Haha glad you guys like it, i would never steer a brotha wrong. Iv been using it for 7 months now, and still hasnt lost effectivness. Id like to see everyone try it, it is friggen amazing. If anyone on here is interested, you can always email me at
[email protected] and leave your mailing address.... il send you a few sample packs just let me know your from promuscle, i would love to give you all a chance to try it because its that good.
My favorite part is... you know how you do legs, but always quads first and have no energy left for hams after. Since you cant drink sizeon during squats or leg press cuz ul puke, i take it right after i finnish my compounds... strength comes right back, full pump, and i finnish off my quads STRONG w leg extensions and hammer my hams heavy n hard.
Oh yea, dont gulp it, thatl upset ur stomach quick iv tried that. Get a pump goin then start sippin on it for best results. If anyone likes to work out first thing in the AM, this one will suprise you. Drink it before bed, when you wake up you wont be flat likeyou normally are, you will actually wake up pretty full and ready to work out.