUCK synergy ill just call em the fuck out got me for shit load still pissed about... Sorry if this is out of line but ill take a slap on the wrist. But someone has to say something. Surely someone has some info or info collectors on these guys????????????????????????????????????????????????????? If so it should be posted on some board
Bunk gear

I bought some of the tornado stuff w/o labels too, they should post synergy's info if they got over on so many of us. I haven't tried mine yet, I was stocking up for my next cycle and it's going to suck if it's all bunk.
I went for it also. I did however receive my gear. Of course he "forgot" to send the freebies but I reminded him and he came through. I will say the dosage is not what it should be. I've tried his Sust, test e and tren e. The test dosage is not what it should be. At 750/wk with the tren e I should have seen way more results besides more chest hair. Granted, I am seeing results, just not what I would expect. I'm going to finish the bottle and up the dose, since I have it I might as well. The tren is fair at best. Hell I even have some deca from them that I never opened, went to another sponsor and bought some more instead.
For those of us just reading this thread, could you please specify if this was The famous been around forever and legit UG called synergy, or a recent dealer using that handle?
dont think these are real test someone else may have better info but the freezer test never worked for me even with real gear

Exactly...have a friend who is big and he has tried it numerous times with nothing, so....:)
so, whats a good way to know if it is...sy**rgy..i got some of his early in the summer and the cds were different colors and got great results. then, i got some .. tes, dec, and they were all different colors..so, whats the best way other than the inevitable?
so, whats a good way to know if it is...sy**rgy..i got some of his early in the summer and the cds were different colors and got great results. then, i got some .. tes, dec, and they were all different colors..so, whats the best way other than the inevitable?

To be honest there are only 2 ways to find out...1) get it tested by a lab or 2) try it for a few months (see if you have sides, if not) than get blood work done. :)

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