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Gear questionnaire 💪


Well-known member / Kilo Klub
Mar 7, 2016
Are you glad you started using aas?

How long have you been on gear ?

What’s your current weight ?

What was your weight before starting aas ?

Is there anything you would have done differently if you could go back in time related to gear ?

What are your favorite compounds ?

Positive side effects that came from you getting on gear ?

Negative side effects that you attribute to gear use ?

How has gear changed your life for the better?

What would you tell the youngsters who are debating on starting enhancements?
Are you glad you started using aas?
-For the most part yes ….

How long have you been on gear ?

-About 12 years off and on

What’s your current weight ?


What was your weight before starting aas ?


Is there anything you would have done differently if you could go back related to gear ?

-I would have waited until I reached atleast 20 years old or so. I started Way too young !!( listening to advice from the wrong people. I would have learned more about controlling e2 and prolactin. (So I wouldn’t have had to get gyno surgery that cost me thousands of $).

What are your favorite compounds ?
-Test, anadrol, Masteron, npp

Positive side effects that came from you getting on gear ?

-Bigger of course. More respect from people in general it seems. More confidence.

Negative side effects that you attribute to gear use ?

- A little Acne, fertility issues, high body temperature most of the time, sex drive insanely high which gets annoying at times. Spending a good amount of money on gear , more food than the average person to maintain my size or grow. Focused on always looking better which is annoying some times because some times I want to not focus on my body and just feel “normal” but my inner juice head won’t let me.

How has gear changed your life for the better?

- like I said earlier more respect from people. Confidence booster. Stronger overall.

What would you tell the youngsters who are debating on starting enhancements?

- I tell the young guys not to even think about it. Stick with creatine, protein powders and vitamins. At least until they get older and have years of training and eating right under their belt.
Are you glad you started using aas?
Yeah 100%

How long have you been on gear ?
10 years

What’s your current weight ?
224 lbs

What was your weight before starting aas ?

Is there anything you would have done differently if you could go back in time related to gear ?
Less orals

What are your favorite compounds ?
Primo, Mast, DHB, Anavar

Positive side effects that came from you getting on gear ?
So many. Confidence, strength, dedication to goals, more sex (lol), very useful when heavy shit needs moving, etc

Negative side effects that you attribute to gear use ?
Tren paranoia, and not taking girls seriously on tren. Blew up some relationships with people that were really cool. Some unneeded spending when I had less disposable income. Mild exercise addiction. Some liver damage.

How has gear changed your life for the better?
I went from skinny, shy dude to jacked, confident and outgoing - everyone wants to be friends with the jacked nerd lol.

What would you tell the youngsters who are debating on starting enhancements?
have your life and shit in order. Gear is a big commitment, especially with how retarded kids are these days. Don’t start unless you’d be in the gym for life even without gear. Get bloods frequently, get scans of your organs, don’t plan on the short term.
Are you glad you started using aas?

How long have you been on gear ?

What’s your current weight ?

What was your weight before starting aas ?
180 down to 137, up to a permabulked 255, long time at 220s then 200 or so, older now different goals 185 is my best weight

Is there anything you would have done differently if you could go back in time related to gear ?

More so not force the scale, less food, realistic expectations, train harder and smarter, should have used less and realized gear is only important when diet and training are optimal. Basically I fucked up training and diet not by giving less than 100 percent I just was always switching routines , diet, looking for a secret

What are your favorite compounds ?

Test, var, drol

Positive side effects that came from you getting on gear ?

Additional muscle, stay lean always

Negative side effects that you attribute to gear use ?

A few kidney scares, libido issues but only when I was too high bodyweight. No issues when I'm carrying less weight. Always worried about kidneys though

How has gear changed your life for the better?

Yes but it's the overall lifestyle..diet,.. health.. being fit...I want to look good feel good be healthy these days not try and compete with others be the biggest

What would you tell the youngsters who are debating on starting enhancements

Have realistic goals. Gear isn't magic it's just a tool to enhance you when diet and training are in point. There are exceptions I guess.
Are you glad you started using aas?
Double edged sword - If I only utilized responsibly then I would say yes. I didn't though, I abused the compounds and it nearly killed me.

How long have you been on gear ?

What’s your current weight ?
Off season weight 218-224, powerlifting up to 240, competition weight 208-212, fight weight 204 and under

What was your weight before starting aas ?

Is there anything you would have done differently if you could go back in time related to gear ?
Stay away from exotic compounds/peptides with no peer reviewed data. Focus on health and longevity. High dosages are for pros and suckers (not saying pros are suckers)

What are your favorite compounds ?
EQ, Anavar

Positive side effects that came from you getting on gear ?
Ability to perform physically at levels far outside of my biological limits

Negative side effects that you attribute to gear use ?
2013 I had a hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis (liver cancer) from the abuse of these compounds. I will also say "roid rage" or just temper is a real thing. I cannot believe anyone would ever say it isn't. My younger days I would frequently run a gram of tren per week, to include on deployments. The fact that I am not in prison astounds me.

How has gear changed your life for the better?
On a normal functioning scale it hasn't. It has allowed me to train for multiple unrelated events simultaneously though which allows me to fullfill and pursue multiple passions at once.

What would you tell the youngsters who are debating on starting enhancements?
Youngsters? Don't. Get with Jeff Nichols, Ross Edgley or others regarding your programming. Become a general well rounded athlete before you delve into bodybuilding. Fully explore multiple sports. Focus on longevity and health over "size". Girls in all sincerity don't give a shit. Are you funny? Can you carry a conversation? Are you interesting? Get really fucking great at a few skills/sports then modulate PEDs as needed.

Bodybuilding is for the boys and personal development. Know the reason why you decide to go down this path.
Are you glad you started using aas?

How long have you been on gear ?

What’s your current weight ?

What was your weight before starting aas ?

Is there anything you would have done differently if you could go back in time related to gear ?

What are your favorite compounds ?

Positive side effects that came from you getting on gear ?

Negative side effects that you attribute to gear use ?

How has gear changed your life for the better?

What would you tell the youngsters who are debating on starting enhancements?
I feel like a different person on gear, a better person in all aspects.
I started Tren E 200mg and Test E 300mg pinning twice weekly back in September of 2022.
My current weight is 162 lbs, height is 5’10”
Before gear I was about 145 lbs
The pros are I feel like I can accomplish any task, work related, personal things, etc
The cons are I get upset easier and I’ve gotten much quieter, I don’t speak out as often as I used too I’m much more introverted now but in my head I’m fighting every person in the building.
All said, I plan on blasting and cruising for 6 more months. Afterwards I’ll reevaluate where I’m at and decide if I want to continue the Tren E or try something else.
After 7 years of TRT mostly, with a little test/masteron blasts under 1g total here and there I can say the only cons would be the fertility aspect and the nuts shrinking up.

The lack of being fertile has also been a pro as well, no baby scares.

I don’t want any more kids I don’t believe but do sometimes wonder what if I did and the process of trying to regain that at a later point would likely suck.
I feel like a different person on gear, a better person in all aspects.
I started Tren E 200mg and Test E 300mg pinning twice weekly back in September of 2022.
My current weight is 162 lbs, height is 5’10”
Before gear I was about 145 lbs
The pros are I feel like I can accomplish any task, work related, personal things, etc
The cons are I get upset easier and I’ve gotten much quieter, I don’t speak out as often as I used too I’m much more introverted now but in my head I’m fighting every person in the building.
All said, I plan on blasting and cruising for 6 more months. Afterwards I’ll reevaluate where I’m at and decide if I want to continue the Tren E or try something else.

Sounds like your cons are likely all tren related.

Test makes me more assertive and social if anything.

Tren can too if literally everything is going my way. 😆

Are you planning to run tren for that time on plus another 6 months? That would definitely change who I am mentally. I couldn’t do it.
1. - Hell f’n yeah I am!
2. - Decades
3. - 265lb
4. - ~205lb
5. - Wish I would’ve done a bigger better cycle for my first one
6. - All AAS except Tren Base
7. - all positive
8. - nothing negative
9. - Hell yes AAS changed my life for the better
10. - For youngbloods; Get your shit together before you venture to the dark side.

Sounds like your cons are likely all tren related.

Test makes me more assertive and social if anything.

Tren can too if literally everything is going my way. 😆

Are you planning to run tren for that time on plus another 6 months? That would definitely change who I am mentally. I couldn’t do it.
Yes I do believe that the Tren E has changed the way I think about things and feel about certain things. But, I love the feeling it’s weird. I am planning on staying on the Tren and Test for the next 6 months then try something new. I’ve never used AAS before September and just jumped right into the Tren and Test when it became available to me. Im brand new to this stuff, never tried anything other than what I’m on now. I’m open to trying new things if you have any suggestions?
U should do more research at 165lbs and your first run with gear tren e for 6 months is not a smart idea
Yes I do believe that the Tren E has changed the way I think about things and feel about certain things. But, I love the feeling it’s weird. I am planning on staying on the Tren and Test for the next 6 months then try something new. I’ve never used AAS before September and just jumped right into the Tren and Test when it became available to me. Im brand new to this stuff, never tried anything other than what I’m on now. I’m open to trying new things if you have any suggestions
Are you glad you started using aas?
How long have you been on gear ?
Started 20 years ago. Been on steady for the last 10 years trt blast n cruise.
What’s your current weight ?
What was your weight before starting aas ?
Is there anything you would have done differently if you could go back in time related to gear ?
I would have designed cycles better based on the whole year. I would have used low dose slin earlier. Would have blasted harder when I was in my 20s.
What are your favorite compounds ?
Test pheraplex tren eq npp epistane var Mast cialis
Positive side effects that came from you getting on gear ?
Confidence, alpha feeling, better workouts, stronger body, drive
Negative side effects that you attribute to gear use ?
Dependency, losing hair, sex drive Rollercoaster, small gyno
How has gear changed your life for the better?
As a substance abuser, gear has been the lesser of evils. It gives me something to use but in a productive way. I think if I wasn't using gear I'd be using something else. The fact that I need to rely on hormones to function normally is a little dreadful but I choose this path
What would you tell the youngsters who are debating on starting enhancements?
Don't do it unless you have decided to be a professional physique competitor or strongman. If u are debating do alot of research and listen to others who have been on the dark side to see what a big decision it is and the possible outcomes when going to dark side.
I’m brand new, I have no experience in this world. What do you suggest? Is 6 months too long?


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